英语人>词典>汉英 : 意识不清 的英文翻译,例句
意识不清 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与意识不清相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nevertheless, the principles of operation of nature and earth are so vague and human's consciousness is limited and childish. It is doubtable that the Tao of old can be hold fast, and apply it to manage the affairs of present.


On the third hospital day, the patient presented with double ision followed by confusion, and gaze paresis deeloped.


He said that you were unconscious when he found you, and that you'd been tied to the saddle with your own reins.


It is important to realize however, that you have no authority over the police, and getting in their face with slurred speech about 'your rights' and similar talk will find you in the back of a squad car before you can say 'drunk and disorderly'.


Note black-and-white pulse: Pathologic change that the function obstacle or pathology which refers to the blood vessel and nervous system is damaged, the external wound causes, symptom is shown as: Facial hemiparalysis, four limbs attach undue importance to one thing to the neglect of the other apathetically needing,contraction is stiff, opisthotonos, paralysed, hemiplegia, consciousness are unclear, head trembling, not smoothgoing speech of aphasia,etc.


But the researchers did suggest looking at the quality of cabin air which has been linked to passenger and flight crew complaints of dry eyes, stuffy nose, and skin irritation, as well as headaches, lightheadedness, and confusion.


We report a 55-year-old woman with chronic hypothyroidism. She had been treated for congestive heart failure for years. Myxedematous coma was not diagnosed until respiratory failure occurred.


Clinically, fat embolism syndrome consists of a triad of hypoxia, confusion and petechiae appearing in a patient with fractures.


Two monks, he explained, had cudgeled each other into near-unconsciousness during an argument about whether or not the Lord Usires had magically freed a man from a pig-spell on the island of Grenamman.


It can cause unconsciousness and even death at very high levels see inhalants .


更多网络解释与意识不清相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clouding of consciousness:意识浑浊

cloudiness of consciousness 神志不清 | clouding of consciousness 意识浑浊 | cloudland 幻境

brain concussion:脑震荡

所谓脑震荡(brain concussion)是指头部因外力撞击,使头颅内容物--大脑--的功能受到立即而暂时性的失常,症状诸如:意识不清或是丧失、视力障碍或是平衡障碍,有时会有持续性头痛、头晕、记忆力变差、情绪不稳的情形,但这些症状多半会随著时间慢慢减轻及消失.


(3)患者意识清且在无医疗并发症的情况下出现局灶性神经功能缺损的渐进式(gradual)或阶梯式(ste- pwise)加重. 2 进展性卒中的发生率及亚型 在各个研究中,发病后神经功能缺损进行性加重的发生频率各不相同,住院后,临床症状恶化的发生频率,

mental test:智力测验

1894年后,他的"智力测验"(Mental Test)在美国教育界流行起来 ,扩展到产业界W.詹姆斯(W. James),后来英国的W.麦道格尔 (William McDougall)主张,人乃至动物的行为由其目的与自主意识决定;尽管存在着目的不明、意识不清,

self-conscious a. 1:不自然的,难为情的,忸怩的 2.有自我意识的

unconsciously ad. 无意识地,无感觉地,神志不清地 | self-conscious a. 1.不自然的,难为情的,忸怩的 2.有自我意识的 | self-consciousness n. 害羞,忸怩


其状与梦中及神志不清时之下意识(Subconsciousness)约略相似,但下意识暧昧不明,不能自主;而此则了了分明,不失自主之力. 此虽尚未到世间禅之最初步;然足以证明人与动物之心理现象实不尽为从客观的宇宙所引起之感觉,或从此感觉所引起之联想,


unconsciousness 意识不清 | unconsidered 不值得考虑的 | unconsistency 不一致性


unconsciousness /无意识/意识不清/人事不省/ | unconsidered /不值得考虑的/不重要的/欠考虑的/ | unconsistency /不一致性/



Confusional arousals:意识不清的唤醒

ICSD: International Classification of Sleep Disorders,睡眠障碍国际分类法; | confusional arousals: 意识不清的唤醒; | parasomnia: 类睡症;