英语人>词典>汉英 : 成拱形 的英文翻译,例句
成拱形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cove  ·  overarch  ·  coved  ·  coves  ·  overarched  ·  overarches  ·  overarching

更多网络例句与成拱形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The moment I saw the arching tree trunks, I took this picture.


Forelegs are straight and strong with great length between elbow and pastern; elbows well held in; forefeet large in both length and width; toes well arched; feet covered with long thick hair; fine in texture; pasterns long and straight; pads of feet unusually large and well down on the ground.


Or again, note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way, tho' quarrelling with the stony obstacles, to the tumbling waters of Neptune's blue domain,'mid mossy banks, fanned by gentlest zephyrs, played on by the glorious sunlight or 'neath the shadows cast o'er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest .


To cliff-based, base five-storey block Oplegnathus, Article 55 stone on the base line intofang zhuan arch, though washing by four hundred years of war, earthquake shaking, as well as scouring rush down mountain torrents, it still stand tall.


Often,if the weather deck of a ship is cambered, the lower decks particularly in passenger ships may have no camber at all,at all,as this makes for horizontal decks in accommodation,which is an advantage.


The ceiling was groined.


The chest is deep with a slightly roached back and a tucked-up belly. The lenght from the brisket to the rump is slightly shorter than the height at the shoulder It maybe white and fawn though all colours are accepted. It needs very little grooming and enjoys the outdoors. Its food requirements are very minimal. It is very hardy and resistent to climatic changes

尾巴的长度等于后退的长度,在胸腔的位置成拱形,背部折起,从胸部到臀部的长度略短于高度肩,It maybe white and fawn though all colours are accepted它需要很少的培养竟可能享受户外活动,它的粮食需求是很小的,非常耐寒,耐气候变化。

It was built in the eastern side of the castle to cliff-based, base five-storey block Oplegnathus, Article 55 stone on the base linefang zhuan , brick arch, the doors wide Bachimen, highyi zhang si chi , below the arch, beautiful shape, without any modification, it is Lichtung concise, simple and generous.


The appearance is that of a fallen keystone in a broken arch.


That will force back to be arch-shape, then cause slenderest ligament and muscular of low back to strain, and expand abdomen muscle. Body will benefit few.


更多网络解释与成拱形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


overannealedoverannealing 过度退火 | overarch 成拱形 | overarm 拔手泳的


overannealing /过度退火/ | overarch /在...上做拱/成拱形/ | overarm /举手过肩而投球的/拔手泳的/

arch timbering:拱形木支架

arch theory 成拱论 | arch timbering 拱形木支架 | arch truss 拱式桁架


archtype sheet pile 拱形板桩 | archwise 成弓形的;拱廊似的 | archy 拱形的;曲线形的


archway拱道 | archwise成弓形 | archy拱形的

cambered:拱形的 弧形的

camber /弧形/眉形/(机翼的)弯曲度/成弧形/使弯作弧形/ | cambered /拱形的/弧形的/ | cambering /中凹度磨削/

Ball bearing with arch raceway outer ring:外圈拱形沟道球轴承

Ball bearing tandem mounting 成对串联安装角接触球轴承 | Ball bearing with arch raceway outer ring 外圈拱形沟道球轴承 | Ball bearing with filling slot 有装球缺口的球轴承

The cat arched her back in anger:猫气得拱起了背

Tall trees arched across the river. 高大的树木成拱形横跨过那条河. | The cat arched her back in anger. 猫气得拱起了背. | intelligence quotient 智商