英语人>词典>汉英 : 往东南 的英文翻译,例句
往东南 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
southeast  ·  southeasterly  ·  southeastward  ·  southeastwards

更多网络例句与往东南相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this study, on the other hand, the South Asian anticyclone moving southeastward to the western North Pacific during boreal autumn is discussed.


In terms of the interdecadal variation of the summer SLPs in Northern Hemisphere, the SLP anomalies firstly change in North European at the end of 1960's, then gradually moving southeastward. The positive anomalies of SLPs appear around area of Baikal Lake in the early of 1970's, then moving southward, in such a way that the positive center of SLP anomalies appears in East Asian in the middle of 1970's.


The generally southward paths for oil to migrate out of Taibei depression can be two ways. One of them is from Taibei depression to Yubei structural zone and the other is from Taibei depression to Lukeqin structural zone. By the both ways, oil migrated upward along the faults and southeastward along the structural axis to concentrate in either Permian or Triassic system.


Martha Bigelow, Letitia Basford and Esther Smidt.(2008)."Supporting Hmong Newcomers' Academic and Social Transition to Elementary School." Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 3: 1-22. This article reports on the perceptions teachers and educational assistants had about how well Transitional Language Centers and a Language Academy program met the needs of elementary aged Hmong children resettled in the Saint Paul Public School system from Wat Tham Krabok. View this article online

玛莎·毕格罗,利蒂希娅·巴斯福德,以斯特·施密特,2008,美籍东南亚裔教育与发展期刊,2008年第3期,第1-22页;题目为&协助苗族定居者在小学阶段的学术和社会过渡&,这片文章主要是报告了过渡语言中心的教师和教育协助者的看法和见解以及语言中心的一些项目如何满足那些刚从泰国Wat Tham Krabok(要是我没记错的话,Wat Tham Krabok本来是泰国的一个苗族难民营,2004年还是06年泰国决定关闭这个难民营,所有的难民都迁往美国定居了)的苗族孩子们在明尼苏达州圣保罗公立学校系统中的需求。

Dayan could top the southeast along the mountain ridges to the peak丫, the bald sheep, cattle Lake Pass, back down to Cardiff Pass cultivation shelf, Zaiwang Northeast can go to Shenzhen for the eastern end - the Chai Kok.


Company products are mainly sold to the southeast coast and the surrounding areas of Beijing.


The western boundary of EAME Theater is from the North Pole, south along the 75 th meridian west longitude to the 77 th parallel north latitude, then southeast through Davis Strait to the intersection of the 40 th parallel north latitude and the 35 th meridian west longitude, then south along the meridian to the 10 th parallel north latitude, then southeast to the intersection of the Equator and the 20 th meridian west longitude, then along the 20 th meridian west longitude to the South Pole.

EAME剧院的西部边界是从北极,南沿经络75 日至西经77 度线以北的纬度,然后往东南通过戴维斯海峡至40度,北纬的交汇点,第 35 届子午线西经,然后向南沿着平行的第 10 次北纬经络,然后往东南到赤道的交汇点,20 日,西经经络,然后沿经络20 日,西经到南极。

更多网络解释与往东南相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


east-southeast 东南东 | eastabout 向东地 | eastbound 往东的


southeaster 东南风 | southeasterly 往东南的 | southeastern 东南方的


southeasterly 往东南的 | southeastern 东南方的 | southeastward 往东南


southeastern 东南方的 | southeastward 往东南 | southeastwards 往东南

southeastward:往东南的 (形)

southeastern 东南方的 (形) | southeastward 往东南的 (形) | souther 南风; 来自南方的风暴 (名)


southeastward 往东南 | southeastwards 往东南 | souther 南风


southeastwards 往东南 | souther 南风 | southerly 向南的


C-c \ 西南(sw) . 东南(se) . C-c . 南(down) 从以上的图示,不知能否看出这八个控制方向的指令与所表达 的方向有著密不可分的关连性. 例如,往东的方向则以「>」来表示, 往西的方向则以「<」,往北的方向则以「^」 来表示等等.

Tigris River:底格里斯河

(段绍伯) 底格里斯河(Tigris River) 亚洲西部的河流. 发源于亚美尼亚高原,与幼发拉底河平行往东南流,经土耳其东南迪亚巴克尔,在伊拉克库尔纳附近与幼发拉底河汇合后,称阿拉伯河. 干流全长1950公里,流域面积37.3万平方公里.


自古以来是古巴比伦、亚述和迦勒底灿烂文明的摇篮,有尼尼微(Nine-veh) 、卡拉(Calah) 、泰西封(Ctesiphon)等废墟遗址. (段绍伯) 底格里斯河(Tigris River) 亚洲西部的河流. 发源于亚美尼亚高原,与幼发拉底河平行往东南流,