英语人>词典>汉英 : 意识水平 的英文翻译,例句
意识水平 的英文翻译、例句


level of consciousness
更多网络例句与意识水平相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What you did manage to do was to change your level of consciousness rather abruptly.

你刚才 干的事儿,只不过把你的意识水平改变得太快了点儿。

The influence factors are divided into endogenous and exogenous source according to the process control factors. The endogenous source includes: the level of materials safety, the level of adminicle use safety, the level of environmental hygiene management and the level of processing technology safety management.The exogenous source includes the level of national supervision, the level of consumer food safety consciousness and the level of agricultural product processing development. Every aspect includes various factors.


However, if these are excluded, changes in the level of consciousness should be considered to be of traumatic central nervous system origin until proven otherwise.


A child at the imitative stage of development absorbs every aspect of his environment, which then becomes part of the innermost stirrings of his will, deep below the level of consciousness.


An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one.


In addition, all subjects were tested for their conscious levels, objectively and subjectively.


However, since Sambhogakaya is imperceptible to sentient beings at their ordinary level of consciousness, Sambhogakaya responds to their needs through its earthly manfestations called Nirmanakaya incarnations.


This study chose two typical eco-civilized villages (Meiwan Village and Qiaonan Village in Danzhou City) as examples, and conducted questionnaire survey aiming at the residents' environmental awareness and village environment. The result indicated that the level of residents' environmental awareness of the two villages was medium, and remains mid-green level, and the pragmaticality of environment education was poor.


This neurologic evaluation establishes the patient's level of consciousness, pupillary size and reaction, lateralizing signs, and spinal cord injury level.


When successful matching is being experienced,wur questioning of the text continues at the unconscious level.


更多网络解释与意识水平相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

awake to:认识到,意识到,深知

average up提高到平均水平: | awake to认识到,意识到,深知: | At last the teacher awoke his students to the fact that there is no easy way to success. 这位教师使学生认识到成功无捷径了.

bank note:纸币

通货学派的支持者虽然也意识到银行存款能被用来作为购买力,但他们认为英格兰银行纸币(Bank note)发行的数量决定银行存款的数量. 正如汉森(1983,中译本第174页)所指出的,"到头来却正相反,正确的还是:纸币发行的规模决定于银行存款水平".

Be hungry for goal:射门意识强

Beat晃过,过人;打败 | Be hungry for goal射门意识强 | Below one's best没打出最好水平


例如,"行为主义"(behaviorism)认为人类的习惯仅仅是身体的(腺体的和运动神经的)条件反射的结果,而这恰恰与用意识和无意识的区分或心智的水平来解释人类行为的"精神分析学"(depth psychologies)背道而驰.

clouding of consciousness:意识混浊

2、意识混浊(Clouding of consciousness)状态:意识模糊,对外界反应迟钝,强刺激方能引起反应. 常有理解、定向障碍,以致对问题理解与应答常有错误. 吞咽反射、角膜反应与对光反应存在,可出现吸吮、强握、舔唇等原始动作. 3、昏睡(Soper)状态:意识水平降低程度较上述二者深,


这种方法相对于倒行掩蔽(backward masking)、拥挤(crowding)、注意瞬脱(attentional blink)及变化盲视(change blindness)等其他方法具有一定优势. 双眼竞争范式的应用已经发现无意识状态下高唤醒水平的刺激材料可以引导注意的定向及眼跳,



Motivation Research:动机研究

他被认为是动机研究(Motivation Research)之父,20 世纪 50 年代他把弗洛伊德精神分析学说用于购买行为研究,他认为研究消费者购买行为必须深入到无意识水平,着重于消费者的情感及非理性的一面,

somnolence :嗜睡

(1)嗜睡(somnolence)是意识障碍的早期表现,意识清醒水平下降,精神萎靡,动作减少. 患者持续处于睡眠土豆减肥食谱N南瓜饼热量o状态,能被唤醒,能正确地回答问题,能配合身体检查,但刺激停止后又入睡. (2)昏睡(stupor)意识清醒水平较前者降低,

confusional state:意识模糊状态

意识水平下降 lowering of consciousness | 意识模糊状态 confusional state | 数字广度测验 digit span test