英语人>词典>汉英 : 战争的 的英文翻译,例句
战争的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
martial  ·  war  ·  warlike  ·  warred  ·  wars

更多网络例句与战争的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Comsumptionism more obvious. It is mainly reflected by the visualization, dramatization and recreationalization of the war.


The war was a complete subversion of the war in the past to attack ground-based understanding of the concept; the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the war, the US-led NATO forces did not put in ground troops, the use of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Precision guided weapons of indiscriminate bombing, eventually forcing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to yield more ground attack proved that the traditional mode of war will soon be empty by the Navy-led joint operations by replacement of the three services, ground troops in modern warfare status, others Gradually given way to decline in the Air Force and Navy.


All Britain statesmen of that times involving Churchill, had to deal with the declining of Great Britain. Finally, his advantages showed Churchill's genius on war and grand strategy.(1) As a soldier when he was young, his eager for glory, his courage, his humanity, and his rational savoir-faire were all cultivated by his advantages in colonial war and his wide reading.(2) As a biographer and a historian, Churchill had dual understanding of war, both in research and in reality.


Of, relating to, or suggestive of war.


In the seventeen hundreds, the Champlain Valley became a battleground in the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War.


Based on the Old Testament of the Bible about law of nature, contract, international relationship, ius bello, ius in bello, peace, love, humanity, human right, community, ius gentium and source and nature of war, the Article authored a few aspects of these influences and its profound actual significance.


Based on the Old Testament of the Bible about law of nature, contract, international relationship, ius bello, ius in bello, peace, love, humanity, human right, community, ius gentium and source and nature of war, the Article authored a few aspects of these influences and its profound actual significance.


Based on the Old Testament of the Bible about law of nature, contract, international relationship, ius bello, ius in bello, peace, love, humanity, human right, community, ius gentium and source and nature of war, the Article authored a few aspects of these influences and its profound actual significance.


From this train of thought, I divided this dissertation into 8 chapters. Chapter 1 is a study on Procopius, including a biographical note on him, his writing time, his writing style, and the way he worked out the plot of his History; chapter 2 "About History of the Wars"introduces the publishing times and editions of the 3 works of Procopius, the contents and sources value of this book, and the circumstances of other temporary sources; From the third chapter on, the dissertation shifts to the analysis of the History's main content.


We all know that Hitler's Nazis are leaders, but I seldom clear why he had someone at the last moment of the war still do not surrender, in fact and legend of Frederick the Great, and Frederick the Great at战阵seven years, when have a very unfavorable situation, when he allied British and French naval war at sea, and Frederick the Great was alone with Austria, Russia, France and other countries to counter the army was at stake in Berlin, on the key in the war when Russia State accident death of Queen Elizabeth, his son Peter III, but in turn, assist Frederick the Great, thereby reversing the war, Frederick the Great eventually won the "seven-year war" victory.


更多网络解释与战争的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antiwar:反战的, 反对战争的

antivivisectionism | 反对活体解剖,反对动物实验手术 | antiwar | 反战的, 反对战争的 | antiwear additive | 抗磨损添加剂

Don't hesitate to lose a battle if it helps you win the war:如果一次失败的交战能帮你赢得整个战争的胜利,那就不要害怕失败

Don't expect life to be ... | Don't hesitate to lose a battle if it helps you win the war. 如果一次失败的交战能帮你赢得整个战争的胜利,那就不要害怕失败. | Don't procrastinate. Do what needs to be done ...

There is something pleasingly simple about warfare:一些简单轻松的战争的事务

I often wish I were back in Gaul.|我经常希望... | There is something pleasingly simple about warfare.|一些简单轻松的战争的事务 | - Vorenus...- Magistrate Vorenus,if you please.|- 乌瑞纳斯...- 地方长官乌...


warworn 疲于战争的 | warworn 饱受战争的 | warzonemilitarytheaterofoperations 战区


warwickite 硼镁钛矿 | warworn 疲于战争的 | warworn 饱受战争的


warwickshire /英国地名/ | warworn /疲于战争的/饱受战争的/ | wary /小心的/周到的/机警的/警觉的/

For exmaple, against world peace, propagandize world war and etc:比如:反人类,宣扬战争的事情

10、不要做违反国际法及国际公约的事情;Do not ge... | 比如:反人类,宣扬战争的事情. For exmaple, against world peace, propagandize world war and etc. | 11、不要做我们认为是错误的事情:一切我们觉得不应该出现在...

Bringing her back will reignite the war with the humans:使她回到了战争的亲密战友 与人类

We have peace now.|现在我们有和平. | Bringing her back will reignite the war with the humans.|使她回到了战争的亲密战友 与人类. | A war that we will surely win.|阿战争,我们一定会赢.

Horrors of War:战争的恐怖

本站提供战争的恐怖(Horrors of War)在线观看服务,但暂不战争的恐怖(Horrors of War)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关战争的恐怖(Horrors of War)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

for those who wish to see war, this man's death could light the tinder:是个希望看到战争的人, 这个要人如果死了是会点燃战争导火线的

- Who? - Suffice it to ... | for those who wish to see war, this man's death could light the tinder.|是个希望看到战争的人, 这个要人如果死了是会点燃战争导火线的. | It is very possible I won't survive on...