英语人>词典>汉英 : 恢复正常 的英文翻译,例句
恢复正常 的英文翻译、例句


return to normal · get one's breath · get right · put right · get one's breath again
更多网络例句与恢复正常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: There is a significant difference between the levels of Hb、SF、 FEP of model groups and normal group. The syndrome of every treatment groups is much better than physiological saline solution group, and recover gradually. The Hb、 SF、 FEP and IL-2、 IL-6 were recover gradually. But the improvement of AS two solstices pill add chalybeate group is comparatively obvious. Conclusions: AS two solstices pill add chalybeate has obvious therapeutic action on IDA model rats.


Results:In ischemia group, the peaks of MPO activity and CINC conentr ation were 24 hour and 6 hour respectively after ischemia, which initially incre ased at 1 hour, In ischemia reperfusion group, the peaks of MPO activity and CIN C conentration were 72 hour and 6 hour respectively after ischemia reperfusion, which initially increased at 6 hour and 1hour down to normal at 24hour respectiv ely.

结果:单纯缺血组MPO活性增高始于缺血6h并于缺血72h时达高峰,为0.15±0.01U/ml; CINC水平增高始于缺血1h,缺血6h时达高峰,为0.05±0.05ng/ml,以后逐渐下降并于缺血48h后恢复正常。缺血1小时再灌注组MPO活性增高始于再灌注1h并于再灌注24h时达高峰,为0.42 ±0.12U/ml;CINC水平增高始于再灌注1h,再灌注3h时达高峰,为0.65±0.03ng/ml,以后逐渐下降并于再灌注24h后恢复正常

Results Intraocular pressure recovered to normal in 15 cases with in 3 days and 1 case with in 3 weeks, 2 cases remained under normal after the surgery. 16 cases experienced improvement of vision after surgery. cystoid macular edemaoccurred to two cases.

结果 15例在术后3 d内眼压恢复正常及短暂增高后恢复正常,1例在术后3周内眼压逐渐恢复正常,2例手术后眼压仍然低。16例术后视力不同程度提高。2例出现黄斑囊样水肿。

The RRs of symptoms decreased gradually after the accident day(lag 1~5d). The RRs of breathe hard, ocular acerbity, lachrymation and temper oppression returned to normal level on the lag 3d; the RRs of cough, phlegm, throat desiccation and nonnasality saline and sternutation returned to normal level on the lag 4d; the RR of snivel returned to normal on the lag 5d.


Through the expelling of the toxins, illnesses caused by drug abuse are gradually alleviated and finally recovered, evidenced by the improvement of heart function and the increase of exercise stamina, the recovery from stomach ulcer (appetite greatly increased on the 5 th day of treatment and the weight increased by over 5 kg in 20 days), the recovery from constipation, liver pain, hunch back, impotence and menstruate irregularity, shrink pupil, trembling limbs, hardened blood vessels, and the irregular density and color of blood.

启乐戒毒灵—20天戒断心瘾 Qile Addiction Medicine – cure addiction in 20 days 随着毒素的不断排泄,因毒品滥用而导致的各种病症也逐步减轻直至最后康复,表现在病人心脏功能明显改善,运动耐力增强;胃病康复,治疗的第5天起食欲大增,20天体重一般能增加10多斤;肠子的吸收和消化功能恢复正常,便秘症状消失;肝痛症状完全消失;肺功能恢复正常,勾背现象消失;肾和性功能恢复正常,男性病人阳痿消失,女性病人月经恢复正常;曾经缩小的眼睛瞳孔恢复正常;四肢筋骨不再颤抖,变得有力;收缩硬化的血管会迅速软化,渐趋正常,血液的粘稠度和颜色恢复正常

The median time to achieve a neutrophile count of 0.5×109/L was 10 days after the last dose of chemotherapy in regimen A,and the time was 16 days in regimen B.The average SLEDAI decreased from 9.2 to 4.4,and the proteinuria decreased from to (0~+) in 3 weeks after the treatment.Two cases with complication of hemolytic anemia and 1 with thrombocytopenia before the treatment recovered to normal or nearly normal hemogram respectively.Among these 5 cases,1 patient had a short time improvement during the therapy,but died 50 days later because of refractory thrombosis of renal vein; 4 other patients achieved complete or partial remission within 5~16 months follow-up.

结果方案1从CTX结束算起,中性粒细胞恢复到0.5×109/L平均需10d,方案2从Ara-C结束起,中性粒细胞恢复到0.5×109/L需16d;治疗3周时 SLEDAI平均从9.2降至4.4,尿蛋白从降至(0~+),合并有重度难治性贫血或血小板减少者,治疗后血红蛋白或血小板分别恢复正常或接近正常;方案2治疗的1例由于肾血管血栓形成未能控制,病情短暂好转后再度恶化,1个月后死于DIC和肾功能衰竭;另4例随访5~16个月,病情基本控制。

Results:In the adult SVZ,the levels of Hes5 mRNA transitorily increased on day 3 and decreased on days 5 and 7;in contrast,the leve...


Results: Of the 22 cases, the draining veins, which were observed through MR brain surface anatomy scanning, were highly coincidence with the findings in the operation. The myodynamia of the one case whose myodynamia was grade 0 preoperation was grade IV one month after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade II preoperation was grade IV two weeks after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade III preoperation was grade IV three months after operation, and the patient recovered normal eight months later, the two cases whose myodynamia was grade IV total recovery after 2 months .

结果:22例患者的术前磁共振脑表面成像中脑表面回流静脉与术中所见高度一致。1例肌力0级患者术1月恢复至 IV 级,1例 II 级患者术后2周恢复至 IV 级,1例 III 级患者术3月恢复至 IV 级,随访8月患者对侧肢体肌力恢复正常,2例 IV 级患者术后2月完全恢复。

Pathological observations showed that the bone marrow and spleen of non-treated IMAA mice demonstrated typical aplastic anemia pattern, including bone marrow failure, marked splenatrophy, but the bone marrow and lymphoid tissues in the IMAA mice of irradiation-treated group were recovered to normal at day 28 after treatment.

结果表明:①IMAA组小鼠活存率为12.5%,平均存活时间为27.4 13.4天,照射治疗组活存率为100%,平均存活时间60天以上,单纯照射组无死亡;②外周血白细胞数:IMAA组呈进行性下降,直至死亡,照射治疗组第10天与免疫再障组相似,以后开始缓慢回升,基本上达到治疗前水平;③红细胞比容:未治疗IMAA组于14天后呈进行性降低,至第35天比实验前减低2/3,照射治疗组与单纯照射组一样,第14天有轻度减低随后升高,至35天接近正常;④骨髓有核细胞数:IMAA组呈进行性减低,无恢复趋势,照射治疗组于一过性减低后迅速增加,第28天达到正常水平;⑤骨髓和淋巴组织病理形态观察:IMAA组小鼠呈典型再生障碍性贫血病理改变,骨髓造血衰竭,脾脏明显萎缩,而照射治疗组于第28天骨髓和脾淋巴脏组织基本上恢复正常

Results Among 127 patients,there were 64(50.5%)complicated with diabetes insipidus after operation,of which one died from diabetes insipdus,39 cases (60.9%)recovered in one week,11 cases in 2 weeks,3 cases in 4 weeks,4 cases in one year,4 cases over one year,and 3 case...

结果 127例术后并发尿崩症64例,发生率为50.5%,尿崩死亡1例,死亡率为1.6%,其中39例(60.9%)在术后1周内恢复正常;11例(17.2%)在2周内恢复正常;3例(4.7%)在4周内恢复正常;4例(6.3%)持续1年;4例(6.3%)持续1年以上;3例(4.7%)持续3年以上。

更多网络解释与恢复正常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be oneself again:(身体或精神)恢复正常

profit improvement 营利改进 | be oneself again (身体或精神)恢复正常 | Seven Sages (对统治和立法有贡献的)古代希腊之七贤人


epistropheus 枢椎 | epistrophy 恢复正常 | epitaph 碑文

get one's breath:恢复正常(呼吸)

gather a breath 缓一口气 | get one's breath 恢复正常(呼吸) | recover one's breath 恢复正常(呼吸)

get one's breath:喘过气来,恢复正常呼吸

2582get on with和...相处 | 2583get one's breath喘过气来,恢复正常呼吸 | 2584get out出去,离开

get one's breath again:恢复正常

get on 生活 | get one's breath again 恢复正常 | get one's hand in 使熟悉工作

get one's breath again:恢复正常(呼吸)

recover one's breath 恢复正常(呼吸) | get one's breath again 恢复正常(呼吸) | recover one's breath again 恢复正常(呼吸)

to get one's breath back : [BRIT]:恢复正常呼吸

bad breath : 口臭 | to get one's breath back : [BRIT] 恢复正常呼吸 | to go out for a breath of (fresh) air : 出去呼吸(新鲜)空气

She wants normalcy:她想让一切恢复正常

If she wants to talkabout the weather,talk about the weather.|她想谈天气 那就谈呗 | She wants normalcy.|她想让一切恢复正常 | She wants to feellike the world didn't end.|她想感到这不是世界末日

We resect the tumor,hormone levels go back to normal,her symptoms go away:切除肿瘤 激素水平恢复正常 症状就会消失

She'll keep having strokes,and we'll have to keep bleeding her...fo... | We resect the tumor,hormone levels go back to normal,her symptoms go away|切除肿瘤 激素水平恢复正常 症状就会消失 | Great plan......

return life to normal:恢复正常生活

retaliatory acts 报复行为 | return life to normal 恢复正常生活 | return to normalcy 恢复常态