英语人>词典>汉英 : 慈善的 的英文翻译,例句
慈善的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beneficent  ·  benevolent  ·  charitable  ·  eleemosynary  ·  good

更多网络例句与慈善的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paintings, Chinese paintings and sculptures exhibited in "Art Beijing 1+1 Charity Event" contains artists' apperception to humanity and understanding to charity, full of concern for compassionate care. At the same time, reflect high level of teachers of the Central Academy of Fine arts, as wellas heritage of Classic academism arts.


The paintings, Chinese paintings and sculptures exhibited in "Art Beijing 1+1 Charity Event" contains artists' apperception to humanity and understanding to charity, full of concern for compassionate care. At the same time, reflect high level of teachers of the Central Academy of Fine arts, as well as heritage of Classic academism arts.


It's an act of kindness.


You must pay in of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of .


Though he seems so bad-tempered, I still think he has a kind nature.


Unfortunately, history offers no guarantee that a more humane and beneficent style of life inevitably prevails


Those who occupy the lofty elevations of Russian Hill,Pacificborder=1 Heights and Presidio border=1 Heights wouldsurely a GRE e that San Franciscoshould be high on the desirabilitylist.


Tian recently frequently occurred in every big entertainment media, but this is not the tian, nor his ventrally some drama, but about the positive news, tian tian has now been fascinated doing charity, and think you're doing charity was very uncomfortable, if the financial problems, not only can promote in the boiling point, also intend to establish charity relief fund, in order to help more children in need of help, let them live a happy life.


This week, researchers from the pure Pew C haritible T rusts 皮尤慈善信托基金 predited that 3% of all hom e o w ners were be in for closh foreclosure in the next few years.


When renouncing they gave to charity; then they accepted charity for basic sustenance.


更多网络解释与慈善的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beneficence善行 | beneficent慈善的 | beneficial有益的

beneficent: a.1:行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的

unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的 | malevolent: a.含有恶意的,恶毒的,有害的

a beneficent act:慈善的行为

beneficent performing acts of kindness or charity 多多行善的 | a beneficent act 慈善的行为 | benevolent: intending or showing kindness 仁慈的,乐善好施的

charitable: a.1:慈善的,慈悲为怀的 2.宽厚的

characteristics in common: n.共同特征 | charitable: a.1.慈善的,慈悲为怀的 2.宽厚的 | chivalrous: a.1.骑士的 2.侠义的,正直的,慷慨的 3.(对女人)殷勤的

eleemosynary:施舍的, 接受接济的, 慈善的

interplait 使交织,使缠结 | eleemosynary 施舍的, 接受接济的, 慈善的 | polygoneutism 多抱性, 多化性


contemplative 好沉思的 | philanthropic 博爱的,慈善的 | sphere 范围,领域


malleable 可锻的,韧性的 | philanthropic慈善的,博爱的 | placid平静的,温和的


release 释放、免除、放弃 | relent 发仁慈、慈善的 | relentless 冷酷无情的


Willow:楊柳、解放自由的心靈 | Zenia:慈善的女士 | Melica:有雄心壯志的

The gifts of charity meddled with a man's private affair:慈善的礼物以男人的私人事件干预他人之事

According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this buil... | The gifts of charity meddled with a man's private affair. 慈善的礼物以男人的私人事件干预他人之事. | He doesn't sit straight: his posture...