英语人>词典>汉英 : 战壕 的英文翻译,例句
战壕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trench  ·  trenches

更多网络例句与战壕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trench warfare in World War I, lasting from 1914 to 1918, proved to be costly and frustrating for the commanders of both the Allied and Central Powers.


Whether a trenchcoat,balmacaan or windbreaker,it is a coverup that makes sensePoliticians love photo opportunities featuring helicopters, devastation and nifty windbreakersSan Francisco Chronicle


Whether a trenchcoat,balmacaan or windbreaker,it is a coverup that makes sensePoliticians love photo opportunities featuring helicopter s,devastation and nifty windbreakersbSan Francisco Chronicle


Whether a trenchcoat,balmacaan or windbreaker,it is a coverup that makes sensePoliticians love photo opportunities featuring helicopter s,devastation and nifty windbreakersSan Francisco Chronicle


Trench foot put more men out of action than Germ, an 88s, mortars, or machine-gun fire. During the winter of 1944-45, some 45,000 men had to be pulled out of the front line because of trench foot — the equivalent of three full infantry divisions.


What is the meaning of the trenches stomatitis, trench mouth inflammation translation, trenches stomatitis explain what is the trenches stomatitis, English-Chinese Dictionary Chinese-English two-way technology explained: trench mouth mouth .

战壕口炎是什么意思,战壕口炎翻译,战壕口炎解释,什么是战壕口炎,英汉汉英双向科技词典解释:trench mouth口腔。

What is the meaning of the trenches stomatitis, trench mouth inflammation translation, trenches stomatitis explain what is the trenches stomatitis, medical dictionary explanation: trench mouth .

战壕口炎是什么意思,战壕口炎翻译,战壕口炎解释,什么是战壕口炎,医学专业词典解释: trench mouth。

What is the meaning of the trenches stomatitis, trench mouth inflammation translation, trenches stomatitis explain what is the trenches stomatitis, Long Road, Chinese-English dictionary to explain:】【Medical trench mouth .

战壕口炎是什么意思,战壕口炎翻译,战壕口炎解释,什么是战壕口炎,朗道汉英字典解释: trench mouth。

Seeing the enemy off the face of a tank to turn Singapore Chong, Wen Jiayu carrying rocket-propelled grenades have been filled 60mm ammunition came from the trenches to explore, to hide out among the branches trench mouth warhead rockets.


Trenches-- Trenches can also act as sumps or diversion pits that can aid soil in absorbing rain and runoff.


更多网络解释与战壕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

firing step:战壕内供射击用的踏台

instruction field 指令字段[信息组] | firing step 战壕内供射击用的踏台 | transformation of local coordinates 局部坐标变换


foxglove /指顶花/ | foxhole /战壕/避弹坑/ | foxhound /猎狐用猎狗/


rntner Strasse)、战壕街(Graben)和科尔市场(Kohlmarkt)及其四周,聚集了大批的名牌商店、珠宝首饰行和香水市场. 施特弗(Steffl)商场不仅让您尽享购物的乐趣,还提供酒吧和餐饮服务. 美术馆、古玩店、各种国际品牌专卖店,

immersion foot:战壕足

浸没 immersion | 战壕足 immersion foot | 预防注射 immunization

I'm fucking tired of this maggoty stench:老子受够这条蛆虫遍布的战壕了

Fuck,i'm so fucking tired.|操 老子够... | I'm fucking tired of this maggoty stench.|老子受够这条蛆虫遍布的战壕了 | First they order us to push forward when we ain't got enough bodies,|开始嫌尸体太少 要...

Communicate well and often:良好而经常的沟通(与上级及同一个战壕的同事)

2. Remember the human element 铭记人总是第一位的 | 3. Communicate well and often 良好而经常的沟通(与上级及同一个战壕的同事) | 4. Think business 时时想起公司的总体战略和目标

trench fever:战壕热

皮聘(Pippin)大叫:托尔金参加第一次世界大战时,因战壕热(Trench Fever)病倒住院. 战壕热只是战时的传染病之一. 当时疟疾大流行,1916~1918 年英军罹患疟疾的人数高达16万,但同一时段死亡失踪或被俘的加起来还不到三万人. 虽然托尔金罹患的不是疟疾,

trench fever:战壕热[五日热]

震颤 NOS Tremor unspecified | 战壕热[五日热] Trench fever | 遗传性或先天性球形红细胞症 Trichilemmal cyst

trench foot:战壕足病

trench fever 战壕热 | trench foot 战壕足病 | trench knife 双刃短刀

Schanze f 1:战壕,掩体 2)滑雪跳台 3)后甲板

Schaendung f 1)耻辱 2)玷污,奸污 3)破相 | Schanze f 1)战壕,掩体 2)滑雪跳台 3)后甲板 | schanzen 筑工事,挖战壕