英语人>词典>汉英 : 强迫劳动 的英文翻译,例句
强迫劳动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

slave labour
更多网络例句与强迫劳动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reside temporarily a certificate because of having no money to do again illegal is after the Jug contuse by the forced labor.


I am personal in drift about the street the hour because of have no money Sheen Gou4 the place totally the power bandit print to make of reside temporarily a certificate once drive illegal accepted to permit to jail forced labor and is contuse, profoundly realized that 2 and 30 the not guilty was been a Lao by the jailbird's life process to fondle 袪 not to drop on the soul of distress forever.


Use of violence, threat or illegal deprival of personal freedom to force labour


If they are forced to work by the employer through means of violence, threat or deprival of personal freedom in violation of law


Other serious human rights abuses included extrajudicial killings, torture and coerced confessions of prisoners, and the use of forced labor, including prison labor.


Article 12 No person shall be held in slavery or forced labor within the Republic, nor shall any citizen of Liberia nor any person resident therein deal in slaves or subject any other person to forced labor, debt bondage or peonage; but labor reasonably required in consequence of a court sentence or order conforming to acceptable labor standards, service in the military, work or service which forms part of normal civil obligations or service exacted in cases of emergency or calamity threatening the life or well being of the community shall not be deemed forced labor.


If a Unit:(1) uses violence, intimidation or unlawful restriction of personal freedom to compel a laborer to work;(2) instructs or peremptorily orders a laborer to perform dangerous operations which threaten his personal safety in violation of rules and regulations;(3) insults, corporally


If a Unit:(1) uses violence, intimidation or unlawful restriction of personal freedom to compel a laborer to work;(2) instructs or peremptorily orders a laborer to perform dangerous operations which threaten his personal safety in violation of rules and regulations;(3) insults, corporally punishes, beats, illegally searches or detains a laborer; or (4) causes serious physical or mental injury to laborers due to poor quality working conditions or a seriously polluted working environment then administrative punishment should be imposed.


Article 11Whoever abducts a child for use as a labourer, forces a child to work, employs a child to be engaged in work high above the ground or down in the pit, work involving radioactive, highly poisonous, inflammable or explosive substances or work of the 4th degree labour intensity as stipulated by the State, or employs a child under the age of 14, or causes death or severe injury to a child employed, shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of abducting and trafficking in children, the crime of forced labour or other crimes.


They went further as well, confiscated cattle, and coerced the native Ndebele people into forced labor.


更多网络解释与强迫劳动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beg | 请求, 乞求 | begad | 天哪(一种发誓或强调的虚词,多用于幽默谈话中) | begar | 强迫劳动,苦役

blaspheme, atteinte a la religion:亵渎宗教

reverand;牧师;教士;; | blaspheme, atteinte a la religion;亵渎宗教;; | travail force;苦役(刑罚);强迫劳动;;

show trial:摆样子公审

在克隆那斯星上一场摆样子公审(show trial)后,柯克与麦科伊被带到了鲁拉?彭塞(Rura Penthe)星集中营,一个强迫劳动营地. 在那里他们遇见了一位名为马蒂娅的变形人,她向他们提供了一个逃跑的方法. 在穿越了一片冰天雪地的荒凉地区后,

is slavery:强迫劳动 Nozick 指出是奴役

304 00:24:06,840 --> 00:24:0... | 305 00:24:11,120 --> 00:24:17,000 强迫劳动 Nozick 指出是奴役 Forced labor, Nozick points out, is what, is slavery, | 306 00:24:19,899 --> 00:24:26,150 因为如果我没有权...

That these stingless drones may spoil:让失刺的雄蜂据以掠夺

大量的武器、刑具和镣铐? Many a weapon, chain,and scourge, | 让失刺的雄蜂据以掠夺- That these stingless drones may spoil | 你们被强迫劳动的成果? The forced produce of your toil?


★workshop n. 车间 | workhouse 感化院, 强迫劳动的地方 | workshop 工作并且可以拿出来卖, 译为 "车间"


disposal by dilution 稀释处置 | begar <印地>n.强迫劳动,苦役 | leucoanthocyanin 无色花色苷


begad | 天哪(一种发誓或强调的虚词,多用于幽默谈话中) | begar | 强迫劳动,苦役 | begats | 系谱, 宗谱

Extreme nationalists:极端的民族主义分子

Deal with Germany's problem 处理德国问题 | Extreme nationalists 极端的民族主义分子 | Make German work for them 强迫德国人为他们劳动