英语人>词典>汉英 : 思想简单的 的英文翻译,例句
思想简单的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与思想简单的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is that our allegedly unsophisticated enemy...


He devised a number of techniques for breaking German ciphers, including the method of the bombe, an electromechanical


Yet God in His mercy looks upon this simple person and provided salvation, ever since encountering the Hebraic perspective of studying the Word of God, the Lord has rekindled my love for His word.


The paper is divided into four parts. The prologue, the first, the second and the third part of the paper mainly discuss the person of Yang Zhu, the social background of his thinking, his basic ideas, the relationship between the thinking of Yang Zhu and Confucian, Taoist and Monist and also the analysis of the reason for the demise of his thinking.


How one enterprise accept advanced theory and turn it into performable practices,then execute quickly,sum up in time,improve continual,build a systemic management system at last,which is the key point of long-life enterprise.


The loathsome gastropods live for centuries, and the primitive Klatooinians regarded them as near-gods for this.


Literators'thought and Chinese classic garden (1) Brief introduction of literators'thought ...


Don't set it doing trifling rums in arithmetic when it might just as well be solving problems of moment to yourself and the world.


The trends of thoughts of the Seventeen-year Literature in New China and all kinds of literary critic movements could all be viewed as a historic link, which got concretely revealed during the course that the political thoughts removed dissidents and made itself realized.


From the perspective of theoretical research, the extreme orientation of both philosophy and psychology will lead to the contradiction and breaking of knowledge teaching and students' development. Consequently, the development of all the students to be human being would be lost. From the perspective of teaching practice, both the spoon-fed teaching and experience-constructive teaching, either controlling or indulging students, as a matter of fact, lead to the lost of cultivating students to be human being. Analyzing from the perspective of ideology, Herbart's "educational teaching", Dewey's "experience" curriculum and teaching ideology and constructivism make contributions to knowledge teaching. However, they have, constraints. If we cannot understand both their advantages and disadvantages but simply support or deny them, teaching research and practice will go to an extreme.


更多网络解释与思想简单的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

is that our allegedly unsophisticated enemy:是这些我们传说中思想简单的敌人

So, what's changed...|因此 发生了变... | ... is that our allegedly unsophisticated enemy...|... 是这些我们传说中思想简单的敌人... | ... has cottoned on to the factually unsophisticated truth...|... 领悟...


可是在这层思想背后,铺陈了现代自我设限的理性,传统上它以康德的批判表达,但同时间在自然科学的影响下更加的激进. 这个现代理性的概念,简单的来说,是建立在柏拉图主义(Platonism)、笛卡儿哲学(Cartesianism)和经验主义(>


风格派(De Stijl)和构成派(Constructivism). 前者兴起于荷兰,后者兴起于俄国. 两者意趣相投,主要的思想是追求最简单的几何形体和最纯粹的颜色. 他们追求的方向虽然对,但影响比较小. 主要代表建筑是荷兰Utrecht的住宅(左图).

countrified:土气的; 思想简单的; 粗俗的 (形)

countless 数不尽的, 无数的 (形) | countrified 土气的; 思想简单的; 粗俗的 (形) | country club 乡间俱乐部


在超文本文件世界里,我们用多媒体(hypermedia)来指那些包含多种数据形式的文件,不仅仅局限于简单文件. 全球网确实有一些多媒体的东西,但你看到的大部分将会是简单的文本文件:你可在屏幕上显示的文件材料. 超文本文件的这个思想并不是一个新思想.

A single word even may be a spark of inextinguishable thought:简单的一个词甚至有可能是一种不可磨灭的思想

119. Bad weather robs a holiday of half its ... | 120. A single word even may be a spark of inextinguishable thought. 简单的一个词甚至有可能是一种不可磨灭的思想. a | 121. demanding visual and spatial ...

Plinky Idea Prompts:思想激发软件

Phandy Photo sharing: 图片Twitter. 协作沟通服务,就一个简单问题交换快速的答案. | Plinky Idea Prompts: 思想激发软件. | Reddit code: 编码软件

Plinky Idea Prompts:思想激起软体

Phandy Photo sharing: 图片Twitter. 协作沟通服务,就一个简单难点交流快速的正确答复. | Plinky Idea Prompts: 思想激起软体. | Reddit code: 编码软体


open-minded:虚心的,思想开明的 | simple-minded:头脑简单的,愚蠢的 | absent-minded:心不在焉的

Like attracts like:物以类聚

原则也可以简单的归纳为:"物以类聚"(Like Attracts Like)你想要什么,就想什么. 自然规律会帮你实现的集中心力去想你喜欢的那些境况,让自己处在轻松愉悦的状态中. 好的感觉可以带来好的结果,糟糕的感觉带来糟糕的结果实现梦想的三个步骤: 1、要求(ask):使用你的思想向宇宙要你想要的东西;