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或曰 的英文翻译、例句


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There is a remarkable lack of regret in Mr Turner's writing, or of defensiveness.


The canon of organicism indicates a kind of "life philosophy," a belief that everything is a part of one body, as well as belief in concepts such as the "direct correspondence" between heaven and man, the unity of heaven and man, and the mind of heaven and earth.


If we had to develop a graphic representation of the American dominant or mainstream culture, we might consider an iceberg.


In his eagerness to acquire an ideograph for simple or stupid, man literally acted the part. tie appended to fish a representation of a nose which was later corrupted to曰.


Mr Safire was a pundit, or wise man, a word derived from the Hindi via Henry R. Luce at Time magazine (source also of the words tycoon, moppet and socialite, to none of which Mr Safire either ascended or aspired).

赛菲尔先生生前是一名pundit或曰智者,这是从印地语经由《时代周刊》的亨利·R·鲁斯传入英语的一个词(鲁斯的《时代周刊》也是tycoon, moppet socialite的来源,赛菲尔先生既没成为,也没想成为,这三个词所描述的任何一类人)。

The specificity of the surface gained in this way is that when the beam of rays parallel to its axis of rotation falls on it, the beam is reflected so that all the rays meet in one point, known as the focus, in the same way that optical lenses focus light rays in their focus.

抛物线的表面或曰抛物面,是由抛物线围绕其对称轴旋转而成,其特点是,和抛物线对称轴平行的射线波束被抛物面所反射,所有的电波都在同一点汇聚, 1 September,2009 3D 角反射天线作馈源的 5.8GHz 偏馈抛物面天线我们把这点叫做焦点。

In the long history of transportation, combined with self development characteristic and the need of order, the management regularity had been developed in the activity of nongovernmental water transportation to make all kinds of transportation activities in order. The social processing condition in order and regular was not only the reflection of characteristic of low society in the history of development of china(or non-government organization),but also relied on government representative's controlling all levels of society and on maintaining of social order.


As long as you recall his works of this decade, either a series of the grey menu of "Drama characters" in the years from 98-01 or a series of green-cold silver gray Soldier Tomb Figure and Waiting Maid in recent years all seem to be away from the tide or mainstream.


However, during New Trend '85, Gu Wenda differentiated himself from most artists of Chinese Painting of the time and showed his contemporary consciousness by experimenting on traditional ink painting materials and techniques. This brought out a new possibility for the contemporaneity of Chinese Painting. Since then, unremitting efforts have been made to "modernize" Chinese Painting through traditional abstract elements like ink-wash and Calligraphy. These efforts streamed into a new trend called "modern ink"(or "abstract ink","experimental ink") in late 1980's, though seemed not widely acknowledged for its resemblance to Abstract Expressionism of 1960's and 1970's American art. What is interesting is that while some artists are endeavoring to "westernize" their art, a new trend grouped as "Neo-literati Painting" appears with very traditional form and mood. This can be explained as a group of people's resistance to the reformation of traditional culture as well as their nostalgia to traditional ideals. However, this school tends to be artificial for the absence of the particular context, and the expression with traditional brushwork is also regionally limited. Of all the efforts of reformation, Chinese Painting that accordingly adopts the tradition heads the list because of the cultural identification of the big number of population and greater market as a result of the economic growth of China. Meanwhile, the immense conservative inertia of traditional Chinese culture can also be detected.


Not only the substantial part, or judicial decisions, of the law, but also the formal part, or method of proceeding, cannot be altered but by parliament: for if once those outworks were demolished, there would be an inlet to all manner of innovation in the body of the law itself.


更多网络解释与或曰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在西部尽管也有这样两个词,但"社会主义"就是指"社会党人"(social-ist)的主张,而"共产主义"就是指"共产党人"(communist)的主张. 不少德国西部人也把他们的民主福利国家(或曰"社会市场经济")认作社会主义,或者至少有浓厚的社会主义色彩,


在西方,"征服"或曰"战胜"(Conquest)是很重要的价值观念. 发现了自然规律,可以控制大自然,使其为人类服务,就是"征服自然";登上珠穆朗玛峰,就说是"征服"了珠穆朗玛峰;已经保持着世界纪录,还要争取打破自己的纪录,这叫"战胜自我",



Criminal Justice:刑事司法

对于联合国刑事司法准则中的"刑事司法"(criminal justice)一词,笔者认为不宜作传统意义上的狭义理解,即仅指法院对案件的审判活联合国刑事司法人权保障中的人权也有两层含义,其一为个人的人权(或曰个案中的人权),

discount rate:折现率

该过程将一个未来值以一个折现率加以缩减, 折现率应恰当 地体现利率.例如,如果某人许诺 2 年后给你 121 美元.当时,正常的利率或贴现率是年率 10%.据此我们可以计算这门 1 美元的现值.所用的折扣因子是(110).用以折现未来 收人的折扣因子或曰比率称为折现率(discount rate).



free trade zone:abbr. ftz; 或曰自由贸易区


这个目标的实现不是直接地(immediately)而是间接地(mediately). 达到世界国家的正确道路是首先发展自愿的国家联盟. 第二,康德的世界公民主义的爱国主义(Cosmopolitan Patriotism). 学界通常的看法是爱国主义(或曰地方主义、伦理特殊主义)与世界公民主义(普世主义)是冲突的.

ML:make love:制造爱情(或曰制造爱情的结晶)

BF:boy friend,男友 | ML:make love 制造爱情(或曰制造爱情的结晶) | LM:流氓,特指男性


好在他们通常也不来骚扰正常人的生活,而是和与他们一样有毛病的一种叫做受虐狂(masochist)的人成双配对,在僻静的地方(或曰密室)玩种种性游戏. 这名美国鬼子在中国见到男人留辫子,女人缠小脚,还有三磕九拜的礼仪,就兴奋得不得了.