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微急的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After analysing the flight, cooling and undercooled solidification of multistage atomized droplets, this paper adopts Newtonial cooling, highly undercooled heterogeneous nucleation and steadystate continuous growth model to calculate and simulate numerically the thermal history of droplets and effect of main atomization process parameters during multistage atomization. The results indicated that large undercooling occur mainly during later stage of multistage atomization while recalescence and rapid quenching occur mainly during forced cooling stage.


At that time the weather visibility was not high, is having the drizzle, in fact, enlightened plum Tela to say, the train already broke down "star of in the European" to that which collapsed the railroad bridge very is also far, suddenly transmits exceptionally "sharply checks 车声", because got on the brakes extremely anxiously, in left "star of the European" the very far place all to be possible to see on the spark and the track rain water which the track burst out the mist which got on the brakes scalding hot evaporates.


XRD, 29Si, 27AI MAS NMR, the adsorption of nitrogen at low temperature,129Xe NMR, XPS, IR-TPD, NH3-TPD, the high vacuum volumetric analysis and pulse flow microreaction were used to study the difference in structure and property between the US-SSY zeolites obtained by quick and slow cooling after treating SSY zeolite with steam at high temperature.


Analyzing the dynamic behavior of dislocations in the deformed metal at high temperature and high strain rate, a new theoretical model of dislocation dynamic behavior is put forward to describe the dynamic recrystallisation mechanism of the weld metal.


更多网络解释与微急的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andean:安第斯(Andes)山脉的, 安第斯人

andantino | 小行板,微急的节拍或曲子 微急的 微急地 | Andean | 安第斯(Andes)山脉的, 安第斯人 | Andeans Common Market | 安第斯共同市场

infraorbital canal:眶下管

侧线几平直,沿体侧中部向后延伸,约至尾鳍下叶前方的1/3处急转下弯至尾端;头部眶上管(supraorbital canal),前方微弯,至眼前上方则几近平直而延伸至吻端;眶下管(infraorbital canal)呈波状,向前延伸至吻前方与眶上管相接,

treat others well when you have your days,because you need them when you are unfortune:得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们

78、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微... | 79、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们. treat others well when you have your days,because you need them when you are unfortune | 80、学做任何事得按部就班,急不...