英语人>词典>汉英 : 怪人 的英文翻译,例句
怪人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
codger  ·  crackpot  ·  dweeb  ·  eccentric  ·  gink  ·  kook  ·  odd  ·  screwball  ·  crotcheteer  ·  wack  ·  odder  ·  codgers  ·  crackpots  ·  dweebs  ·  goofball  ·  kooks  ·  ratbag  ·  ratbags

a peculiar person · a strange person · odd fish
更多网络例句与怪人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's an odd character and no mistake!


A person who is appealingly ''.


"And another oddball is Bill, especially when it comes to food. Can you believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream. Talk about oddballs!"


With an abiding interest in futurology, Matt amusingly prefaced his talk with the suggestion that if you ask a bunch of thirtysomething geeks to discuss 'What's next?

带着对未知性的无限兴趣, Matt 打趣地以建议"如果我们和一群30岁左右的怪人讨论'未来会怎样'的话题,你将毫无疑问的得到'在那个时代我们这群怪人都会有一份超级棒的工作'这样的答案"作为他的开场白。

He's a crank, and a noxious crank


He's a crank, and a noxious crank.


She's not a scary wack job.


I'm not a freak but, I'm being attacked by the freaks sometimes.


Mayor: He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos.


When it's discovered that a rather simple man has the ability to harness electricity, dangerous and deadly occurrences follow, and our unlikely trio investigates this super-charged oddity. Meanwhile, Olivia has a high-voltage encounter of a different kind when she is rocked by a blast from her past, and Dr. Bishop turns to his feathered friends and enlists homing pigeons to help him break the case in the "Power Hungry" episode of FRINGE airing Tuesday, Oct.


更多网络解释与怪人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I happen to be honored to work with this jerk:我对于和这样的怪人共事 觉得很荣幸

... from a song from our first motion picture.|的一首歌引到我之前写的台词里 | I happen to be honored to work with this jerk|我对于和这样的怪人共事 觉得很荣幸 | Is that a compliment?|这算是恭维吗?

Bozo Filter:怪人过滤器

挂孔(主机背后的三个挂孔) Hanger | 怪人过滤器 Bozo Filter | 关键字 Keyword


codfish 鳕 | codger 怪人 | codices 法律


codfish /鳕/ | codger /怪人/有怪癖的人/ | codiazine /磺胺嘧啶/

No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head:不会吧,那怪人背后有长眼睛

...besides the underside of your desk. 不要放到桌子下面 | No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head. 不会吧,那怪人背后有长眼睛 | And hear across classrooms. 我还听得到你说什么

Young Frankenstein:年轻的科学怪人(新科学怪人、青年佛兰肯斯坦)

175. 7.9 1988 Hotaru no haka 再见萤火虫(萤火虫之... | 176. 7.9 1974 Young Frankenstein 年轻的科学怪人(新科学怪人、青年佛兰肯斯坦) | 177. 7.9 1962 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 双虎屠龙(谁杀了理贝.特瓦...

Young Frankenstein:新科学怪人/年轻的科学怪人/青年佛兰肯斯坦/年轻的弗兰肯斯坦

236. 无间道/无间道I Infernal Affairs (2002) | 237. 洛奇/洛基/龙拳虎威 Rocky (1976) | 238. 新科学怪人/年轻的科学怪人/青年佛兰肯斯坦/年轻的弗兰肯斯坦 Young Frankenstein (1974)


"IT怪人"(Geek)这个新兴的俚语是形容一些"科技知识一流、社交技巧九流"的人,尤其是指那些呆头呆脑的计算机专才. 本年度的"最性感IT怪人"选举首场预赛於上周末在印第安纳波利斯的信息科技会议暨博览会中展开,赛事会先举办十一场分区预赛,


kookaburra /笨人/呆瓜/ | kookie /怪人的/疯狂的/笨蛋的/ | kooky /怪人的/疯狂的/笨蛋的/

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:化身博士(又译双面怪人)

Down to Earth 来去天堂 | Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde 化身博士(又译双面怪人) | Dr. Frankeuetein 科学怪人