英语人>词典>汉英 : 手术期间的 的英文翻译,例句
手术期间的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与手术期间的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Laparoscope operation in treating hysteromyoma had less trauma, shorter operating time and staying days, and it can markedly reduce hemorrhage during the operation and antibiotic using after operation, and no lumbricoid epulosis was left on abdomen.


It makes some sense to carry out the surgery during the investigatory laparoscopy, as it avoids having to go through the procedure again at a later date.


"Endometrial ablation for menorrhagia permits uterine conservation in more than 80% of women over age 45 years when followed up to 8 years," the study authors write."For women aged younger than 40 years, probability of hysterectomy is 40%....Additional studies with longer follow-up are necessary to determine whether endometrial ablation is more likely to replace, or merely delay, hysterectomy in women aged younger than 40 years at the time of the procedure."


Compared to standard practice, NMBAS-guided carewas associated with improved NMB quality and higher TOF ratiosat the end of surgery, potentially reducing the risk of residualNMB and improving perioperative patient safety.

与常规相比, NMBAS 引导的管理与改善 NBM 品质和提高手术结束时 TOF 比值相关,可能降低 NMB 残余效应的风险和提高病人手术期间的安全性。

We analyzed the regular pattern of daily medicine cost change of operation inpatients during hospitalization in every group . the results indicated that the median line of daily medicine cost had similar regular pattern in operations on the nervous system , the musculoskeletal system , the nose , mouth , and pharynx system and the female genital organs system : the top of daily medicine cost median emerged on the day of operations ; the median of daily medicine cost was low in the period after operation , and the lowest in the period before operation . the median line of daily medicine cost of operations on the digestive system and the integumentary system keeped at a high level in the period of 1 - 6 days after operations

手术病人日药费随住院时间的变化规律按icd - 9 - cm类目表的15个系统大类将住院手术病人分为15组,分析了各系统手术病人住院期间日药品费用的变化规律,结果显示:神经系统、肌肉骨骼系统、鼻口咽系统和女性生殖系统手术的日药费中位数线图具有相似的变化规律:手术病人住院期间的日药费硕士学位论文中位数的峰值位于手术当日,且手术当日的日药费变异最大;术后住院日的日药费中位数明显降低;术前住院日的日药费中位数很低;消化系统和体被系统手术在手术当日及术后1 6天内的日药费中位数维持在较高的水平。

Methods and Results— Patients undergoing nonurgent PCI of a native coronary artery were randomized to receive adjunctive therapy with bivalirudin or UFH + eptifibatide.

作者对接受非紧急冠状动脉 PCI 手术的患者随机分组,分别给予比伐卢定或者低分子量肝素+依替巴肽的辅助治疗,观察PCI手术期间辅助治疗的应用对炎症标志物以及血小板活化的影响。

This research chooses the patient who beenoperated the panhysterectomy because uterus myoma as the research object, investigate assurance diagnosis and treatment the nursing item, make sure diagnosis and treatment the vital link of the process, from here design the clinical pathway for the patient during period of hospitalization of surgical operation of panhysterectomy.


Here we review the perioperative concerns surrounding surgery to remove adenomas and decompress the sellar space.


Summary: Prevention of paraplegia during the repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms and dissections present a substantial challenge to the operative team.


.to record the bp and hr15,30,45,60min in both groups.bp,hr were higher during anesthesia than before anesthesia significantly in control group;bp,hr were lower during anesthesia than before anesthesia significantly in observation group.discussion remifentail take from the bp,hr effectively during operation,reduce the blooding,ensure the operative field clean and maintain the hemodynamics tranquilization,so as to the operation go with a swing.


更多网络解释与手术期间的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿方索十三世为了表示对我父亲的信任和器重,还将我胞弟安德烈斯(ANDRES)收为义子. 但我胞弟后来因病在手术事故中去世. 我父亲任职期间,在厦门寮仔后的那座洋楼的底楼便作为西班牙驻厦门领事馆公署. 1924年,我父亲离任后,

chloral hydrate:水化氯醛

Joffe医师解释,我们回顾检视在这段期间内,每名新生儿所接受的所有鸦片类药物、苯二氮平类(benzodiazepines) 药物、k他命与水化氯醛(chloral hydrate) ,且加入我们的资料库,接著,校正心脏手术时的各种因素,如心脏病灶、术前与术后的疾病严重度、手术期间的因素等,


在大型医疗中心,诺伍德(Norwood)一期手术围手术期生存率约为80%~90%,但美国和加拿大多个医疗中心的平均生存率为50%~60%. 各期手术期间有患者死亡. 最近有研究显示,在两个大型医疗中心,采用两种不同的外科手术治疗有"一般风险"的左心发育不良综合征患者,

preanesthetic preparation:麻醉前准备

麻醉前准备(preanesthetic preparation)目的为保证病人在麻醉期间及围手术期的安全,减少麻醉后的并发症. 麻醉前准备内容包括:评估病人对麻醉的适应能力及可能发生的生理或病理生理变化;根据拟施行手术的范围和种类,决定麻醉方式与术中治疗措施,

Uterus Retroversion:子宫后屈

Uterus: Hysterectomy 子宫切除手术 | Uterus Retroversion 子宫后屈 | Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy 怀孕期间的阴道分泌


在此期间,你需要使用卫生棉(pad),以免弄污衣服,但不要使用卫生棉条(tampon),因为可能造成细菌感染. 我的感觉会怎么样? 像做完其它大手术一样,子宫切除术后,你可能会感到闷闷不乐或想哭. 这是正常的反应,医生和护士也明白.

anaphylactoid reaction:过敏样反应

过敏反应(anaphylactic reaction)和类过敏样反应(anaphylactoid reaction)是麻醉期间发生率较低,而一旦发生却对病人的生命有严重威胁的并发症.其发生过程有一定的必然性和偶然性,主要表现在:①病人在麻醉前存在对药物、辅佐剂及手术用品的致敏现象;

caesarean section:剖腹产术

看过觉得有感触就分享一下吧 让更多的人看到 不要让世界有更多这样可怜的孩子还有一个办法,叫做子宫切除术(hysterotomy),用在六到八个月期间,这个办法和 剖腹产术(Caesarean section)只有一个不同之处,整个手术是为了 MOU 杀婴儿,不是为了救他.