英语人>词典>汉英 : 形态异常 的英文翻译,例句
形态异常 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

abnormal shape
更多网络例句与形态异常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other manifestations can be seen: 25 cases of bowel wall were thickening, 26 cases of intestinal expansion, 23 cases of intestinal had a large number of hydrops, 25 cases of bowel wall abnormal enhancement, 10 cases of bowel morphologic abnormality, 3 cases of pneumatosis intestinalis, 12 cases of abdominal ascites or pneumoperitoneum.


Since the occurrence of deformed spermatids is one of the common abnormalities leading to malfunctional sperm, identification of RIM-BP3 might provide insight into the molecular cue underlying causes of male infertility in humans.


Methods:To measure abnormal T vector deviation and morphology as well as QT dispersion in 87 patients compared with control group of 50 patients.


The percentage of myeloblasts and promyelocytes of the patients with myelodysplastic syndrome increased when compared with that of controls.Morphological changes including nuclear abnormalities were also observed in granulocytic and erythrocytic lines.


The clinical characters of oligodontia concluded from this study are following:(1) There is significant difference that more teeth absent and more existent teeth anomalies in patients of oligodontia/S group than in patients of oligodontia/I group, and the peg-shaped upper lateral incisor is the most frequently affected teeth with shape anomaly.(2) Both of the two groups have no significant differences in number of teeth missing between maxilla and mandible as well as that between left and right side.(3) The distribution of teeth missing is bilateral symmetry in both groups, but the frequency of teeth lost are different: excluding the third molar, in oligodontia/I group, the lower second premolar is the most frequently congenitally missing tooth followed by the upper lateral incisor, while in oligodontia/S group, the most frequently missing teeth are mandibular canine and maxillary lateral incisor. Nevertheless, the first molars are the most stable teeth in both groups.(4) In oligodonita/I group, the mean mesiodistal dimensions of all type of existent teeth are significantly smaller than normal value. It is implied that oligodontia is not an isolated phenomenon, but is related to a complex of other dental changes.


After the selection from one to three generations, several mutants were obtained. The major mutants included non-nodule mutants (18 lines) which failed to nodulate after inoculated with rhizobia for two weeks, ineffective nodulation mutants (9 lines) which had less uneven and white or transparent nodules, an abnormal leaf and flower mutant which was dwarf without stipules, abnormal flowers and less nodules, and a slender mutant with a thin stem and smaller leaves.


The analysis shows that under heat stress, meiocytes degenerate while tetrad cell dispersion fails at microspore formation phase. During pollen maturation phase, loss of orientation of reproductive cells, abnormal vacuolization of tapetal cells, paramorphia or abortion of anther walls and pollens are observed under heat stress.


The sprouts from endplate and a few contact sites of NCAM with AChR can be seen.C: Untreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased.D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of N-CAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of N-CAM staining is increased.D: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by N-CAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some N-CAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,N-CAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,N-CAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅N-CAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased.D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

更多网络解释与形态异常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


5.1 乙醇(alcohol) 一种典型的致畸药物,将影响生育过程及其后裔. 孕期酗酒的妇女,其后裔的35%~40%发生胎儿乙醇综合征 [16] . 除了生长发育迟缓,还有中枢神经系统异常,如小头畸形、行为异常及智力迟钝,有些病儿可出现特征性的面部形态畸形.

mental deficiency:智力缺陷

在精神病学概念中[19],白痴(Idiocy)属于智力缺陷(Mental Deficiency)中最重的一类[20]. 白痴患者多伴有其他生理异常,如头颅形态异常,头或肢体与躯体的比例畸形等;大多数不能说话,只能发出一些表达其情绪的原始呼号,也不能理解别人言语的意义;


在精神病学概念中[19],白痴(Idiocy)属于智力缺陷(Mental Deficiency)中最重的一类[20]. 白痴患者多伴有其他生理异常,如头颅形态异常,头或肢体与躯体的比例畸形等;大多数不能说话,只能发出一些表达其情绪的原始呼号,

elongated styloid process:茎突过长

茎突综合征(styloid syndrome)又称茎突过长(elongated styloid process)或Eagle综合征(Eagle syndrome),是因茎突过长或其方位、形态异常刺激邻近血管神经而引起的咽部异物感、咽痛或反射性耳痛、头颈部痛和涎腺增多等症候群.

Heteromorphous monster:形态异常畸形; 变形畸形

Heteromorphous heredity 异形性遗传 | Heteromorphous monster 形态异常畸形; 变形畸形 | Heterophyes disease 异型蛭病

Heteromorphous heredity:异形性遗传

Heterologous tumor 异质性肿瘤 | Heteromorphous heredity 异形性遗传 | Heteromorphous monster 形态异常畸形; 变形畸形

orthognathic surgery:正颌外科

因颌骨发育异常引起的颌骨的体积.形态以及上下颌骨之间及其与颅面其他骨骼之间的关系异常.和随之伴发的牙 关系及口颌系统功能异常与颜面形态异常.以研究和诊治牙颌面畸形为主要内容的学科为正颌外科(orthognathic surgery).它是一门新兴的综


paramolar 副磨牙 | paramorphia 形态异常 | paramorphine 副吗啡


paramorphia 形态异常 | paramorphine 副吗啡 | paramos 高寒带


\\"形态异常\\",\\"paramorphia\\" | \\"肌刚痉\\",\\"paramyotone,paramyotonus\\" | \\"肌刚痉病\\",\\"paramyotonia\\"