英语人>词典>汉英 : 得意地 的英文翻译,例句
得意地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exultingly  ·  great

更多网络例句与得意地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, as we floundered on, my companion wearied me with constant reproaches that I had not brought a pilgrim's staff: telling me that I could never get into the house without one, and boastfully flourishing a heavy-headed cudgel, which I understood to be so denominated.


Strangers started smirking at each other and feather bowers began to appear.


Game beginning, see together a king of good the horse be by leap and bound blunt fore noodles, but the farmland hate of Ma3 Yuan3 Yuan3 fall at behind, king satisfiedly joyful cachinnation.


You know, she draws up her chemise to put that on," he said to Fauchery, loud enough to be heard by those around him."


There," she said, with triumph,"that is just it; the Serpent mentioned that very jest, and called it the First Chestnut, and said it was coeval with the creation.


He said complacently.


Once of my friend thought the price was too high, the old woman said complacently that they both had got some schooling and can read the characters.


The husband and Steiner, sitting side by side, were laughing complaisantly, and the whole house broke out in a roar when Prulliere, that great favorite, appeared as a general, a masquerade Mars, decked with an enormous plume and dragging along a sword, the hilt of which reached to his shoulder.


How they laughed and mused about the pristine world of ice and snow that was of their making. How they boasted of the piercingly cold winds and of the somber, gray stillness that together they had created.


Immediately , this burro great rises to wellhead , ran away in ground of the quickstep in the expression with open-eyed everybody next !


更多网络解释与得意地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beaming 光亮的 | beamingly 发光地 | beamish 得意的


complacently 满足地 | complacently 得意地 | complain 诼

complacently:满足地, 自满地,沾沾自喜地

complacent | 自满的, 得意的 | complacently | 满足地, 自满地,沾沾自喜地 | complain about | 抱怨

complacently:满足地; 自满地 (副)

complacent 满足的, 得意的, 自满的 (形) | complacently 满足地; 自满地 (副) | complain 抱怨, 发牢骚; 控诉, 投诉; 诉说 (动)

elatedly:兴高采烈地; 得意扬扬地 (副)

elate 使兴高采烈, 使得意 (动) | elatedly 兴高采烈地; 得意扬扬地 (副) | elation 得意洋洋; 兴高采烈 (名)


angular 角状的,尖的 | jauntily 得意地,高兴地,欢快地 | hoof-printed 有蹄印的


simper:假笑,傻笑 | smirk:傻笑,得意地笑 | boom:瓮声瓮气,低沉有回响的声音.

with an air of triumph:趾高气扬地,得意地

an air accident 飞机事故,空难 | with an air of triumph 趾高气扬地,得意地 | sing an old air 唱一首老曲调


beamingly 发光地 | beamish 得意的 | beamy 光亮的


她捧(peng)着掉下的牙,跑到奶奶跟前,难过地说:"奶奶,我的牙掉了,也变成老奶奶了!" 奶奶咧着没牙的嘴乐呵呵地说:"乖(guai)乖别怕,等到柳树发"丁零零、丁零零??"小猴又得意地打起铃来,小伙伴们也轮流 玩车铃. 他们玩得正高兴,