英语人>词典>汉英 : 意向 的英文翻译,例句
意向 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intent  ·  intention  ·  pulse  ·  purpose  ·  will  ·  accordancy  ·  pulses  ·  purposed  ·  purposes  ·  purposing  ·  wills  ·  intentions  ·  intents

更多网络例句与意向相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This draft stalks of grain only for Www.chemnet.com.cn of net of Chinese chemical industry international crude oil is climbed again and again tall, make businessman state of mind auspicious, below the influence that downstream not saturated colophony rises in most raw material, manufacturer price all has different rate go tall, the market shows trend of get warm again after a cold spell, drive in its, suitable anhydride market is small follow go up, in the meantime, below the influence that upriver cooking benzene goes up in suitable anhydride, low do not have shipment intent temporarily, the city after manufacturer is right is valued quite, farther small are carried go up quote, meanwhile, purchase intent to be carried somewhat to crude benzole brace up, the insecurity of crude benzole supply of goods, your manufacturer take advantage of an opportunity follows go up.


The affection and conation elements of their attitudes had the strongest association and the association of cognition and conation was the weakest.


The official exhibitor who invites should through the diplomatic channel confirm that participates in World Expo's intention, but is invited the unofficial exhibitor should confirm the participation intention directly to the organizer.


The theory of content is related with the contention between intentional realism and intentional non-realism which are aroused from the scientific position of Folk Psychology.


As a result, it comes to two kinds of intention structure: one is intention structure in phenomenology, with its language logic ""S" is "P""; the other is intention structure in Speech Act Theory of Austin and Searle, which is made up of psychological model and description of content in form of "noun + intentionality + clause".


Based on the questionnaire of employees from different ages, jobs, and sexes, conclusions can be drawn that six factors are negatively correlated to employee's turnover. The factors are employee's job satisfaction, meaning of a job, replaceability of a job, autonomy, self-efficacy, and organizational commitment, among which organizational commitment, meaning of working, and replaceability of a job are main factors causing their turnover. The turnover intentions of employees from different ages have remarkable differences, while those of different sexes and jobs are slightly differed.


Intentionalism well explains the nonexistence of the object of hallucination, but it cannot coherently account for the relationship of intentional state and intentional object.


We study seriously Representation Intentionalism, Interpretationism Intentionalism and Intentionalism of Philosophy of Action in turn, showing the chang of intentioanlity and the transformatioan of the cognitive science are coincident.


From Representation to Action Naturalism Approaches of Intentionality Abstract: Through the discussion of intentionality in the cognitive science and the analyses about representation intentionalism, interpretationism intentionalism and intentionalism of philosophy of action, this dissertation depicts the naturalism approaches of intentionality and discloses the defection about them.


There were no significant facilitating effects to the retention of signaled information in the overuse of text signals condition, but there were in the selective use of text signals condition. Experiment 3, in which 2 small experiments contained, studied the effects of reader-based factors. Experiment 3a examined the effects of the familarity to the text topics and the readers' reading levels. Experiment 3b explored the effects of cognitive style and the intention to use the text signals. The results were as the follows: There were no significant difference between the signaled and unsignaled conditions in the circumstance of high familarity to the text topics, but there were significant differences between them in the circumstances of lower familarity to the text topics. There were no significant differences between the signaled and unsignaled conditions for the field-independent participants, but there were for the field-dependent participants. All the participants with different reading levels were helped by the text signals.

实验3 对不同主体因素条件下文章标记效应进行了研究,分2个分实验,实验3a以高中二年级学生为被试,研究了文章主题熟悉程度与阅读水平对文章标记效应的影响,实验3b以初中二年级学生为被试,探索了读者不同的认知方式与标记利用的意向对文章标记效应的影响,实验3结果发现,读者的阅读水平、对文章主题的熟悉程度、认知方式和利用标记意向等因素影响着文章标记效应,在文章主题熟悉的条件下,有无文章标记无显著差异,但在主题不熟悉条件下,有文章标记的效果显著优于无标记的效果;对场独立被试而言,有无标记无显著差异,但对场依存被试来说,有标记条件显著优于无标记条件;文章标记对不同阅读水平被试都有显著促进效应;文章标记利用意向对场独立与场依存被试都有显著促进效应。

更多网络解释与意向相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ambit 界限 | ambitendency 矛盾意向 | ambition 雄心


ambit 范围 | ambitendency 正反意向并存 | ambition 野心



tendentious apperception:意向统觉

tendency to identify 求同趋势 | tendentious apperception 意向统觉 | tender feeling 柔情

Career Objective:求职意向

料 建筑制图 建筑工程经济与管理 钢结构 建筑工程计价 道路与桥梁工程概论 建筑结构抗震构造设计 5 求职意向 (Career Objective) 月薪要求:面议 期望职位:施工员 希望就职行业:建筑、房地产、商业中心 求职方式:实习 职业状态:应届毕业生,


imago 潜存替象 | imago 无意识意向 | imbalance 不平衡

buying intention:购买意向

buying inclination | 购买意向 | buying intention | 购买意向 | buying limit | 购入限价

intention tremor:意向震颤

intention movement 意向运动 | intention tremor 意向震颤 | intentional myoclonus 意向性肌阵挛



Noesis noesis:意向活动

意向分析 Intentionanalyse 252 | 意向活动 Noesis noesis 313 | 意向体验 intentionales Erlebnis 143