英语人>词典>汉英 : 征服者 的英文翻译,例句
征服者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conqueror  ·  conquistador  ·  enslaver  ·  vanquisher  ·  subjugator  ·  conquistadors  ·  conquerors  ·  conquistadores

更多网络例句与征服者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

T he conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion .


The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.


The name who conquered a foreign people was given an honorific agnomen derived from the name or location of that people, and his ancestors would inherit the agnomen.


Victory: defeating a challenging foe is purely agonistic reward, especially appealing to type 1 conqueror players


Clergy: The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David is conqueror, alleluia.


After numerous different conquers, including the Romans and Moores that ravaged the city, the Aragonese made Catalonia, of which Barcelona was the capital, strong and prosperous. Since the 1970s, the city has reasserted its Catalan background.


When Alexander asked a group of Jain philosophers why they were neglecting to pay any attention to the great conqueror, he received the following broadly democratic reproach the historian Arrian reports

当亚历山大问一群耆那教哲人为什么不向伟大的征服者致敬时,他得到了如下颇具民主色彩的指责 l 历史学家阿里安

The conquerors of Ascalon, the charr are ferocious, warmongering creatures—the intractable foes of humanity. Now, as greater dangers threaten their conquests, the charr legions marshal their war machines to meet their enemies with deadly force.


At the same time, an Amorite family took power in Ashur to the north; both cities, however, fell soon after to newcomers.


But less than a century after it became the Armenian capital in 961, the city began falling victim to waves of conquerors, including Seljuk Turks, Georgians and Mongols. In 1319 it was devastated by an earthquake.


更多网络解释与征服者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


conquerable 可征服的 | conqueress 女征服者 | conqueringly 耀武扬威地


第二个版本称,在当时一艘名为"征服者"(CONQUEROR)的核动力潜艇也运载了大批核武器前往马岛,但也在途中沉没. 此外,阿根廷政府也曾就此问题多次向英方提出过质疑,但都被英国政府否定.


Conpernik 康珀尼克铁镍基软磁合金 | Conqueror 征服者牌汽车 | conquor paper 正江古纸

conqueror:征服者 征服XXX颗星球

colonist 殖民者 设置XXX座殖民地建筑 | conqueror 征服者 征服XXX颗星球 | diplomat 外交官 缔结XXX个同盟

Victor conqueror:维克多 征服者

Thomas a twin 托马斯 双生子之一 | Victor conqueror 维克多 征服者 | Walter rulling the host 沃尔特 反客为主???

Conqueror Jarano:征服者加拉诺--当这个盟军进场时,你可以消灭目标死亡骑士技能或装备

Conqueror Gurzom征服者格佐姆--防止盗贼将对此盟军... | Conqueror Jarano征服者加拉诺--当这个盟军进场时,你可以消灭目标死亡骑士技能或装备. | Conqueror Neusuada征服者妮瓦苏达--当这个盟军攻击时,你可以消灭目...

Elite Conquistador:精锐西班牙征服者

Conquistador西班牙征服者 | Elite Conquistador精锐西班牙征服者 | Arquebus Immortal火绳枪神兵


>征服者 征服者(Vanquisher)是一名优秀的射手,她可以采用陷阱混淆敌人的视听. >有单人战役跟多人在线两种模式,日前,Runic Games 于游戏官网释出最新情报,单人战役版本将于10月27日上市,并提供网络付费下载,


Royal Scutari皇家长盾步兵 | Tercios征服者 | Royal Tercios皇家征服者

Royal Tercios:皇家征服者

Tercios征服者 | Royal Tercios皇家征服者 | Solduri日耳曼武士