英语人>词典>汉英 : 形态学者 的英文翻译,例句
形态学者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This paper gives a brief introduction to anthropological studies of Japanese scholars in the period (1895-1945)of Taiwan as a colony of Japan, reviews the foundation and change of main academicals institutions, scholars and its fieldwork , and main scholarship achievement and it is pointed out that Japanese scholars' anthropological knowledge acquired in Taiwan belongs to colonialism.


Second, the principles of differential land rent and function control are adopted in land use planning to optimize land resource exploitation. Third, traffic corridors are simple and convenient, and the resort hotels can keep integrating with the plage and sand beach. Fourth, the business centers with various tourism services are planned reasonably to meet holidaymaker's needs, and to benefit the local people's employment. The successful planning of the two resorts can play an exemplary role to the domestic coastal resorts development.

科学合理的规划控制措施是综合型海滨度假区成功开发的必要条件,如何合理安排度假区的空间分区、项目开发、基础设施建设、商业配套设施等形态要素,实现度假区综合性功能定位和开发目标,是度假区规划和管理人员必须深人研究的问题。1 文献评述及研究目的海滨度假区的形态规划Coastal resort morphologgy是国内外旅游地理学者共同关注的话题,而针对这一问题的研究。。。。。。

"It's an absolutely spectacular finding," says morphologist Adam Summers of the University of Washington, Seattle, who was not involved in the research."I'm shocked that we didn't know how alligators breathed."

一位局外人,位于西雅图华盛顿大学的形态学者Adam Summers评价:"这是令人振奋的发现,我很惊讶原来我们竟然不知道鳄鱼是怎么呼吸的"。

Comtemporary anthropological aesthetics results directly from the "culturological turn" in aesthetics, and the study on anthropological aesthetics and anthropology of art by Zheng Yuanzhe who is one of its outstanding representatives.


Both upper and lower dental study models were collected from 30 boys (12 years old) and 30 girls (12 years old) with acceptable normal occlusion to understand the characteristics of the crown size, dental arch width and length such as (1) mesiodistal diameters of crown size from central incisor to first molar,(2) the width and length of dental arch and basal arch and (3) the morphology of dental arch form. After statistical analysis, data were compared with Japanese, Central and South American Indians and North American Caucasians from papers. The results were:(1) There was no statistical difference in teeth size between males and females, except the upper first molar of males was larger than that of females, lower central incisor of males was smaller than that of females.(2) The dimensions of dental arch of males were larger than that of females in general, especially such items as width and length of basal arch.(3) The crown size of Chinese male was in generally smaller than that of four other races, especially the upper canine, lower central incisor and first molar.


In the early 1980s, many researchers revealed the structure of cytoskeleton mainly on kinetosome in the cortex by the employment of protargol staining and ultrastructure method, and thus t.


The ciliates were always ideal materials in the studies of the structure and function of cytoskeleton and its cell control and adjustment, for they have many kinds of cytoskeletons with complexity and they could be easily cultured and handled.


FLORA facing Botanists, ecologists, ecophysiologists, specialists in vegetation science, vegetation ecology, plant geography, conservation biology, plant morphologists publishes papers dealing with plant structure, plant distribution and plant functional ecology (ecophysiology, population ecology, ecosystem ecology).


On the opening ceremony, yang Yan of assistant dean of Shanghai music college enlighten the professor delivers open address, the arrival that reachs each expert learned man is held to express enthusiastic congratulation in Shanghai music institute to this congress, introduced the general situation of Shanghai music institute briefly to each expert that attends plenary meeting, introduced configuration of music of Shanghai music institute to develop theory and history to study this studies the history that way develops and current situation, emphasize pointing out, shanghai music institute serves as one all long history and the musical college of tradition learning arteries and veins, study in musical configuration direction is having very good inheritance sex, the get onning that is the same as stylish times sound the research system with the more complete construction that also is in hard.


Past evidence from photographs and films is re-examined, and naturalists and palaeontologists discuss the possibility of the various life forms that have been suggested to inhabit the Loch, surviving in 'one of the most lifeless bodies of water in the world'.


更多网络解释与形态学者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有的学者主张将崖摩属归并为米仔兰属(Aglaia),有的学者则主张将其列为独立的属. 本文进一步对崖摩属和米仔兰属植物的化学成分进行了研究,以期为它们在形态分类学上的地位提供一定的化学依据. 本论文共由五章构成.


事实上,早在1885年Flemming就曾发表了卵巢滤泡细胞的细胞凋亡形态特征,当时他命名其为染色质溶解(chromatolysis). 虽然细胞凋亡现在被全世界的学者研究得如火如荼,他当时的描绘并未使学者们注意到这是一个与细胞坏死不同的细胞死亡机制.

Science Communication:科学传播

对于新世纪中的科学普及,已有专家学者提出"科学传播" (Science Communication)的理念,认为这是科学普及的一个新的形态,是公众理解科学运动的一个扩展和继续.


日本学者千叶正士把纠纷的基本类型分为对争(contention) 、争论(dispute) 、竞争(competition) 、混争(disturbance) 、纠纷(conflict) 五种,其中纠纷是可涵盖前四种类型的对立形态[6].中国有学者把纠纷分为积极的纠纷和消极的纠纷,


morphological 形态学 | morphologist 形态学者 | morphology 形态学


1998年,有学者利用干细胞通过组织工程学技术,首次在裸鼠(nude)的背上克隆出了具有耳朵形态的软骨. 对急性心肌梗死(AMI)的患者,对闭塞冠状动脉进行早期灌注是减少死亡率、改善患者预后的有效手段. 但是这些患者往往易发生梗死后心衰.

nude mouse:裸鼠

1998年,有学者利用干细胞通过组织工程学技术,首次在裸鼠(nude mouse)的背上克隆出了具有耳朵形态的软骨. 对急性心肌梗死(AMI)的患者,对闭塞冠状动脉进行早期灌注是减少死亡率、改善患者预后的有效手段. 但是这些患者往往易发生梗死后心衰.


[中药师论文] 芍药属(Paeonia)原隶属于毛茛科(Ranunculaceae). 但近年来,部分国内外学者通过对本属植物形态、解剖、花粉、染色体及生化等多方面 研究 ,认为应当从毛茛科(Ranunculac- eae)中分出来,单独成立为一科,即芍药科(Paeoniaceae).


摘要 梧桐科(Sterculiaceae)是锦葵目中的一个多型科,主要分布于热带和亚热带地区,只有少数种可分布到温带地区. 由于该科植物的形态特征较为多样化,至今对于它的范围和所包含的属种数目在各国学者间仍没有达成共识.

topograph:地形测绘 地形描述 分域图

topogenesis /形态发生/ | topograph /地形测绘/地形描述/分域图/ | topographer /地志作者/风土记作家/地形学者/