英语人>词典>汉英 : 当提到... 的英文翻译,例句
当提到... 的英文翻译、例句


when it comes to
更多网络例句与当提到...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But when it comes to Atlantis, Google totally had to rain on everyone's parade.


When it comes to the ATT, there are two really important groups of countries.


Although the survey found widespread agreement that older workers were better than younger colleagues when it came to reliability, commitment, loyalty and customer service, these qualities were not necessarily considered to be deserving of advancement.


Although the survey found wide read agreement that older workers were better than younger colleagues when it came to reliability, commitment, loyalty and customer service, these qualities were not nece arily co idered to be deserving of advancement.


When it comes to wasted wealth, and the problems that bedevil poor countries that are rich in natural resources, especially oil, there is plenty of blame to go around.


The Paper commentate MetaDate in introduction,and discript the application and forground of development.


That was the only way I was going to survive , she said, referring to the double-ended paddle used on sea kayak s.


You don't like the Freedman family, I know. I've seen you curl your lip when they have been mentioned.


Your biggest mistake when it comes to love will be indecisiveness.


When they think of 'left-wing', they think of socialism, communism, and atheism.


更多网络解释与当提到...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


创造者绝不是光,不论这光多麼强,也都绝不是 真主(Allah),连我们的眼睛无法直视的强光都是被 真主(Allah)创造的,那也绝不像 真主(Allah). 不管人的脑海里想像什麼,真主(Allah)与他所想像的完全不同. 当提到"想像"这两个字时,

away from:远离

因有太多迷信鬼神之行动. 当我们读这封信时会发现,它跟士每拿教会情况相近:没有责备,提到撒但一会自称是犹太人,提及试炼 (此教会可免去,但士每拿则要经过),都提及冠冕. b. 原文"保守免去"(keep from)就是有远离 (away from)的含意.

Beautiful Day:美好的一天

......我喜欢"美好的一天"(Beautiful Day)这首歌,我的意思是,我太喜欢它了. 骚动乐团(Disturbed)的主唱David Drainman:此外,Kiss乐队的主唱兼贝司手金-西蒙斯(Gene Simmons)对U2的评价也很高. 昨天当提到他今年刚刚重新开业的个人唱片公司"西蒙斯唱片"的近期打算时,

at mention of:当提到

she made specific mention of this. 她专门提到了这件事. | at mention of 当提到. . . | the girl pales at the mention of rats.一提到老鼠,那姑娘的脸就煞白.


"父母"(parent)的影响力既深又远. 在本书中,我们提到的家庭有两种:一种是"核心家庭";另外一种是传统社会中所称的"大家庭". 核心家庭就是指家中的成员只有父母亲和兄弟姊妹. 如果你是在核心家庭中长大的人,当本书中提到父母时,

reevaluate current interest rates:再评估现行利息率

the outlook for America's economic performance has worsened. 美国经济业绩前景/展望变得更糟了 | reevaluate current interest rates 再评估现行利息率 | when it comes to 当提到


" 我念道:"摩擦发光(Triboluminescence):当晶体被撞击时所发的光......" 我说:"在这样的句子里,是否就是科学呢?不!你只不过是用一些字说出另一些字的意思而已,一点都没提到大自然--没有提到撞击什么晶体时会发光,为什么会发光.

when it comes to sth:当提到某事时

quintuple:五倍的 | when it comes to sth:当提到某事时 | prognosticator:预言者

the girl pales at the mention of rats:一提到老鼠,那姑娘的脸就煞白

at mention of 当提到. . . | the girl pales at the mention of rats.一提到老鼠,那姑娘的脸就煞白. | 3\\genius天才;精神、风气、(语言、民族)本质,特征

when one's clock strikes:临终

when it comes to 当提到 | when one's clock strikes 临终 | when one's ship comes home 当愿望实现时