英语人>词典>汉英 : 成熟的人 的英文翻译,例句
成熟的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In Adolph Hitler, although he is a freely flowering individual, we do not detect either type of sensibility.


Fusion, differentiation and breakaway: how to become a mature human being?


Fashionable person says black represents mystery, the person of halfback says black represents cruel, mature person says black delegate is grave, the black in the feeling always is clairvoyant maturity and composed breath.


They are not ripe age of humanism under the not mature.


Pure of artificial ideal depart from this life classically , mature of artificial ideal ignobly on the hoof


Mature people do not question the past, the smart people do not ask now, open-minded people who do not ask the future ....


Mature people do not question the past, the smart people do not ask now, open-minded people do not question the future.


No one could ever say of him that he was either a sophist or a home-bred flippant slave or a pedant; but every one acknowledged him to be a man ripe, perfect, above flattery, able to manage his own and other men's affairs.


We were puzzled and lost orientation as we were surfing the minefield tianyaforum,tremblingly as the ground we stood shaken.coexisted with the faith and fraud,tangled the right and the mean,accompanyed the beauty and the ugliness.it was the season that setted off the adulthood childish.the cub sophisticated,the kindhearted nonchalance ,and the nonchalant filled with compassion ,we were always full of tears in eyes while turned down disdain look were around our face.


In this autumn grown-ups degenerated into infants, and vice verse.


更多网络解释与成熟的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is at the awkward age:她处于未成熟的青春期

An awkward pause followed his remark. : 他讲了话,接着是一片让人尴尬的沉寂. | She is at the awkward age. : 她处于未成熟的青春期. | an awkward situation : 尴尬的处境


bloom 闪耀 | bloomer 完全成熟的人 | blotto 大醉的

late bloomer:成熟晚的人

late adolescence 青春晚期 | late bloomer 成熟晚的人 | late childhood 童年晚期


astronomer 天文学家 | boomer生育高峰时出生的人,往来无定的人 | bloomer 完全成熟的人


meadow 草地,牧草地 | overshadow 使显行不重要 | callow (鸟)未生羽毛的,(人)未成熟的

Is spiritually advanced:(思想成熟的人)

7. Is deeply empathetic (有着深深信仰的人) | 8. Is spiritually advanced (思想成熟的人) | 9. Can handle a crisis (能够临危不惧,及时应变危机的人)

That is a deceivingly mature thing to say:这是貌似成熟的人说的

Can we just find out?|我们想办法弄明白? | That is a deceivingly mature thing to say.|这是貌似成熟的人说的 | Why is it deceiving?|为什么是貌似成熟?

One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider:一个是成熟的苹果,另一个是醉人的美酒

is different from the heat of summer. 不同于夏天的热 | One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider. 一个是成熟的苹果,另一个是醉人的美酒 | One is a dock you walk out on, 一个是安稳的码头

Is deeply empathetic:(有着深深信仰的人)

6. Is unfailingly logical(最具逻辑性的人) | 7. Is deeply empathetic (有着深深信仰的人) | 8. Is spiritually advanced (思想成熟的人)

The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it:没有人来摘这些成熟 的水果,它们已经开 始烂了

The disapproval of my colleagues quenched my enthusiasm for the plan... | The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it. ;没有人来摘这些成熟 的水果,它们已经开 始烂了. | rot v.(使)腐烂,(使)腐败...