英语人>词典>汉英 : 性爱的 的英文翻译,例句
性爱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
erotic  ·  erotical  ·  ercptosexual

更多网络例句与性爱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of or concerning sexual love and desire; amatory.


She had a unique understanding of "melancholy" because of her extraordinary life experiences and she expressed the sense of melancholy in her stories and novels by revealing the heartlessness of affection and lovelessness of sexual love.


According to a study by Dr David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland and co-author of Superyoung (1999), men and women who reported having sex an average of four times per week looked approximately 10 years younger than they really were.

性爱让你看起来更年轻,任职於苏格兰皇家爱丁堡医院并共同著有 Superyoung 这本书的临床神经心理学医师 David Weeks 在他的研究中指出,每周有平均四次以上性爱的人,他们看起来比实际的年龄还要年轻 10 岁。

All sexual activities of Communist sex are spontaneous in moral development. There is no obtrusion or occupation and sex is natural and automatic.


One who loves another, especially one who feels sexual love.


The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it.


The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it.


So respondents were given four choices to the question of what bothered them the most: A partner in love with someone else, having sex with someone else, in a cyber-romance with someone else, or having cybersex with someone else.


So respondents were given four choices to the question ofwhat bothered them the most: A partner in love with someone else,having sex with someone else, in a cyber-romance with someone else,or having cybersex with someone else.


The author finds that cybersex presents the transformation of the intimacy. Cybersex can satisfy people's sexuality and thier desire to dominate over others, moreover, because of anonymity they can escape from the strangulation of power and gain the pleasure from thier adventure in virtual space.


更多网络解释与性爱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在格奥尔格圈子里,人们是因"性爱"(erotic)而结合在一起的. 格奥尔格认为,"性爱"是美的功能,可以看作是男性肉体美的功能. 人们潜在的互爱力量是精英分子的粘合剂. 他以身材的优美、举止的优雅和炽热的眼神为标准来选择自己圈子的成员.

free love:(无婚约的)自由性爱(非"自由恋爱

familiar talk 庸俗的谈话(非"熟悉的谈话") | free love (无婚约的)自由性爱(非"自由恋爱") | high school(美国的)中学(非"高等学校")

to get the low-down on her love life with James:逼她供出和詹姆斯的性爱生活

Later we tracked Samantha to the ladies' room|稍后我们在女化妆室 找到莎... | to get the low-down on her love life with James.|逼她供出和詹姆斯的性爱生活 | We've been looking for you everywhere.|我们到处...

having mind-blowing sex right now:享受兴奋至极的性爱

I know you're probably busy...|我知道你可能... | having mind-blowing sex right now...|享受兴奋至极的性爱 | but I feel that you need to know, your good friend, Miranda Hobbes...|但我觉得你有必要知道 你的...

Sex without love dooms relationships:无爱的性只会毁坏两人的关系

Safe and sound.|安然无恙 | Sex without love dooms relationships,|无爱的性只会毁坏两人的关系 | because people spend more time screwing|因为花很多的时间去^做**

erotically:性爱地; 色情地 (副)

erotica 色情文学; 色情艺术 (名) | erotically 性爱地; 色情地 (副) | eroticism 性爱倾向, 性欲亢进, 性的兴奋 (名)

sexual love:性爱

女子性冲动比起男子,比较少靠解除性紧张的欲求,其性爱(sexual love)表现她的全人格和心理均衡的性质,所以英国诗人拜伦(Byron)说过:「男人的爱是和男人的生活分开的东西;它是女人的整个存在.

No, I've had pretty great sex just for the hell of it:不 我有过很棒的性爱 虽然只是出于需要

No.|不 | No, I've had pretty great sex just for the hell of it.|不 我有过很棒的性爱 虽然只是出于需要 | But there's no sex like the kind you have when you love somebody...|但当你和你爱的人^做**的时候...


如果把之前仅仅通过与网友语音、文字交流来完成性活动的方式定义为"虚拟性爱"(Cybersex),那么它或许可以称作"新'虚拟'"(New-Cybersex). 显而易见,视频是"虚拟性爱"发展到极致的产物,它的出现并不只带来了一种能够确定对方性别的可靠感,


今天那所谓的计算机化的"虚拟性爱"(virtualsex)或"网络性爱"(cybersex),难道不正是一种"decaf"sex("seXwithoutseX")?即:依靠计算机屏幕以及网络视频头为平台的没有性接触的性,或者用现在流行的标语来说,"安全性爱"(safesex). 于是,