英语人>词典>汉英 : 感情 的英文翻译,例句
感情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
affection  ·  emotions  ·  heart  ·  hearts  ·  reins  ·  sensation  ·  sentiment  ·  susceptibilities  ·  susceptibility  ·  thymopsyche  ·  passions

更多网络例句与感情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Account of their dissonance with his own.


The stories of our own experiences, when shared, help us to connect with each other on a deeper level because we find that we can always relate to it somehow, in some way, shape or form, and it helps to paint the picture of logic AND emotion, emotion that comes from telling your own story to help ingrain your message into the minds of others that much more and to really anchor it.


The pigweed studying law , allocation , matters needing attention , scene pedagogy; teaching method by four aspect infant English discusses the main body of a book , English teaching is that are one extraordinary as well as discipline having emotion, but infant affection enriches, the affection to the teacher sometimes spends the affection having done to whose discipline, the student's emotion factor is that the successful English teaching inner drives a force, only have mobilize the student's emotion factor, inspire active emotion of student, ability raises the result that infant English studies.


Jay Chou and the feelings of composite birthday this matter now appears is a speculation, and on network television yesterday PP exposure birthday of Jay Chou and the feelings of complex things, the Chou and the birthday of the agent to the press to clarify the feelings of both of them there is no recovery, and all this only left traces of the past, only some of the media will be any bad faith on these topics just to show up.

周杰伦和蔡依林感情复合这件事现在看起来又是一个炒作了,就在昨天 PP网络电视曝光了周杰伦和蔡依林感情复合的事情之后,周杰伦和蔡依林的经纪人都向记者澄清,他们两个人的感情并没有恢复,而这一切只是过去留下的痕迹而已,有些存心不良的媒体将这些话题重新拿出来炒作罢了。

Visual body or astral body teleportation, or visual object teleportation but before we can master teleportation we must first learn the art of Telekinesis/Psychokinesis and Clairsentience and the higher state of consciousness the seventh sense.


Lyricism to lyric means of literature are diverse: one is willing to speak one's mind's made, the hero is the author's own, works directly express the hero's thoughts and feelings, showing the hero's personality characteristics; One is the care of things for Yan Zhi, the work is not that the author's own hero, but the author's thoughts and feelings of the sustenance of the objects, including figures, there are things, as well as by the negative objects; one is made by the King of the lyric, that is landscape features poetry, on the surface, written by the author saw and heard was not the hero tone of voice to express thoughts and feelings, but in fact the author is described by the mountain scenery to send Italian lyric, its hero is actually author.


He found that the newspaper storiette should never be tragic, should never end unhappily, and should never contain beauty of language, subtlety of thought, nor real delicacy of sentiment.


He found that the newspaper storiette should never be tragic, should never end unhappily, and should never contain beauty of language, subtlety of thought, nor real delicacy of sentiment. Sentiment it must contain, plenty of it, pure and noble, of the sort that in his own early youth had brought his applause from "nigger heaven"- the "For-God-my- country-and-the-Czar" and "I-may-be-poor-but-I-am-honest" brand of sentiment.


The first level of energy is defined by feelings of apathy and thoughts of victimization.


Xiaoxiaomu is a working girl from yunnan who made a living in shanghai, for years, she have been looking for kangkai, when she was 14 years old, she cheated kangkai and got the imburse in order to support her younger brother to go to junior shool and university, she hope to find kangkai and apologized sincerely to him and refund the mondey so her heart can be at ease, when she saw the tired kangkai and didn't tell the truth to him, just gave up her previous work and came to kangkai restaurantto work and support this kind brother,,kangkai was dull to the feeling around him after sangjie died because he could not forget his previous wife, xiaomu feeling to kangkai is far more than thankfulness , she also found kangkai was not only strongly responsible for his marriage and family but also earnest and inflexible to his feeling , she loved him deeply.


更多网络解释与感情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


感情feelingemotionaffectionsensationsusceptibility | 感情炽烈的aflame | 感情冲动acracholia


和动机类似,"感情"(emotion)这个词同样源于拉丁语--行动(to move). 但是,一般来讲,感情和行动没有什么因果关系. 比如说,你可能因为看了电视上的一个悲剧而伤心流泪,但是你不会因此做些什么. 当然,有时强烈的感情也会导致生活中的一些变化.


我先引译阿伯克龙比教授(Abercrombie)一段很有见地的话(见>第三十一至三十四页):感情主义(Emotionalism)是浪漫主义的精髓. 没有人比卢梭更富于感情,更易于被感情所趋使. 卢梭个人的行为,处处是感情用事,一切的虚伪,浮躁,

home setting of emotionality:家庭感情气氛

家庭感情气氛(home setting of emotionality)家庭成员相互之间的感情和态度,是家庭中占优势的一般态度和感受的综合表现. 家庭感情气氛对儿童心理发展影响极大. 儿童的态度、感受、思想和一般行为可能反映出家庭中占优势的感情气氛.


感情冲动acracholia | 感情的emotive | 感情地emotively



Love dos first fit to any stay:感情使人适合任何任务

1490. Love dos obedience easy. 感情使服从变为易事. | 1491. Love dos first fit to any stay. 感情使人适合任何任务. | 1492. Love dos the state go round. 感情使全地球运转.


感情横溢的effusive | 感情夸张的lyrical | 感情论sensationalism

soulfulness:感情深切; 充满感情 (名)

soulfully 感情深切地; 充满感情地 (副) | soulfulness 感情深切; 充满感情 (名) | soulless 没有精神的; 卑鄙的; 没有灵魂的 (形)

soulfully:感情深切地; 充满感情地 (副)

soulful 充满热情的, 感情上的, 深情的 (形) | soulfully 感情深切地; 充满感情地 (副) | soulfulness 感情深切; 充满感情 (名)