英语人>词典>汉英 : 恶心的 的英文翻译,例句
恶心的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lousy  ·  nauseating  ·  repulsive  ·  sick  ·  lousier  ·  sickest

更多网络例句与恶心的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are we going to appall you with something confidential and disgusting?


Craig really bogue at times. I wish he'd stop telling those disgusting stories.

克莱 克有时真是假惺惺,我希望他不要再说那些恶心的故事了。

Now you tell me, I ate a fucking cactus.


Whether this job is called "testing theories," or more circumspectly referred to as "seeing which theories best organize the data," it is a primary purpose of scientific experiments.


Too disgustedly please to die!


He's like a big disgusting...


The drain's blocked and smells disgustingly of rotten fish.


Every week this guy sends disgustingly graphic drawings of Jenkins' crimes.


Others appear to be disgustingly racist.


While it's true that women who end up miscarrying or whose pregnancies aren't viable are less likely to feel nauseated, a lack of nausea does not mean that there's anything wrong with your pregnancy.


更多网络解释与恶心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


wretch 悲惨,不幸的人 | awfully 恶心的,非常,可怕的 | You are awfully beautiful. 你非常美

blowjob:非常恶心的性行为. 不解释了就

mother fucker 连妈都FUCK的人 | blowjob 非常恶心的性行为. 不解释了就 | suck 恶心

blowjob:非常恶心的*行为. 不解释了就

mother fucker 连妈都FUCK的人 | blowjob 非常恶心的*行为. 不解释了就 | suck 恶心

boorish:粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少

But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...

distasteful:粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少

But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...

lousy:恶心的 很糟的

malicious 坏心的 恶毒的 gall 恶毒 | lousy 恶心的 很糟的 | nousea 恶心 作呕


恶心,干呕 nausea | 使恶心的,促呕药,恶心性袪痰药 nauseant | 脐 navel

uncouth:粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少

But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...

boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least:粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少

But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...

That has to be the grossest thing I've ever seen:这是我见过最恶心的事

That's disgusting.|真恶心 | That has to be the grossest thing I've ever seen.|这是我见过最恶心的事 | That's awesome.|棒极了