英语人>词典>汉英 : 心脏 的英文翻译,例句
心脏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
heart  ·  hearts  ·  cardi  ·  tickers

Cardiac Arrest
更多网络例句与心脏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This book in all 126 chapters, content involves cardiovascular disease foundation, not have achieve video learn, disease of valve of physiological, heart, aorta mixes report outside element of risk of week blood-vessel disease, coronary artery disease, cardiac muscle straightens dead, disease of heart and pericardium and pulmonary circulation disease, cardiac muscle and heart failure,, include 1400 plans, among them 483 are chromophotograph, kinetic draw writes down the radiative a collection of illustrative plates that covers electric physiology draw to write down image of graph, angiography, heart to be short of caustic and blood stream the graph.


It was confirmed by Log-rank test that the cardiac allografts in group B and group C all survived longer than those in group A significantly (p.01). The survival time of the cardiac allografts in group C was also longer than those in groups B (p.05), which suggested that the recipients which pretreatment with SPC and CP was more efficient than that with CsA.(2)TGF-β1 is expressed as buffy granules in cardiac muscle and blood vessel dissepiment.

对数秩检验(log-rank test)证实,B组移植心脏的存活时间较A组明显延长,差异具有极显著性(P.01);C组移植心脏的存活时间较A组也明显延长,差异极其显著(P.01);将B、C两组移植心脏的存活时间进行比较时表明二者之间仍具有显著性差异(P.05),说明SPC和CP联合预处理对移植心脏的存活时间的延长效果优于应用免疫抑制剂CsA组。2)TGF-β1阳性表现为心肌细胞浆及血管壁内出现棕黄色颗粒。

Heart problems such as heart block, inflammation of the heart muscle and inflammation of the bag that surrounds the heart.


The human heart is the center of the cardiovascular system. Integrated with mechanical, electrical, neural and biochemical properties, the heart is difficult to model, and there is no ideal integral model now. The developed electrical models haven't considered the mechanical properties and blood flow process in the heart; while the mechanical ones have normally deal with the heart in the diastole period, and the electrical activity was simplified too much although some mechanical models have investigated the heart during systole.


Specifically, we will (1) perform electrophysiological study on the interaction of CTXs with cardiomyocytes stripped of specific GAGs,(2) study the binding of CTXs from spitting cobra venom with corneal tissue and examine the possible involvement of GAGs in the disruption of regular superstructure of collagen fibril and (3) examine the role of polyproline peptide sequence of P-type CTXs in the lytic action of CTXs. The results of this study will not only help delineate the mechanism of cobra CTXs, a long standing problem in the toxicity of cobra venom, but also suggest a new approach to develop CTXs into a potential drug for cancer.


The Drosophila heart related genes, tinman and wingless, have been shown to play an important role in coordinating the early formation of heart progenitor cells and precursors, yet the late function is still unexplored.


The Drosophila heart related genes,tinman and wingless,have been shown to play an important role in corrdinating the early formation of heart progenitor eells and precursors,yet the late function is still unexplored.


In this exper iment,we took the advantage of RNAi technique,microinjected tinman and singless dsRNA into the early embryos in Drosophila respectively and got these two genes' RNAi phenotypes,which were very similar to that of their mutant,showing heart tube defects or no heart precursors formation.tinman dsRNA eve caused visceral mesoderm defects and the somatic muscles disruption,yet wingless dsRNA only affected heart precursors and had no effect on visceral mesoderm and somatic muscles,indicationg that the heart-related genes dsRNA interference worked effectively and exclusively in Drosophila.


Single coronary artery combined with other cardiac anomalies is uncommon. We present a 64-year-old man with unicuspid valvular and infundibular pulmonary stenosis, single coronary artery arising from right sinus of Valsalva, combined with coronary artery fistula and secundum atrial septum defect.


At the one-cell stage, each embryo was injected with gradient doses of 2-8ng MO. The control morpholino, was purchased from Gene-Tools.To test the knockdown effectiveness of the morpholino, the tbx2-EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) construct was generated. And coinjection of morpholino with mRNA tests its specificity of the morpholino. Overexpression of tbx2 via mRNA microinjection helps us understand gaining function of tbx2. Results The tbx2-EGFP construct tests the knockdown effectiveness of the morpholino. Zebrafish embryos lacking tbx2 function have defects in cardiac contractility, rhythm and morphology in a dose-dependent manner. The embryos with c-MO are normal in development. Coinjection of morpholino with mRNA rescue the phenotype of tbx2 knocking down. The phenotypes include pericardial edema, hypogenetic ventricle, dilation of atria, arrhythmia, bradycardia, asystole, abnormal atrioventricular canal, aberrant valve and blood regurgitation.


更多网络解释与心脏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cardiac arrest:心脏骤停

心脏骤停与心肺脑复苏 心脏骤停(cardiac arrest)--般是指患者在心脏相对正常或无全身性严重致命性疾病情况下,在未能估汁到的时间内,心搏突然停止,从而导致有效心泵功能和有效循环突然中止,为心脏急症中最严重的情况.

cardiomegalia; cardiomegaly:心脏肥大,心脏扩大

\\"心脏软化\\",\\"cardiomalacia,cardiomyomalacia\\" | \\"心脏肥大,心脏扩大\\",\\"cardiomegalia,cardiomegaly\\" | \\"心脏黑变病\\",\\"cardiomelanosis\\"

heart murmur:心脏杂音

平安健康网症状栏目为你提供详尽的心脏杂音(Heart murmur)介绍,心脏杂音(Heart murmur)病因,心脏杂音(Heart murmur)诊断,心脏杂音(Heart murmur)鉴别诊断全民健康网疾病大全为您提供心脏杂音病因、引起心脏杂音的原因、心脏杂音治疗方法、预防保健等相关知识.

cardiac hypertrophy:心脏肥厚

中文摘要 心脏肥厚 (cardiac hypertrophy) 是心血管疾病的重要表徵. 在临床上心脏肥厚会导致心脏功能衰竭、心律不整、甚至猝死. 许多研究证实心脏肥厚与氧自由基的生成有关. 三亚麻油酸 (trilinolein) 是一种存在於植物的"不饱和脂肪酸".

Heart transplantation:心脏移植

)等(3)心脏移植(heart transplantation):自从1967年第1例同种心脏移植成功至今已有近2万人接受过心脏移植由于环孢素(cyclosporin)的应用排异反应可有效地控制移植后生活质量和生存率明显提高现心脏移植已成为治疗终末期心衰惟一有效的方法8.康复治疗 充血性心力衰竭(CHF)的基本病理生理改变是心输出量绝对或相对不足心脏处于


\\"心脏动力学\\",\\"cardiodynamics\\" | \\"心脏神经支配不良\\",\\"cardiodysesthesia\\" | \\"心脏神经支配不良,心脏兴奋不足\\",\\"cardiodysneuria\\"


\\"心脏神经支配不良\\",\\"cardiodysesthesia\\" | \\"心脏神经支配不良,心脏兴奋不足\\",\\"cardiodysneuria\\" | \\"心脏之发生\\",\\"cardiogensis\\"


\\"心脏病学\\",\\"cardiology\\" | \\"心脏松解术,心脏崩解\\",\\"cardiolysis\\" | \\"心脏软化\\",\\"cardiomalacia,cardiomyomalacia\\"


\\"心脏松解术,心脏崩解\\",\\"cardiolysis\\" | \\"心脏软化\\",\\"cardiomalacia,cardiomyomalacia\\" | \\"心脏肥大,心脏扩大\\",\\"cardiomegalia,cardiomegaly\\"


cardioroentgenography 心脏X射线照像术 | cardioscope 心脏示波器,心脏镜 | cardioscope mini monitor 心脏示波微形监测器