英语人>词典>汉英 : 感冒 的英文翻译,例句
感冒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
catarrh  ·  cold  ·  colder  ·  rheum  ·  colds

catch a cold · catch cold · have a cold · common cold · catch a chill · take cold
更多网络例句与感冒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After a cold caused by coughing, not only anti-viral cold, and antibiotics should be used with rapid control of the upper respiratory tract disease and bronchitis; recurrent cough and persons with asthma, with the exception of anti-infection, it should be at the same time the use of antispasmodic antiasthmatic drugs, such as aminophylline and salbutamol to relieve the airway spasms; due to rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. caused by coughing, in the treatment of nasopharyngeal disease should pay attention to local treatment, such as sinusitis puncture septic treatment, to persons suffering from tonsillitis, such as removal of enlarged tonsils.


The cold has common cold and grippe two sort, all infect Bo cold to be able to cause quinsy, paranasal sinus for respiratory tract phlogistic, tympanitis, bronchitic, even the severe case such as myositis of heart of sex of kidney spherule nephritis, virus, although reason cold is small disease, also cannot small gaze.


Wikipedia 是这么定义的: Acute viral rhinopharyngitis, or acute coryza , usually known as the common cold , is a highly contagious, viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system , primarily caused by picornaviruses or coronaviruses .


Babies from 6 months on a cold, two days to start eating like a drug, and the second drug to do to eat for a week, the 3rd on the half-eaten cold cough on drugs, the 4th doctor started me playing吊针baby bottles from 2 to 9 times hanging bottle; final Cephalosporium吊针not used, azithromycin, penicillin;(disease good will Also a week before a cold cough) are now 13 months, or so over a week on the incidence, which I also go around the middle to open Chinese medicine to the baby food; sneezing, runny nose, cough, dyspnea, tonsil inflammation of the throat red swelling, sleep a sweat, they do not release,尿黄; I now do not dare to go the hospital, and also to the baby do not know what medicine he would eat better.


In the first morth 20%of the popuation contraceed the flu whist 80% were healthy.


The quick results cold capsule has almost become a family during the past the past few years must prepare for medicines and chemical reagents , many people has coughed , cephalea , stream mucus , pharyngalgia have all taken it, be much used for preventing the cold , incorrect from being even.


Heres the routine we recommend: Start with a warm soothing Colds Flu Bubble Bath to help lower temperature and ease muscle aches. Follow with a gentle Colds Flu Massage to relax the body. Mist sheets, pillows and the air before bedtime with California Babys Colds Flu Spritzer. To keep the aromatherapy action going throughout the night, use our Colds Flu Essential Oil in a diffuser or humidifier.


It seems funny that i'm so easily sicked while i seems strong.i just couldn't remember how many times i caught cold this year.i always comfort myself that a flu can kill cancer cells,but if this state continued,the flu will sentence me to death directly.this time,i was infect by a fucking workmate,he intend to infect me,that fucking guy...i hate him.i curse him.


Back in the 1950's, at the Common Cold Research Unit in England, then-director Christopher Andrewes, M.D., made volunteers stand nearly naked in frigid meat lockers and drafty gyms wearing little but wet socks for hours on end, and in no experiment did those who got chilled catch more colds, or worse colds, than people who spent the same amount of time happily ensconced in warm cozy rooms.


If it is mild cold, maternity wear a mask, the same can be breast-feeding, maternal Sikang can also take some drugs, such as: ganmao granules, such as Banlangen granules.


更多网络解释与感冒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


感冒与SARS的比较表 SARS与一般感冒徵兆、症状比较表 徵兆 流行性感冒(Flu) 普通感冒(Cold) 严重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS) 症状的开始 症状突然发生且在数小时之内恶化.


流行性感冒:(Influenza)与感冒(Common Cold)是两种不同的疾病,这两种病对人体的危害程度也并不相同. 流行性感冒和普通感冒不同,主要是流感的传染性非常强,它是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病. 流感病毒有A


第一节 流行性感冒 流行性感冒(influenza)简称流感,是由流感病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病. 本病主要通过飞沫传播,具有高度传染性. 本病发生突然,迅速蔓延,发病人数多,流行过程短,在散发流行时以冬、春季较多,大流行时则无明显季节性.


感冒,是一种自愈性疾病,总体上分为普通感冒(cold)和流行感冒(influenza). 普通感冒,中医称"伤风",是由多种病毒引起的一种呼吸道常见病,其中30%-50%是由某种血清型的鼻病毒引起. 普通感冒虽多发于初冬,但任何季节,如春天、夏天也可发生,

influenza vaccine:流行性感冒疫苗

流行性感冒疫苗(Influenza Vaccine)药师 施玉卿天气逐渐转凉.流行性感冒又将来袭,每年的冬天都是流行性感冒的高峰,流感几乎都会流行,时值季节交替,对老人健康带来威胁.感冒可区分为普通感冒与流行性感冒,分别是由不同病毒所引起的,

influenzal meningitis:流感杆菌性脑膜炎,流感性脑膜炎,流行性感冒杆菌性脑膜炎,流行性感冒性脑膜炎

influenzal laryngitis 流行性感冒性喉炎 | influenzal meningitis 流感杆菌性脑膜炎,流感性脑膜炎,流行性感冒杆菌性脑膜炎,流行性感冒性脑膜炎 | influenzal pneumonia 流感性肺炎,流行性感冒性肺炎

influenzal pneumonia:流感性肺炎,流行性感冒性肺炎

influenzal meningitis 流感杆菌性脑膜炎,流感性脑膜炎,流行性感冒杆菌性脑膜炎,流行性感冒性脑膜炎 | influenzal pneumonia 流感性肺炎,流行性感冒性肺炎 | influenzal trachitis 流行性感冒性气管炎

influenzal laryngitis:流行性感冒性喉炎

influenza virus O-D variation 流感病毒O-D相变异 | influenzal laryngitis 流行性感冒性喉炎 | influenzal meningitis 流感杆菌性脑膜炎,流感性脑膜炎,流行性感冒杆菌性脑膜炎,流行性感冒性脑膜炎

Acute catarrhal fever; Winter grip; Endemic influenza:类流行感冒; 欧洲流行感冒; 地方性感冒

Acute carcinosis 急性癌病 | Acute catarrhal fever; Winter grip; Endemic influenza 类流行感冒; 欧洲流行感冒; 地方性感冒 | Acute disease 急性病

common cold:伤风感冒

普通伤风感冒(Common cold)与流行性感冒(Influenza)是由不同病毒、不同原因所引起的呼吸道感染;一般而言,流行性感冒的症状较普通伤风感冒要严重许多,病程较严重,流行性感冒的症状为剧烈头痛、口干、发冷、进展快速且严重许多,通常会高烧至40℃,