英语人>词典>汉英 : 心脏瓣膜的 的英文翻译,例句
心脏瓣膜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与心脏瓣膜的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a type of birth defect affecting the valves of the heart.


Mechanical valve is used most among all the artificial heart valve, but its surface will get cruor if it stay long in body fluid. So its meaningful to increase the bioactivity of it.


Endocarditis is basically a disease of the heart valves and it occurs in the Endocardium which is a membrane which lines the inside of the heart's valves.


Artificial mechanical cardiac valve was produced by Lanzhou Flight Control Instrument Factory. Prosthetic valve frame was acid-resisting chrome-nickel alloy of high intensity, valve ring was polyester filament fabric, valve was consisted of graphite matrix in interior and deposited hydrolytic carbon on surface.


The aim of this study was to generate decellularized heart valves with an intact ultra-structure and to repopulate these with endothelial cells under simulated physiological conditions.


However, diagnosis can be challenging, mainly because of variable clinical presentations and the degree of valvular obstruction.


Background— Myxomatous dystrophy of the cardiac ales affects 3% of the population and remains one of the most common indications for alular surgery.

背景 人群中心脏瓣膜粘液瘤样营养不良的发生率大约为3%,该病一直是心脏瓣膜病外科手术的常见指征之一。

The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever.


The present research progress of biological tribology and disabled mechanism and pronging life measure of manual joint, inner fastness, growing artificial tooth and manual heart valve are reviewed, and some future tasks for biological tribology are discussed also on these basis.


Here are flat, pale tan, spreading vegetations over the mitral valve surface and even on the chordae tendineae.


更多网络解释与心脏瓣膜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

creatinine clearance:肌酸酐清除率

与AKI相关的危险因素包括:年龄、女性、术前肌酸酐清除率(creatinine clearance)、高血压、利尿剂的使用、左心室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction)、心脏瓣膜手术、体外循环(extracorporeal circulation)时间、手术后血管加压药的使用时

glucosamine sulfate:葡糖胺硫酸盐

维 骨素即是葡糖 胺硫酸盐 (Glucosamine Sulfate), 而 软骨素 即是 黏多糖体 (Chondroitin Sulfate)维骨素影 响指甲,筋骨,肌腱皮肤,心脏瓣膜, 黏膜等体质的形成.

Valvular heart disease:心脏瓣膜病

第三篇 循环系统疾病 第八章 心脏瓣膜病 (Valvular Heart Disease) 讲授目的和要求1.掌握二尖瓣和主动脉瓣膜病变的病理生理、临床表现及诊断方法. 2.熟悉二尖瓣和主动脉瓣膜病变的病因、鉴别诊断、并发症、治疗原则及手术适应证.

Valvular heart disease:瓣膜病

第三篇 循环系统疾病 第八章 心脏瓣膜病 (Valvular Heart Disease) 讲授目的和要求1.掌握二尖瓣和主动脉瓣膜病变的病理生理、临床表现及诊断方法. 2.熟悉二尖瓣和主动脉瓣膜病变的病因、鉴别诊断、并发症、治疗原则及手术适应证.


valvotomyvalvulotomy 瓣膜切开术 | valvula 小瓣 | valvular 心脏瓣膜的


valvular 心脏瓣膜的 | valvular 有阀门的 | valvular 瓣形的


如心区部听诊出现拍水音和摩擦音可确诊为心包炎(cardiopericarditis);心室部听诊出现心内杂音可确诊是心脏瓣膜病(valvular disease of the heart);肺区听诊出现支气管音或罗音时是肺炎(lung fever)的表现;腹部听诊时听不到肠音是肠麻痹(enteroparalysis).

cardiac murmurs:心脏杂音

心脏杂音(cardiac murmurs)是指除心音和额外心音以外, 在心脏收缩和舒张时血液在心脏或血管内产生湍流所致的室壁,瓣膜或血管壁振动所产生的异常声音.其特点是持续时间较长,强度,频率不同,可与心音完全分开或连续,甚至完全掩盖正常心音.

Little bacteria cauliflowers clinging to his valves:吸附在瓣膜上的细菌

His heart's infected.|他的心脏被感... | Little bacteria cauliflowers clinging to his valves.|吸附在瓣膜上的细菌 | Except sometimes they can't hold on. They go swimming in his bloodstream.|吸附不住的时候...

rheumatic mitral stenosis:风湿性二尖瓣狭窄

风湿性二尖瓣狭窄(rheumatic mitral stenosis) 风湿性二尖瓣狭窄是由什么原因引起的? 风湿性心脏瓣膜病是急性风湿热侵犯心脏后所遗留的慢性心脏病变,风湿热是变态反应性疾病. 常侵犯心脏引起全心炎,累及心包、心肌及心内膜. 的介入治疗近年来不断进步,