英语人>词典>汉英 : 归纳 的英文翻译,例句
归纳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
generalisation  ·  inductions

更多网络例句与归纳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 'permanent truth' is close to Russell's 'apriority' of induction. However, in my opinion, this kind of permanent truth or apriority doesn't have any important sense since the principle of anti-induction, i.e., ' if a t 1 — b t b ,……, a t n — b t n then probably A ?

这种"永真性"与罗素关于归纳原则的"先验性"十分接近,然而,在笔者看来,这样的永真性和先验性没有多大意义,因为反归纳原则即如果 a t 1 — b t b ,……, a t n — b t n 则大概 A ?

The 'permanent truth' is close to Russell's 'apriority' of induction. However, in my opinion, this kind of permanent truth or apriority doesn't have any important sense since the principle of anti-induction, i.e.,'if at1—btb,……,atn—btn then probably AB', has the same property.


The color research range is concluded from the viewpoint of vision art, including the color of paint or sketch from nature, decorative color, and color composing, which make different chromatics of three emphases.


Conditions of consistency and closure are necessary conditions that should be satisfied by knowledge set.


He deemed that even though the premise of inductive inference was authentic, it was not the guarantee of authenticity of conclusion. Philosophers and logicians have tried quite a few ways to solve the issue, that is, to do deductive proof ; to do inductive proof with the help of the uniformity of the world; and so on.


The third chapter introduces the notion of inductive *-semirings and weak inductive *-semirings. We give some basic properties of them and discuss the formal power series semirings.


ID〓 is characterized by the fast speed of training and classifying, and it can be applied to large-scaled learning problems. But the selection criterion of attribute is the core of ID〓, and is now doubted. AQ〓 is a type of decision rule induction, presented by Michalski, a scientist of U. S.. It is characterized by high-precision classifying and capability of knowledge expression, and it can be applied to automatic knowledge acquisition in expert system. However, the inducing and matching speed of AQ〓 is slow.


The neuropsychological research showed that left dorsolateral (BA8/9) prefrontal gyros showed greater activity during induction. But the research in the field is still very poor as so far, there is lot of deficiency. We all believe that the research in brain mechanism of inductive reasoning will have a good future.


Each group contains a detailed classification of different standpoints. Part 4 makes a careful study and analysis of the causes of errors and induces the causes of errors into interlingual errors,intralingual errors,limitation of basic language knowledge and writing skills and ignorance of commenting on composition and correcting errors. Part 5 draws a conclusion and sets forth some error corrections and teaching methods to reduce errors. Part 6 sets forth the authors suggestions and some problems to discuss.


This article seeks to analyze the current situation summarizing the results of analysis of the characteristics of e-commerce on the basis of the importance of subjectivity, and a comprehensive analysis of the trends under the principle of the basic features of e-commerce, as well as from the market, the seller, the buyer, the whole four perspective on e-commerce features derived from an analysis of the induction, and a more comprehensive e-commerce into this new business model with features.


更多网络解释与归纳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


epact 岁首月龄 | epagoge 归纳论证 | epagogic 归纳论证的


gauge 测量仪表 | generalise 概括,归纳,推断 | eneralize 概括,归纳,推断

inducible property:可归纳的性质

导出变换 induced transformation | 可归纳的性质 inducible property | 归纳(法) induction

induction step:归纳步骤

induction rule 归纳规则 | induction step 归纳步骤 | induction variable 归纳变量

induction variable:归纳变量

induction step 归纳步骤 | induction variable 归纳变量 | inductional assumption 归纳假设


在本部著作>中读到"归纳"一词时,必须注意巴什拉的"归纳"(induction)这个词语的用法. 按照亚里士多德和培根[-]的用法,归纳是指搜集很多特殊的个别事例,列举可从其中抽取出的一般特征. 如果认为巴什拉的"归纳"一词就是指这种列举行为,

inductional assumption:归纳假设

induction variable 归纳变量 | inductional assumption 归纳假设 | inductive dimension 归纳维数

inductive dimension:归纳维数

inductional assumption 归纳假设 | inductive dimension 归纳维数 | inductive limit 归纳

inductive limit:归纳限

inductive dimension 归纳维数 | inductive limit 归纳限 | inductive system 归纳

inductive system:归纳系

inductive limit 归纳限 | inductive system 归纳系 | inductively ordered set 归纳有序集