英语人>词典>汉英 : 微动关节 的英文翻译,例句
微动关节 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

double arthrodia · mixed joints
更多网络例句与微动关节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Joint friction and micromotion should inevitably form the biofilm and debris around the prosthesis, which will provide a breeding ground for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. On the contrary, the destruction of bone around the joint caused by infection is one of the reasons of joint sinking.


In addition, micromotion between the nonarticulating side of the liner and the interior of the shell may be a source of polyethylene debris generation, or "backside wear." Recognition of this problem has led to improements in the fixation of the liner within the metal shell, and some designs also hae included polishing the interior of the shell.


In addition, sterility loosening is also affected by biological factors of prosthetic materials and their wear particles except prosthetic design, surgical technique, and prosthetic microphonics.


Abstract] Objective To provide the experience on treatment with the internal fixation to the fractures combined with/without dislocation on peripheral amphiarthrodial joint.

目的 通过对微动关节周围骨折和合并关节脱位的内固定治疗后的疗效分析,进而为临床治疗提供经验。

Abstract] objective to provide the experience on treatment with the internal fixation to the fractures combined with/without dislocation on peripheral amphiarthrodial joint.methods from january 2000 to january 2005,62 cases were follow-up visited and evaluated on imageology,imaging,joint function and complication,et al.results serveral problems were observed on these cases.first,when the internal fixation were pulled out,some of the patients were observed the disturbance,even loss on joint function,and their quality of life were limmited.second,some internal fixations had been broken before they were pull out.conclusion we should sufficiently allow for not only the stabilization and the union of the fracture,but also degrade the complication to minimum limit and maximally recover the joint function.

目的 通过对微动关节周围骨折和合并关节脱位的内固定治疗后的疗效分析,进而为临床治疗提供经验。方法对2000年1月~2005年1月期间62例患者进行随访,并从影像学及关节功能、并发症等方面进行评估。结果治疗该类创伤病例存在着以下几个问题:(1)部分患者的关节功能在内固定解除术后,存在着不同程度的功能障碍,甚至丧失而影响到患者的生活质量。(2)并发内固定断裂情况时有发生。结论治疗微动关节周围骨折尤其在合并有关节脱位时,应充分考虑到既要修复因创伤引起的骨折使其愈合并使该关节稳定,又应该最大限度地恢复关节功能,并将并发症降低到最小限度。

Abstract] objective to provide the experience on treatment with the internal fixation to the fractures combined with/without dislocation on peripheral amphiarthrodial joint.methods from january 2000 to january 2005,62 cases were follow-up visited and evaluated on imageology,imaging,joint function and complication,et al.results serveral problems were observed on these cases.first,when the internal fixation were pulled out,some of the patients were observed the disturbance,even loss on joint function,and their quality of life were limmited.second,some internal fixations had been broken before they were pull out.conclusion we should sufficiently allow for not only the stabilization and the union of the fracture,but also degrade the complication to minimum limit and maximally recover the joint function.


更多网络解释与微动关节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ampelography 葡萄品种志 | amphiarthrosis 微动关节 | amphiaster 双星体


\\"有性个体之单性生殖个体\\",\\"amphiapomict\\" | \\"微动关节;双关节\\",\\"amphiarthrosis\\" | \\"双甲鱼科\\",\\"AMPHIASPIDAE\\"

mixed articulation; amphiarthrosis:微动关节;双关节

殴氏尖剑吻鲨 Mitsukurina owstoni | 微动关节;双关节 mixed articulation; amphiarthrosis | 混合胆石 mixed gallstone


amphiarthrosis 微动关节 | amphiaster 双星体 | amphiastral mitosis 双星有丝分裂


最常见的软骨结合是骨干与骨骺之间的暂时性软骨连结,2.联合(symphysis)是一种继发性软骨连结,确切的说是纤维软骨关节. 关节可藉纤维软骨盘的变形而有一定限度的运动. 因此,联合属于微动关节(amphianhrosis).


amp 腺苷一磷酸 | ampelography 葡萄品种志 | amphiarthrosis 微动关节


微动关节amphiarthrosis | 微动关节的amphiarthrodial | 微动脉造影术microangiography

Mitsukurina owstoni:殴氏尖剑吻鲨

笔螺科 MITRIDAE | 殴氏尖剑吻鲨 Mitsukurina owstoni | 微动关节;双关节 mixed articulation; amphiarthrosis