英语人>词典>汉英 : 思量 的英文翻译,例句
思量 的英文翻译、例句


turn sth. over in one's mind · weigh and consider
更多网络例句与思量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He gazed with some intentness at the English barricades of the two highways,--two large abatis of trees, that on the road to Genappe above La Haie-Sainte, armed with two cannon, the only ones out of all the English artillery which commanded the extremity of the field of battle, and that on the road to Nivelles where gleamed the Dutch bayonets of Chasse's brigade.


Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made after days and nights of anguished deliberation.


He paced back and forth in the room, considering how to solve this problem .


Now that I was alone I thought bitterly of the people I lived with.


And not in compassion of blatant policy.


And it was here, ten years ago, after returning from Grenoble that I would sit on the stone steps, eating my lunch of a stick of bread, wondering where I would settle down.


You should chew this thing over.


Only by calm consideration of our consistence can we achieve our purpose to live together.


I was just thinking how busy drink and the devil were at that very moment in the cabin of the Hispaniola, where I was surprised by a sudden lurch of the coracle.


However, when I cool down with reasoning, I see something fake deliberatively hiding behind the beautiful mask of the altruism. And then, with weep I stop pending, and pick up the choice I am now standing for.


更多网络解释与思量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to contemplate:去思量


contemplate vt.1:盘算,计议 2.思量,对...周密考虑 3.注视

contemplate vt.1.盘算,计议 2.思量,对...周密考虑 3.注视 | ponder vt. 思索,考虑,沉思 | irrespective a.不考虑的,不顾及的

contemplate vt.1:盘算,计议 2.思量,周密考虑 3.注视,凝视

ponder v. 思索,考虑,沉思 | contemplate vt. 1.盘算,计议 2.思量,周密考虑 3.注视,凝视 | weary a. 1.疲劳的,疲倦的 2.使疲劳的,令人厌倦的 vi.厌倦的,不耐烦

contemplate vt.1:盘算,讲议 2.思量,对...周密考虑 3.注视,凝视

contemplate vt.1.盘算,讲议 2.思量,对...周密考虑 3.注视,凝视 | misery n.1.痛苦,苦难,苦恼 2.悲惨的境遇,贫苦[联想词] | misfortune n.1.不幸,厄运,逆境 2.灾难,灾祸

Think Before You Speak:做前细思量

Teen Dating Violence Prevention 阻止青少年约会暴力 | Think Before You Speak 做前细思量 | TSA Education and Awareness 交通安全教育与认知

put on one's thinking cap:仔细思量

put on flesh 长肉; 长胖; 发胖 | put on one's thinking cap 仔细思量 | put on the map 赋与...以重要性; 使出名; 使存在

second thoughts:重新思量

52. Negotiating from Weakness 談判籌碼 | 53. Second Thoughts 重新思量 | 54. As Good as His Word 言而有信

Endless Thoughts:无尽的思量

06.灵悟 Sudden Feelings | 07.无尽的思量 Endless Thoughts | 08.初始 Beginniqg

Count it out and weigh it up again:再三反复思量

On certainty 可能性 | Count it out and weigh it up again 再三反复思量 | You can be sure 你可以确定

This is where thinking never attains:非思量處

不勞心力 There is no stain, no exertion, no wasting of energy - | 非思量處 This is where thinking never attains, | 識情難測 This is where the imagination fails to measure.