英语人>词典>汉英 : 很可能的事情 的英文翻译,例句
很可能的事情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与很可能的事情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maybe i am lack of assuredness when i work with the one who is good at technic.


Is was dangerous because if we were caught we could be put in prison.


Meeting a man just after he's split from a long-term girlfriend can be bad thing. You might be exactly what he's looking for, but chances are that won't involve a serious relasionship. This is the one thing it's often impossible to spot from a distance - unless he's newly divorced and has a ring indent on his left hand!


Meeting a man just afterhe's split from a long-term girlfriend can be badthing. You might be exactly what he's looking for, but chances arethat won't involve a serious relasionship. This is the one thingit's often impossible to spot from a distance - unless he's newlydivorced and has a ring indent on his left hand!


They are likely to have a different perspective on things.


HE HAS missed his own deadlines, he may not have enough votes and even if the measure passes it is likely to be a watered-down affair.


Before you ask someone for something they might not be quick to agree to, try waiting until a more opportune time when they've just done something mentally taxing.


So it behoves us to remember that in everyday matters, very learned men often do silly things. And the Bible tells us that in religious matters also they often do silly things.


Through difference significance tests and analyses, it finds that (1) man students more possibly form identity achievement, and woman students more possibly form identity foreclosure and identity diffusion; and (2) the difference of self-identity status between man and woman students is associated with various domains; and (3) self-identity status between man and woman students have some similarities that identity exploration has the same importance to both; and (4) grade-one is a period when students face up to more identity crises, and grade-two is key period of identity formation, and grade-three is a developmental period of identity that provides the basis for re-solution of the emergence of new identity crises in grade-four;(5) there is a gradually enhanced direction from lower self-identity statuses to advanced ones from grade-one to grade-three, but there is also a direction that reentry into the identity crisis by grade-four. It indicates that the identity achievement formation does not mean the end of development of self-identity and proves that there is a continuous MAMA cycle in self-identity development; and (6) that students self-identity status mainly is identity moratorium provides some evidence for which there is a Moratorium in student development, and which self-identity formation is not easy; and (7) the development of student self-identity is associated with various domains, what students pay most attention to firstly is vocation, secondly life philosophy, and lower interesting in political and religious domains in ideology; for relational domains, students pay more attention to dating and friendship compared to sex role and recreation domain.


The nice thing about the tin whistle is that, although they can be very expensive, even professional players are likely to have several inexpensive whistles lying around, just for practice.


更多网络解释与很可能的事情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although own think very amusingly:虽然自己觉得很好玩

反正要告诉自己不可能,Must tell in any case oneself is impo... | 虽然自己觉得很好玩. Although own think very amusingly. | 但是不可能的事情我还是少做一点就好了. But not the impossible matter I little to ...


这种骨架模型是与上面提到的三个阶段中对家具设计的内容相联系的,用于设计师很少接触的筋(Rib),凸台(Boss),体格构造等的设计中. 当然这对于没有相关基本知识的设计师来说几乎是不可能的事情,但只要是在内部开发过2个以上模型产品的设计师,

disapprove of:很可能你不赞成我所做的事情

13 他一回来就抱怨这里严重的空气污染. complain of | 14 很可能你不赞成我所做的事情. disapprove of | 15 我们决定这资金将分发给需要帮助的那些人. distribute

Firmware version:固件版本

世面上有一大批针对这种路由器的固件版本(firmware version)可供选择,本项目用到的版本是可订制化的 Linux firmware Open-WRT. 有了路由器的相关软件,对一大堆硬件进行改装也变得可能. 因此,既然有这样一个廉价的、可改装的、嵌入式Linux系统可以随我所用--我知道我能做件很酷的事情,


好,哎呀(gosh),你让我感觉很好. 你应该感觉很好. 说话时用"哎呀"的人不可能太坏. 你真的确实有幽默感. 我发明了幽默. 是的,你已经说过这一点. 好,所以,继续下去的原因是,没有其他事情可做. 这就是这里发生的事情.

Have it:事情样样都对它有利. 引申义为"[欧洲的]发展将势不可挡

11. a big "if":"很大的假如"可能不如"大有疑问的假如"意思清楚. | 12. have... it:事情样样都对它有利. 引申义为"[欧洲的]发展将势不可挡". | 13. see:预见.

It's foolish to while away one's time in idle talk:把事情华在闲谈上是很愚蠢的

Things will return to normal before to long. 用不了多久事情就会恢复正常... | It's foolish to while away one's time in idle talk. 把事情华在闲谈上是很愚蠢的. | That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利...




最近加利福尼亚梅干(Prune)协会获得政府许可开始把梅干叫作"干梅",但是让这个变化来改善梅干的名声可能太迟了. 梅干这个名字早已紧紧地建立在人们的心智中了,改变心智即使不是不可能,也是很困难的事情. 10年前,


简单(simpleness) 有什么最简单的事情可能会起作用?我们的注意力太多放在了软件的最复杂难解的功能上,而这些功能我们很少用到或者只是曾经用过. 今天做简单的工作,明天花点代价修改它要比今天做可能永远用不到的复杂工作好的多.