英语人>词典>汉英 : 感慨 的英文翻译,例句
感慨 的英文翻译、例句


sigh with emotion
更多网络例句与感慨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In old classmaster job practice, I have feeling greatly to the processing of a few abiogenesis incident.


In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unknown,but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it.


If there is something that I would give her for our 50th wedding anniversary, it would be a certificate of gratitude, Akihito, 75, said during a news conference ahead of the anniversary, with his 74-year-old wife.


Too many people are complaining about the apartness and ruthlessness of the society, and the relationship between people is becoming more and more cool because of the growing pressure in city life.


Many people thought the modern society are full of apartness and the relationship of human's becomes even less which accompanied with the enhancing living stresses.


Insurance asset management companies, a relevant person in charge with emotion Road.


Not that they do not feel the difficulty of survival: their faces do bear the evidence of the vicissitudes of the past years.


As the biggest feeling in a spectator heart namely, of the bedlamite in the Internet industry that this year is in China or much too normal person.


The sight of the little Breton girl who came to do the work in her little house aroused heart-broken regrets and hopeless dreams in her mind.


Life in concentric rings around a circle to the time, weather, beautiful spring, the people relaxed and happy , wonderful life, sigh, feeling the gentle heaven, thanks to the strength of the world, all smiling and forget you, Why my life so wonderful; setbacks darkness of human life, the beginning of winter frost and winter long sigh, feeling the warmth of the sun is not shining on you this is the life of the polar ring.


更多网络解释与感慨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inviting, Blaming:心动埋怨

更是会感慨 sigh with deeply touched, . | 心动埋怨 Inviting, Blaming, | 还有不能释怀 and not freeing...

bubble sort:冒泡排序法

演示了使用冒泡排序法(Bubble Sort)、双向冒泡排序法(Bi-Directional Bubble Sort)还有快速排序法(Quick Sort)的排序速度的对比. 速度相差之快,真是令人感慨!快来感受一下算法的力量吧!Java默认的外观感觉(Look & Feel)--Metal L&F的演示程序.


若是看看加州大学董事会(Board of Regents)给校长所列的"职责(duties)条例"有42条之多(还不带小的附带条款!),在感慨他们对校长人选的重视、选拔程序极其规范、校长权限分明的同时,也不能不感慨:尽管美国高校体制相当成熟,


eben 表示无奈,感慨 | Das ist eben nicht mehr zu a:ndern. 这是无法改变的吧! | So ist das Leben eben! 这就是生活嘛!


emotive 情绪的 | emotivity 感慨性 | emotivity 易感性

It's my plaint:是我在感慨

你听不出来 风声不存在 You can't heart it ,the wind no there | 是我在感慨 It's my plaint | 梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开 Wake up ,who is in the windowsille openthe final.

Surreal but nice:超现实但很棒(诺丁山中男主角见到喜欢的女孩后所发出的一句感慨)

4. That book is really not great.那本书确实不怎么样(书... | 5. Surreal but nice.超现实但很棒(诺丁山中男主角见到喜欢的女孩后所发出的一句感慨) | 6. I'm sorry, can you just give me a second?抱歉,失陪一下. ...

they must have wondered what unearthly sights lay in store:他们必曾感慨于地球上竟有如此别样的地方存在

Passing the towering spires|在经过高... | they must have wondered what unearthly sights lay in store.|他们必曾感慨于地球上竟有如此别样的地方存在 | As they battled on, the ice became increasingly dominan...

say with emotion:十分感慨地说

与时俱进 keep pace with the times | 十分感慨地说 say with emotion | 独具魅力、散发着文化气息的国度a country featuring a unique charm and flavor of culture

Am I sighing with emotion:是我在感慨

The rumour does not exist风声不存在 | Am I sighing with emotion是我在感慨 | The dream wakes梦醒来