英语人>词典>汉英 : 形成边缘 的英文翻译,例句
形成边缘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rim  ·  rims

更多网络例句与形成边缘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The eight major research topics are :①understanding coremantle processes, by deep drilling into a large oceanic plateau in the Western Pacific;②detailed investigation of material circulation during greenhouse Earth, and the transition process from greenhouse to icehouse environments, by drilling Cretaceous to Cenozoic sediments in the Pacific,③understanding the process of continental crust formation by deep drilling into oceanic arc,④Understanding the process of oceanic lithosphere formation by deep drilling of the back arc spreading system,⑤understanding of continentoceanatmosphere linkage, by drilling in the marginal seas and continental slopes of Asia,⑥investigation of the carbon cycle and the deep biosphere in accretionary prisms,⑦investigation of the mechanism and cycles of great earthquakes, tectonics, and mass circulation in convergent plate margins,and ⑧biology of extreme microorganisms living in deep accretionary prism environment.Keywords : Japan IODP Drilling Scientific goals.


When an interpolation filter is designed, the edge exists in the image is acquired through the multi-directional edge detection and the analysis of the fake edge and the weak edge; the interpolation is correspondingly processed according to the motion state and the edge direction of the pixel point; the field resulted from the interpolation and the interpolated field are interlaced to form the non-interlaced video image.


The main components were a lateral expansion to the oblique popliteal ligament; a direct arm, which attached to the tibia; and an anterior arm. The oblique popliteal ligament, the largest posterior knee structure, formed a broad fascial sheath over the posterior aspect of the knee and measured 48.0 mm in length and 9.5 mm wide at its medial origin and 16.4 mm wide at its lateral attachment. It had two lateral attachments, one to the meniscofemoral portion of the posterolateral joint capsule and one to the tibia, along the lateral border of the posterior cruciate ligament facet. The semimembranosus also had a distal tibial expansion, which formed a posterior fascial layer over the popliteus muscle.


The Caledonian granitoids,majorly distributed in the northern Qimatage mountain,showing geochemical characteristics of Cordilleran I-type grantiods,low-K high-Ca amphibole-bearing calc-alkaline granitoids or peralkaline and alkaline granitoids,and associated with an active continental margin or back-arc basin,indicated the existence of the Qimatage ocean-related limited subdu...

研究表明加里东晚期(430 ~370 Ma)花岗岩主要分布于祁漫塔格山北坡,具科迪勒拉I 型花岗岩或ACG、PAG 特征,代表活动大陆边缘或弧后盆地构造属性,加里东晚期祁漫塔格北坡至少存在洋壳的有限俯冲;华力西中期(320 Ma ±)发育伸展型富钾低铝钙碱性花岗岩,类似加里东I 型、CPG、KCG 花岗岩特征,广布于祁漫塔格山和求勉雷克山区,形成于碰撞后构造环境;华力西晚期(270 ~250 Ma)具科迪勒拉I型或ACG 特征,属活动大陆边缘构造环境,其形成与早二叠世特提斯洋的向北俯冲作用有关;印支—燕山期(220 ~160 Ma)具A2 型或富钾低钙钙碱性花岗岩,形成于碰撞后挤压向拉张转折过渡的构造环境。

According to Livingstone, the 'emergency' is so great, if we don't act there will only be a few million humans eking out a 'marginal existence' by the end of the century.


A new algorithm of low bit rate image compression was proposed. Firstly, the edge informations of the input image were detected with SUSAN operator, then the detected edge informations were en hanced with edge enhancement method. Finally, the enhanced edge informations were added to the decoded input image to form the final compressed image.


Microscope examination:in group A,at 2 weeks,a few inflamatory cells appeared in the holes with many osteoblasts and ostoid appeared around the drilled holes.At 8 weeks,marrow formed in the drilled holes in group B,at 2 weeks,there were a large amount of osteoblasts in the drilled holes and some ostoid formed around thc drilled holes.At 4 weeks,the drilled holes were full of trabeculae.At 8 weeks,the trabeculae matured with the marrow appeared in the intertrabecular space.


Microscope examination:in group a,at 2 weeks,a few inflamatory cells appeared in the holes with many osteoblasts and ostoid appeared around the drilled holes.at 8 weeks,marrow formed in the drilled holes in group b,at 2 weeks,there were a large amount of osteoblasts in the drilled holes and some ostoid formed around thc drilled holes.at 4 weeks,the drilled holes were full of trabeculae.at 8 weeks,the trabeculae matured with the marrow appeared in the intertrabecular space.


The beach body of Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in northwestern Sichuan can be divided into platform marginal oolitic beach and intraplatform point beach. The water is relatively deeper at the forming of most of platform marginal oolitic beach which is not transformed by the diagenesis of fresh water and mixed water and has poor reservoir properties. However, a part of oolitic beach formed under shallow water environment, and it is transformed by the diagenesis of fresh water and mixed water and well dolomitized, which can form excellent reservoir.


The method includes the steps of gripping the peripheral edge of the fabric in a stretching assembly, activating the stretching assembly to stretch the fabric in a location adjacent to the mold assembly, clamping the stretched fabric against a face of the mold assembly, releasing the peripheral edge of the fabric from the stretching assembly, moving the stretching assembly from the path of the mold assembly, closing the mold assembly on the fabric with the peripheral edge of the fabric terminating in the mold cavity and injecting molten material into the mold cavity to form the frame directly on the peripheral edge of the fabric.


更多网络解释与形成边缘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

self alignment:自对准

记忆元件的形成采用了基于自对准(Self Alignment)技术的"Wall"架构. 在钨触头(W Contact)上设置薄膜纵向加热器元件,然后在其上面直接形成GST,最后自对准地进行蚀刻并制出位线(Bit Line). 通过采用Wall架构,可加大光刻的定位边缘(Positioning Margin).


这些在通过创始者种群的狭口(bottleneck)时比在一个稠密而又大的物种中通过缓慢的选择过程更容易实现. 某一新物种是通过地理物种形成和染色体物种形成而产生的说法并没有矛盾. "边缘隔离"这一提法用于种群密度小和扩散能力大大降低的物种时就多少有些含糊不清.


当微带天线只有一个靠近靠近辐射边缘的蚀刻槽时, 它的共振模态是受此蚀刻槽微扰(pertubed)的修正(modified) TM10模态. 而当另一对蚀刻槽加到靠近非辐射边缘, 与原蚀刻槽共同形成对称於x轴之π型结构蚀刻槽后,这样的双频带微带天线,

unipolar neuroblast:单极成神经细胞

双极成神经细胞朝向神经管腔一侧的突起退化消失,成为单极成神经细胞(unipolar neuroblast);伸向边缘层的一个突起迅速增长,形成原始轴突. 单极成神经细胞内侧端又形成若干短突起,成为原始树突,于是成为多极成神经细胞(multipolar neuroblast)(图25-2,


c 胎座(placenta)胚珠在子房内着生的部位称胎座. 常见的胎座有下列几种类型:①边缘胎座(marginal placenta)是由 l心皮构成的单室子房,胚珠沿腹缝线的边缘着生,如白扁豆、甘草等. ②侧膜胎座(parietal placenta)由合心皮雌蕊形成,

pulp arteriole:髓微动脉

称为中央动脉.中央动脉沿途发出细小分支供应白髓,末端膨大成边缘窦.中央动脉主干穿出白髓进入脾索时分支形成形似笔毛的笔毛微动脉(penicillat arteriole).笔毛微动脉继续分支形成髓微动脉(pulp arteriole),鞘毛细血管(shethed capillary)和动脉毛细血管,

Chasma, chasmata CM:深长、边缘陡峭之凹地,峡谷

Choas CH 混沌地形,丘壑相間、因水溢出而形成的崩塌地 Hydraotes Choas | Chasma, chasmata CM 深長、邊緣陡峭之凹地,峽谷 Echus Chasma | Crater, craters AA 圓形凹地,環形山,通常指隕石坑 Cassini Crater

fringing:边缘现象, 散射现象, 边缘通量(的形成)

kish carbon 碳鳞, 碳屑(铁水凝固时析出的石墨碳屑) | fringing 边缘现象, 散射现象, 边缘通量(的形成) | procurement of funds 固定基金筹措

kish carbon:碳鳞, 碳屑(铁水凝固时析出的石墨碳屑)

chain warp [纺]链经 | kish carbon 碳鳞, 碳屑(铁水凝固时析出的石墨碳屑) | fringing 边缘现象, 散射现象, 边缘通量(的形成)


形成于地钱科(Marchantiaceae)(苔类)的叶状体背面、产生胞芽且其边缘有锯齿的杯状器官,是气室的变形物. 地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)是在生长环境不良时形成胞芽杯,以行无性繁殖.