英语人>词典>汉英 : 影片剪辑 的英文翻译,例句
影片剪辑 的英文翻译、例句


film editing
更多网络例句与影片剪辑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Movie clip in the application of component elements and create animated graphics, there are some minor differences, should be complete grasp these nuances.


Ultimately, it didn't work cinematically, but that's what editing is for.


The next morning, Cleese was looking at the rough cut the film editor had put together of the previous day's work.

第二天, Cleese 观看了影片编辑剪辑的前几天镜头的初稿。

And then everyone around the world will be watching the synchronized version of the film and then they can ask David and I questions – which we will attempt to answer as cogently and interestingly as we can!


She told me that the cutter was different.


A device for editing film, consisting basically of a splicer and viewer.


Obviously, it seems that his intention is to make another kind of voice out of the deep water, which makes it fight against traditional phalloccntrism; while also entangle on the male dcsire peering at female bodies in his narrative words, using the supposing visual center in the film picture to disguise the ubiquitous male desire peering at female bodies, all which embody the desire to close the western cultural center regardless of the picture handling and cameral lens cutting. Finally, he spends every strain to alleviate visual pressure and catering to the visual feeling of the western audience using narrative tactics, while the real intention to fight for language right with traditional phallocentrism. So it"s safe to say that this is a right fight between traditional phallocentrism and marginal counterpart. Just as the sacrifice of women in Zhang"s films, the marginal women again betrayed in Lous, and women again become the punishing and desire subject and swapping subject between men.


The film was passed to a Intel lectual disturbance person the descr IPT ion of life has reflected every aspect of u.s.a.s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as u.s.a.


Later the film for us was previous cutter so that I could compare both.


Australia's anti-whaling film clip accuses Japan of using its scientific whaling program as a cover for commercial hunting.


更多网络解释与影片剪辑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ACE:abbr. association of cinema editors; 影片剪辑者协会

Military Advisor:(军事题材影片)顾问

men's costume supervisor 男演员服装管理员 | military advisor (军事题材影片)顾问 | montage director 剪辑指导


整个骨骼结构也可称之为 骨架(Armature). 你可以把骨架应用于一系列影片剪辑(Movie Clip)符号上,或者是原始向量形状上,这样便可以通过在不同的时间把骨架拖到不同的位置来操纵它们.

authoring tool:编写工具

如同我们原始的puzzle碎片,用Flash程序编写工具(authoring tool)创建的影片剪辑被放在负深度. removeMovieClip()方法只能用在是正深度的影片剪辑上. 所以我们需要在我们删除它之前用swapDepths()将每个puzzle碎片设为正深度. 在完成之际,

David Yates:[导 演]大卫.耶茨

本片作为导演大卫-耶茨(David Yates)故事片处女作,其中惊现的剪辑错误多得能让观众大吃一惊. 电视剧式地缓慢叙事、混乱的剪辑节奏、缺少创新的特技、视效重心与主场戏脱节注定让影片成为中流制作.


学习用自发光(incandescence)和辉光(glow)模拟发光(emit light). 当动画纹理时,如何使用影片剪辑(movie clips )和图片序列(image sequences ). 使用灯光链接(light linking )控制场景照明调整材质的辉光(glow)的标准化参数

Ten Canoes:十只独木舟

在墨尔本举行的澳大利亚电影学会奖颁奖典礼上 <<十只独木舟>>(Ten Canoes)一枝独秀. 除了最佳影片和最佳导演外 <<十只独木舟>>还获得最佳原著剧本、最佳摄影、最佳剪辑、最佳音响等四个奖项. 该片导演洛夫.德.希尔表示 影片打动了众多观众的心.

Chung-Man Hai:艺术指导: 奚仲文

影片剪辑 周国忠 Tony Chow | 艺术指导 奚仲文 Chung-Man Hai | 动作指导 程小东 Siu-Tung Ching

All Quiet on the Western Front:最佳影片:《西线无战事>

let) 第21届奥斯卡最佳影片西线无战事(All Quiet on the Western Front)第3届奥斯卡最佳影片戏中之王(The Greatest Show on Earth)上下 第25届奥斯卡最佳影片侠客罗宾汉(The Adventures of Robin Hood) 第11届奥斯卡最佳艺术指导、最佳剪辑和最佳音乐,

edit v. 1:编辑 2. 剪辑(影片,录音等)

edible a. 可以吃的 | edit v. 1. 编辑 2. 剪辑(影片,录音等) | effect n. 效力