英语人>词典>汉英 : 戴花环 的英文翻译,例句
戴花环 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
garland  ·  garlanded  ·  garlanding  ·  garlands

更多网络例句与戴花环相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This moon has embraced them when they returned from the Arc de Triomphe, wearing a garland of it.


You probably saw the bunting on the garlands in the hall.


How did you know that I love red roses and that I prefer a wrist corsage ?


And there were the low Paumotus, and the high Marquesas; he saw himself often, now, on board trading schooners or frail little cutters, slipping out at dawn through the reef at Papeete and beginning the long beat through the pearl-atolls to Nukahiva and the Bay of Taiohae, where Tamari, he knew, would kill a pig in honor of his coming, and where Tamari's flower-garlanded daughters would seize his hands and with song and laughter garland him with flowers.


And there were the low Paumotus, the high Marquesas; he saw himself often, now, on board trading schooners or frail little cutters, slipping out at dawn through the reef at Papeete beginning the long beat through the pearl-atolls to Nukahiva the Bay of Taiohae, where Tamari, he knew, would kill a pig in honor of his coming, where Tamari's flower-garlanded daughters would seize his hands with song laughter garland him with flowers.

com 他常发现自己驾着做生意的大帆船或是脆弱的独桅快艇在黎明时分穿过帕皮提的环礁,开始远航,经过 ssbbww 产珍珠的珊瑚礁,驶往努卡西瓦和泰欧黑,他知道塔马瑞会在那儿杀猪欢迎他,而塔马瑞的围着花环的女儿们会抓住他的手,欢笑着,唱着歌给他戴上花环。

NEW YORK -- There's nobody nice on this Christmas list: snowman stabbers, Grinch snatchers, wreath-stealing weasels.


The idol was actually a wooden shaft with a mask attached, garlanded with ivy - perhaps the most common way of depicting Dionysus in the Greek world.


They garlanded the statue .


People are familiar with a ring of flowers wrapped around the neck upon arriving in Hawaii. Yes, the last photo is a very important flower in making the Hawaiian lei. It is the fragrant plumeria and people LOVE to put on leis, 50 flowers are needed to come up with a string.

人们对到达夏威夷围在脖子上的花环很熟悉,是的,上张照片上的就是制作夏威夷人戴在颈部花环很重要的花,它是具有香味的鸡蛋花,人们很喜欢拿来做成花环, 50朵花串成一个。

We welcome the seasons by the riverside, crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring, holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve, giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn, and throwing a holy wreath into the current in the winter.


更多网络解释与戴花环相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In me the cave-man clasps the seer:在我心内,穴居人攫取了先知

To dance with dream-enfranchised feet. 梦想解放出它们的双脚 舞蹈不停 | In me the cave-man clasps the seer, 在我心内,穴居人攫取了先知, | And garlanded Apollo goes 戴花环的阿波罗神


Hawaiian (夏威夷语) | hula :草裙舞,呼啦圈 | lei :夏威夷人戴在脖子上的花环


chaplet | 花冠, 念珠,项圈 | chapleted | 头戴着花冠(或花环)的 | Chaplin | 卓别林(英国电影艺术家,制片人,1889-1977)

And garlanded Apollo goes:戴花环的阿波罗神

In me the cave-man clasps the seer, 在我心内,穴居人攫取了先知, | And garlanded Apollo goes 戴花环的阿波罗神 | Chanting to Abraham's deaf ear. 向亚伯拉罕的聋耳唱叹歌吟.

offering garlands to the police:帮警察戴上花环

They're walking in the streets...|人们走上街头 | ...offering garlands to the police...|帮警察戴上花环 | ...and British soldiers.|还有英国军人

Caftans? - Yes, with orchid leis:穿长袖花衬衫 -没错,还戴兰花做的花环

putting on a caftan, reciting vows, and feeling superior to me.|穿长袖花衬衫,宣誓结婚 心中想着我比不上他们 | - Caftans? - Yes, with orchid leis.|-穿长袖花衬衫 -没错,还戴兰花做的花环 | Aloha.|"欢迎"

And yet again unclenched, and his head:他的头上戴着昙花编成的花环

Like poppies, and his hands he clenched tight, 他把双手紧握,然... | And yet again unclenched, and his head 他的头上戴着昙花编成的花环, | Was wreathed with moon-flowers pale as lips of death. 苍白的如同死...


lei :夏威夷人戴在脖子上的花环 | muumuu :夏威夷妇女的华丽长装 | amen :阿门(祈祷结束语,意"但愿如此")