英语人>词典>汉英 : 成为时尚 的英文翻译,例句
成为时尚 的英文翻译、例句


come into fashion · come to stay · be all the rage
更多网络例句与成为时尚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My look is very androgynous, and I consider myself a fashion chameleon.


Of boozy middle-aged men , are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers.


If we follow fashion rationally instead of blindly, we will never be slaves of fashion.


Fashion, trend, which was not defined, you do not know what tomorrow will be popular, perhaps, you can not imagine a woman will become a T skinhead fashion, however, is not likely.


With its decades of attainments of European professional advanced garment design and grasp of the international cutting-edge fashion trends, distinctive design styles and brand connotations that can not be copied, it is unstoppably becoming the new king of fashion trends.

CYC作为时尚设计师品牌,由留法知名时尚设计师Apple Chan女士创立于2006年,凭借其数十年欧洲专业高级成衣设计的造诣,和对国际前沿时尚潮流的把握,鲜明的设计风格及其无法复制的品牌内涵,正不可阻挡地成为时尚风潮的新王者。

Different style, good quality and exquisite making are always Kobi's fashion pursues, in order to move with modern fashion and the latest fashion trends and to be a fashion leader, we are always renovating our thinkings in choosing materials, in designing and modeling.


Over the years, footbinding became a symbol of beauty, grace and class, and as the practice became universal, writers and poets eulogised the "golden lotus," and broken and bound feet became the symbol of female sexuality.


Just as instantly as the stiletto became a fashion classic, it also became a pornographic one, dribbled over and fetishised.


The style became popular in the "Bloomsbury" circles in Britain,and made widely popular in the 1920s by the flappers,the free-spirited women at the time.


With advanced sun-tanning machine, Tanning Salon of Smart Hero Club provides a clean indoor sunbathing environment. Simulating sunlight to give off homogeneous ultraviolet rays, sun-tanning machine gives your own skin a cool, healthy wheat-colored tan without sunburn. Besides, the regular use of tanning machine also could achieve two main effects, namely relaxation and body-shaping. Natually this become one of the favorites among the fashionable individuals.


更多网络解释与成为时尚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Becoming Jane:成为简.奥斯丁

安妮.海瑟薇还参与许多慈善事业,并且鲜有绯闻. 在>中,安妮.海瑟薇上演时尚先锋人物,华丽的服饰搭配,细长的高跟鞋. 在>(Becoming Jane) 中,安妮.海瑟薇饰演的为爱终老一生的女作家简,令人感动不已......

Coco Chanel:可可.香奈儿

在美国,Shirley McLaine 在去年的电视电影>(Coco Chanel)中饰演的是已然成为时尚教母的Chanel. 而好莱坞计划中的一部Chanel传记片,主角已选定由Demi Moore扮演. 显然Audrey Tautou主演的>(Coco avant Chanel)是最被媒体追捧,




曾经,盗版(pirate)是人人喊打的过街老鼠. 如今,它成了理直气壮地加以维护的政治权利. 盗版党俨然已成为时尚--眼下,从北欧到南美,从北美到非洲,顶风作案者大有人在. 他们以盗版相标榜,不但大呼小叫地为其正名,还树大旗、扯队伍、造声势、拉选票,


作者用较长的篇幅分析了认识相对论成为时尚的根源,分析了以托马斯.昆(Thomas Kuhn)、波普尔(Popper)、奎因(Quine)以及费耶尔阿本特(P.Feyerabend)为代表的认识相对论的某些流行观点及其对科学发展的误导.

Roberto Cavalli:罗伯特卡沃利

自罗伯特 卡沃利 (Roberto Cavalli) 于60年代创立公司以来,其狂野性感的风格成为时尚潮流的先锋,成为米兰时尚圈最"野"的品牌. 90年代,Cavalli 时装成为在时尚潮流之外独树一帜的形象代表,矛盾冲突处处可见:两种秉性迥异的材质融于一体,简朴朴素与 ...


除了"海盗"乐队,60年代早期最"硬"的摇滚乐队是"嚎叫的上帝萨克"(Screaming Lord Sutch)和"野蛮人"(Savages)乐队. 萨克并不太象一个歌手. 他在长发成为时尚之前就已经蓄发多年,并厚着脸皮把自己比做"嚎叫的杰伊.霍金斯"(Screamin' Jay Hawkins).



:Vivienne Westwood:薇薇安 魏斯伍德

其实,早在1994年,名模娜欧蜜-坎贝儿(Naomi Campbell)穿着庞克教母薇薇安-魏斯伍德(Vivienne Westwood)设计的18公分高跟鞋走秀时,在舞台上跌得四脚朝天,成为时尚界经典一摔.

high fashion:高级时尚

这个150岁的品牌以其标志性的米黄色格子和风衣著称,现在已复兴成为高级时尚(High Fashion)品牌. 新开设的亚洲专卖店和疲软的英镑也助推了它的增长. 批发业务下降了23%,原因是客户削减了他们的订单以减少库存. 不过,