英语人>词典>汉英 : 循环 的英文翻译,例句
循环 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
circle  ·  circulate  ·  circulated  ·  circulating  ·  circulation  ·  cycle  ·  loop  ·  recur  ·  recurrence  ·  recursion  ·  repetition  ·  rotate  ·  rotation  ·  whirligig  ·  circled  ·  circumrotate  ·  circumrotation  ·  rotated  ·  loops  ·  circles  ·  circulates  ·  circumrotated  ·  circumrotates  ·  circumrotating  ·  cycles  ·  recurred  ·  recurs  ·  rotates

AB roll · cyclic transformation · for-loop
更多网络例句与循环相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The key of circulation economy lawmaking lies in perfect and development the system arrangement of circulation economy, mainly should include programming system of circulation economy, the evaluation index sign system and investigate the system of circulation economy, standard, marking, symbolize and the attestation system of circulation economy, regard manufacturer as principle of the responsibility extension system, the point enterprise resources economy and make use of circularly certainly the sum management system, the norm system and guide system of the industry policy, the incentive system and responsibility system of government, enterprise and the publics.


On the basis of formal chapters' analysis, learning from foreign countries' successful experience in circular economy's legislation, considering our own legislation practice in developing circular economy, the main framework of our country's circular economy's legal institutions' construction is put forward as follows, the guidance thought of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction is the concept of scientific development and the thought of sustainable development; the 3R principle, the principle of following the ecological rules, the principle of giving priority to precautions, the principle of the contaminator paying are the basic principles of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction; the field of the natural resources' exploitation and utilization, the field of manufacturing industry and service trades, the field of disposing waste and changing waste into resources, the field of the exploiting and utilizing energy, and the field of social consumption are the key fields of the circular economy's legal institution's construction; the circular economy's legal system is constructed from four levels, the basic laws, the principle laws, the comprehensive laws and the special laws; The following circular economy's legal institutions are made, the institution of circular economy's planning, the institution of green economy's accounting, the institution of scientific and technological information's titles, the institution of economic encouragement, the institution of market allowance, the institution of listing the names' who set good example in developing circular economy, the institution of forcing those enterprises with heavy pollution into developing circular economy, the institution of green consumption, the institution of the public's participation, the institution of sharing the responsibility, and the institution of evaluating the circular economy's results.


According to Lemaitre's damage evolution law and the assumption of this paper that the cyclic loading maximum tensile stress has the most contribution to the cyclic damage and assume that the stress is the maximum stress .The material parameters S which are expressed in exponential form and generalize the variation in the process of cyclic loading is exponential experience equation which provide the expectation of cyclic damage of 63Sn/37Pb material and lead it into the calculation of damaged incremental form and assume that damage keeps constant during the same cycle. The results match the experimental data. It proves that the Endochronic plasticity theorem adopt the calculation of damage environment.


Finally it mathematically calculates the CRC at bit and byte level and deducts a 16-bit CRC. The calculation and deduction consolidate the CRC theory. Chapter three also introduces the modulation by two, CRC polynomial, reflection polynomial applied in noise environment and the relationship between reflection polynomial and general polynomial.


The work had been carried out can be summarized as follows: 1. Thermal cycle analysisBased on the classical thermodynamics, influence of isobaric reheat and isovolumetric reheat on cycle output is discussed. Based on the finite time thermodynamic theory, the thesis discusses the optimization of Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle and Stirling cycle between constant temperature heat source and constant temperature heat sink or between variable temperature heat source and constant temperature.


NP-Det N NP——Det Adj N PP S(the tall man with glasses that I met) The recursiveness of Phrase structure rules 短语结构规则的循环性 These rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentence with inf inite length, due to their recursive properties.

根据短语结构规则,短语和句子可以无限循环地组合起来。 X-bar theory X 标杆理论(X 标杆理论是将各种短语结构规则高度抽象地综合成单一的X 标杆规则的理论。)一定要结合书本!

In this paper, we first give an example that the bilateral weighted shift operator in c_0space is hypercyclic operator and first solve the existence problem of hypercyclic operator in c_0or c_0(Z space . And then we investigate the property of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and an important property of the hypercyclic vector of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and c_0 space. At last we give the concept of weak hypercyclic operator and weak hypercyclic vector , and give the equivalence between the weak hypercyclicity and the hypercyclicity in l~1 space.

本文首先给出了c_0空间上的一个双边左加权移位算子是超循环算子的一个例子,首次解决了c_0 或c_0(Z 空间中超循环算子的存在性问题;接下来分别研究了c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的性质以及c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的超循环向量的一个重要性质,最后提出了弱超循环算子和弱超循环向量的概念,并且给出了I~1空间中弱超循环性与超循环性的等价性。

On the basis of same main components, comparison and analysis are performed on thermodynamic performance of HAT cycle, STIG (Steam-Injected Gas Turbine) cycle, gas-steam combined cycle and the relevant cycles with intercooling or reheat.


Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


PET recycling in the photographic film industry; recycling of PET containers; recycling post-consumer; greenhouse polyethylene films by blending with polyamide; recycling of plastics from urban solid wastes; technical and economic management of plastics wastes; blends of polyethylene and plastics waste; techniques for sorting and recycling post-consumer plastics bottles; hydrolytic treatment of plastics wastes containing paper; technologies for processing mixed plastics wastes; use of recyclable plastics in motor vehicles; ground tier rubber polymer composites; and quality assurance in plastics recycling.

塑料的再循环プラスチックのがまた循環します在照相胶卷工业里的宠物再循环;宠物集装箱的再循环;再循环消费者后;通过用polyamide调和的温室聚乙烯电影;来自都市的固体废物的塑料制品的再循环;塑料制品的技术和经济管理浪费;聚乙烯和塑料制品的混合物浪费;分类和再循环消费者后塑料瓶子的技术; hydrolytic 处理塑料制品浪费包含纸;为处理混合的塑料制品的技术浪费;使用在机动车里的可再造的塑料制品;地排橡胶聚合物混合物;以及用塑料再循环的质量保证。

更多网络解释与循环相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



closed cycle control:闭路循环调节,闭合循环控制

闭合循环,闭路循环 closed cycle | 闭路循环调节,闭合循环控制 closed cycle control | 闭路循环冷却 closed cycle cooling

Thermal cycler:循环变温加热器,热循环仪

thermal activation 热活化 | thermal cycler 循环变温加热器,热循环仪 | thermal cycling 循环变温加热,热循环

temperature cycler:循环变温仪,温度循环仪

temperature control 温度控制 | temperature cycler 循环变温仪,温度循环仪 | temperature cycling 循环变温,温度循环(变化)

cyclic module:循环模;循环加群

循环法;轮换法 cyclic method | 循环模;循环加群 cyclic module | 循环次序 cyclic order

circular dependencies:循环相依 循环相依

circle out 圆形放射 圆形放射 | circular dependencies 循环相依 循环相依 | circular reference 循环参考 循环参考

circular dependencies:循环相依 循环依赖

circle out 圆形放射 圆形放射 | circular dependencies 循环相依 循环依赖 | circular reference 循环参考 循环引用

rankine cycle:朗肯循环

三、电力节能应坚持的原则和节能目标;第三节 发电技术发展的主要方向;第二章 蒸汽动力循环及主要设备;第一节 蒸汽动力循环及效率计算;一、水蒸气作为工质的卡诺循环;二、简单蒸汽动力装置--朗肯循环(Rankine cycle);三、再热循环;四、回热循环;

sedimentary cycle:沉积型循环

生态系统的物质循环可分为三大类型,即水循环(water cycle),气体型循环(gaseous cycle)和沉积型循环(sedimentary cycle). 生态系统中所有的物质循环都是在水循环的推动下完成的,因此,没有水的循环,也就没有生态系统的功能,生命也将难以维持.

water cycle:水循环

生物地球化学循环分三大类型:水循环(water cycle)、气体型循环(gaseous cycle)和沉积型循环(sedimentary cycle). 2.水循环. 水和水循环对于生态系统具有特别重要意义,它是地球上各种物质循环的中心循环. 通过降水和蒸发这两种形式,