英语人>词典>汉英 : 成曲形 的英文翻译,例句
成曲形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The sand dunes analyses data have shown they mainly consist of well sorted, symmetry skewness and find sands, and the kurtosis peak is narrow or very narrow. There are abundant impacts of mechanic process on the surface of quartz grains. The traces of eolian process often superpose on the traces stamped by river and beach processes. The dish--shaped concavities and mechanic pits are the most common surface textures, but the barchan concavities and curved grain edges are indicated the marks by eolian environment. The heavy minerals assemblages of coastal dunes are dominated by relatively high specific gravity which have stable chemical properity suggesting the mordern high dynamic environments of coast area. The depositional structures of coastal dunes are typified by corss--bed sets composed of steep foreset laminates and gentle windward dipping sets. It also contains some shell fragments and strong worn foraminiferal tests that are impossibly found in inland desert. On the other hand, the sandy deposits of the continental shelf of East China Sea are with wide range of grains, and the depositional pattens are quite complicated.


Cut out with a pinking curved edge to avoid creating a ridge once it is fused to the fabric.


Cut out with a pinking curved edge to avoid creating a ridge once it is fuse d to the fabric.


The design of the clone makers was inspired partially by the classical alien imagery that has developed from years of UFO lore: the almond-eyed long-necked aliens sometime referred to as "Grays." To soften that often menacing countenance, the Episode II concept artist infused qualities of baby seals to give the Kaminoans an innocent, child-like quality.


更多网络解释与成曲形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hockey Stick Change Hands:曲棍形转步换成

1. Open Hip Twist 分式扭臀转步 | 2. Hockey Stick Change Hands 曲棍形转步换成 | 3. Alemana 手中转步

mediastinum testis:睾丸纵隔

白膜在睾丸后缘处增厚,称睾丸纵隔(mediastinum testis). 睾丸纵隔的结缔组织伸入睾丸实质,形成一些睾丸小隔(septula testis),把睾丸分隔成100-200多个锥体形的睾丸小叶(lobuli testis). 每个小叶含有 1-4条曲细精管. 曲细精管逐渐向小叶尖部集中,


在胚胎第六周之初或长约9mm时又出现第三个凹向背侧的弯曲,称桥曲,这样就把菱脑分为后脑(metencephalon)和末脑(myelencephalon)(图10-4B). 在长约5mm的人胚,前脑与中脑开始能明确分开,同时,脑前壁在视泡前方和上方向背侧膨隆而成大脑半球初形.


在胚胎第六周之初或长约9mm时又出现第三个凹向背侧的弯曲,称桥曲,这样就把菱脑分为后脑(metencephalon)和末脑(myelencephalon)(图10-4B). 在长约5mm的人胚,前脑与中脑开始能明确分开,同时,脑前壁在视泡前方和上方向背侧膨隆而成大脑半球初形.


简介:帕拉(pala)为土耳其兵器,与基利和刀形特点较似,但比基利更为夸张. 刀身比基利较短而宽,上半部近于直剑形,中部变窄突然变窄并向外曲,下部又变宽. 剑型刀头两面开刃,其他部份刀背宽厚刀刃较薄,横截面成"T"形. 血槽更宽大,

Recurve Bow:弓

反曲弓(recurve bow)在绷上弦后,上下两端会指向"远离射箭者"的方向,所以不再是( 形,而变成) 形,或3 形. 这种设计会增加弹力,虽然比长弓短却更有力. 复合弓(Composite Bow)是以不同材料层状组合成的弓,腹侧选用耐压的物质(角、钢、骨),

pasteurized:巴氏消毒的 (形)

pasta 生面团 (名) | pasteurized 巴氏消毒的 (形) | pastiche 混成曲; 模仿作品 (名)

lobuli testis:睾丸小叶

睾丸纵隔的结缔组织伸入睾丸实质,形成一些睾丸小隔(septula testis),把睾丸分隔成100-200多个锥体形的睾丸小叶(lobuli testis). 每个小叶含有 1-4条曲细精管. 曲细精管逐渐向小叶尖部集中,并互相汇合成20-30条直细精管.

pasticcio:混成曲, 模仿画

dolosse (防波堤护面用的)扭工字块体 , 异形块体 | pasticcio 混成曲, 模仿画 | poivrade 胡椒辣酱

He bent the wire into the shape of a square:他把鐵絲折成正方形

Mark the pipe where you want to bend it. 在管子上把要弄彎的地方做個記號.... | The knives were bent out of shape. 那些刀已經彎曲變形了... | He bent the wire into the shape of a square. 他把鐵絲折成正方形.