英语人>词典>汉英 : 忍耐的 的英文翻译,例句
忍耐的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enduring  ·  forbearing  ·  patient  ·  longanimous

更多网络例句与忍耐的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Provided it does not appear that he wants spirit, or that fearwas the motive of his forbearance, the higher their resentmentagainst the person who injured him. The amiableness of the


As a woman, you will learn to bear something unbearable in this country.


Belshazzar had reached the P.N.R.- the point of no return. God could not allow him to go on.


The general, a man by no means notable for docility and long-suffering, flew into a rage.


She has reached the limit of endurance.


Dear Doctor manette always knowing this, always seeing her and you with this hallowed light about you, I have forborne , and forborne , as long as it was in the nature of man to do it.


This stench and old-age and malodorous fear.


He is a patient man, but not even he could sit down under that kind of provocation.


Seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression; was longanimous in the face of suffering.


Yet strong enough to resist aggression; was longanimous in the face of suffering.


更多网络解释与忍耐的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


overbearing 专横的,独断的 | forbearing 忍耐的,宽容的 | searing 灼热的

Griselda:葛莉谢尔达 德国 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人

Grace 葛瑞絲 英國,法國,拉丁 優雅的. | Griselda 葛莉謝爾達 德國指對丈夫極順從和忍耐的女人. | Gustave 葛佳絲塔芙 德國,瑞典 戰爭.


Grace 葛瑞丝......优雅的 | Griselda 葛莉谢尔达......指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人 | Gustave 葛佳丝塔芙......瑞典 战争

Griselda:德国 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人

Grace 英国,法国,拉丁 优雅的. | Griselda 德国 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人 | Gustave 德国,瑞典 战争

Griselda:女 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人

Geraldine 女 强而有力的长矛 | Griselda 女 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人 | Gwyneth 女 有福气的

last straw:忍耐的极限

332.late word 最新样式 | 333.last straw 忍耐的极限 | 334.lamb 没有经验的股票投资者

God is Long-suffering:神是恒久忍耐的

God is Just 神是公正的 | God is Long-suffering 神是恒久忍耐的 | God is Love 神是爱

not smothered by what she believed to be America's puritanical and materialistic culture:抛弃美国那令人窒息的无法忍耐的

She was already thinking of herself as... | ...not smothered by what she believed to be America's puritanical and materialistic culture...|...抛弃美国那令人窒息的无法忍耐的... | ...which she had little...

sufferable:可容忍的; 可忍耐的 (形)

suffer 受痛苦, 受损害; 遭受, 忍受, 经历 (动) | sufferable 可容忍的; 可忍耐的 (形) | sufferance 忍受, 忍耐; 痛苦; 忍耐力; 苦难 (名)


endurance 忍耐 | endurant 能忍耐的 | endure 耐久