英语人>词典>汉英 : 微小的 的英文翻译,例句
微小的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
jerkwater  ·  minikin  ·  minimus  ·  minute  ·  potty  ·  puny  ·  pygmy  ·  slightest  ·  slim  ·  tiny  ·  wee  ·  weenie  ·  minuscular  ·  punily  ·  weeny  ·  minuted  ·  minuting  ·  pottier  ·  potties  ·  punier  ·  slimmed  ·  slims  ·  tinier  ·  weenier  ·  weer  ·  remotest  ·  slimmest  ·  tiniest  ·  weenies  ·  slt.

更多网络例句与微小的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's consideration.


The sand hopper--a tiny, nocturnal beach crustacean native to New Zealand--is shown in its natural glory in this winner from the 2008 Small World Photomicrography Competition.


Pit formed in stamper molding, is the smallest thing on the stamper. It's as small as smog particle, which means that even the smallest impurity can damage large amounts of data.

在制主片过程中形成的 pit,是所有制作形成物中最微小的,每一个只有烟雾的颗粒大小,这就意味着最微小的杂质也会损坏大量资料。

Perhaps the strangest feature of this theropod is its tiny, underdeveloped arms, probably the tiniest of any of the larger meat-eaters.


The block of leafy branches, roots, mud, and piggybacking barnacles was boxed and hauled ashore.


Top executives may differ only slightly in their talents, just as sports champions differ only slightly from runners-up.


Even a modest risk of catastrophe, like a modest risk of being shot, is worth taking steps to avoid.


Until now, though, it was only monophonic vocal and instrumental parts that could benefit from Melodyne's much-admired editing algorithms: algorithms capable of everything from minor corrections of intonation to extreme pitch shifting and from the subtle modification of grooves to drastic time stretching.


It could also be helpful when looking at small body parts, like the thyroid or parathyroids, to help during preoperative planning. She said, instead of using a whole-body scanner to look at small body parts and organs, like a thyroid,"Just whip out your little camera and get very quickly-acquired, very high-resolution images of thyroids and other small parts."


These tiny peepers line the upper part of the mantle (seen as orange dots on this specimen) and work together to detect shadows and movements.


更多网络解释与微小的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他是用这样"斩钉截铁"的词汇来解释的:在最早所谓生命体的、极为保守的体系内,为进化开路的最初、最简单的事件,是极微小的(microscopic)、偶然发生的(fortuitous), 和(生物)有目的性的功能(teleonomic functioning)毫无关系和影响.

Minuscule:微小的 tiny 微小的

177 instantaneous 立竿见影的 immediate 立即的 | 197 minuscule 微小的 tiny 微小的 | 198 minute 微小的 tiny 微小的

minute minute:分钟,微小的

,"minuscule","minuscule n.草写小字,极其微小的" | ,"minute","minute 分钟,微小的" | ,"miraculous","miraculous奇迹的,不可思议的miracle n."


Melchizedek麦基洗德:名字的意思是:"公义的王" | Mordecai末底改:名字的意思是:"献给米罗大""微小的人" | Naboth拿伯:名字的意思是:"果子"


freak 怪物,反常的,畸形生物 | teeny 极小的,微小的 | fresh 新鲜的,清新的


2) 引用集 3) 检查几何体 ☆ 对象(Objects) 微小的(Tiny):在选中体或几何体中查找所有微小的体、面、边或曲线. 未对齐的(Misaligned):检查所有与工作坐标系接近正交但又未与之精确对齐的选中几何体.


ween 料想 | weenie 微小的 | weeny 微小的


punic wars 罗马战争 | punily 微小的 | puniness 微小


pungent /郁烈/辣/呛/ | punily /微小的/不足取的/ | punishable /该罚的/可罚的/


weenie 微小的 | weeny 微小的 | weep away 不停地哭泣