英语人>词典>汉英 : 成块的 的英文翻译,例句
成块的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agglomerate  ·  clumpy  ·  agglomerated  ·  clumpier

更多网络例句与成块的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It consists of chopped carrots, French beans, potatoes, minced lamb, and sliced aubergine.


Objective To establish a method for determination of sorbic acid and benzoic acid in ham by HPLC. Methods Sea sand were added into samples-distill by water in the condition of alkalescence vibratedly-add potassium ferrocyanide and zinc acetate (to deposit protein, faecula,fat.)-determination by HPLC after filtration.

目的 建立火腿肠食品中苯甲酸、山梨酸的高效液相色谱测定方法方法样品加入海砂分散黏稠成块的样品,在碱性条件下用水振荡提取,加入亚铁氰化钾和乙酸锌沉淀蛋白质、淀粉和脂肪等,滤膜过滤进行液相色谱分析。

When the offerer has cut it up into pieces, the priest shall lay these, together with the head and suet, on top of the wood and the fire on the altar.


They shall lay the pieces of meat, together with the head and the suet, on top of the wood and embers on the altar.


I compared the original 6.38b to the 6v6 version, and there were over 100 changes to the main JASS file alone (by changes I mean blocks of code, not lines).

本人比较原始6.38b版本的6v6 ,有超过100个的变化主要JASS文件本身(通过改变我的意思是成块的代码,而不是一点点)。

When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick.


Turkey is sold in many ways, forzen, fresh, whole, cut into parts, round up like hamburger, fanes lines, rost fire, smoked.


Simply put a piece of fruit, vegetables or meat into the mesh bag and snap shut.


Methods Sea sand were added into samples-distill by water in the condition of alkalescence vibratedly-add potassium ferrocyanide and zinc acetate (to deposit protein, faecula,fat.)-determination by HPLC after filtration.


Application: The machine is suitable for pelletize granulated product with different size in pharmacy, chemical and food line. It can extrude any finish product after baking. It is also fit for drying clot material.


更多网络解释与成块的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


clump 块 | clumpy 成块的 | clumsily 笨拙

FARSI FARSI:一块块,一片片,成片成块的

farsi/块,片 | farsi farsi/一块块,一片片,成片成块的 | farxambi/舍命,拼命

Health food bars:保健食品,压成块的

2060005 Health foods, high fibre 保健食品,高纤维的 | 2060007 Health food bars 保健食品,压成块的 | 2060008 Bakery products, dietetic and for diabetics 烘焙食品,减肥和糖尿病患者用

calcium iodate:碘酸钙(陈化剂;以及好的成块的面调筛剂)

calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙(缓衡剂;中以及剂;固化剂) | calcium iodate 碘酸钙(陈化剂;以及好的成块的面调筛剂) | calcium lactate 乳酸钙(缓衡剂;以及好的成块的面调筛齐;膨 松剂)

calcium lactate:乳酸钙(缓衡剂;以及好的成块的面调筛齐;膨 松剂)

calcium iodate 碘酸钙(陈化剂;以及好的成块的面调筛剂) | calcium lactate 乳酸钙(缓衡剂;以及好的成块的面调筛齐;膨 松剂) | calcium lactobionate 乳汁糖醛酸钙(干布丁中的固化剂)




lump roll (真空伏辊上方)小压辊 | lumpy 成块的,块状 | luster 光泽

lumping:成块 成团 轨排更新

lumpiness 块度 团块结构 | lumping 成块 成团 轨排更新 | lumpish 多团块的

agglomerate, coked:成块(烧结块)、焦化的

agglomerate 揉成块 | agglomerate, coked 成块(烧结块)、焦化的 | agglomerating, granulating, tabletting 成团,成粒,成片

mess beef:块(碎)牛肉, 统货牛肉(切碎成块供大桶腌制用)

marbled beef 五花牛肉, 大理石型肉(肌肉组织中有脂肪层) | mess beef 块(碎)牛肉, 统货牛肉(切碎成块供大桶腌制用) | mould beef 入模烹熟的牛肉