英语人>词典>汉英 : 弹性组织 的英文翻译,例句
弹性组织 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

elastic tissue · tela elastica
更多网络例句与弹性组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elastin is the prime protein in elastic tissues that contributes to elasticity of, for example, lung, aorta, and skin.


Research of ultramicro- structure of anal sphincter in the cases of patients with fecal incontinence shows : shortness of smooth muscle cells of anal sphincter , destruction of normal structure of the rest cells , elongation of elastic tissue and increase of collagen fibers. Thus the most familiar cause of copracrasia is Degeneration of finespun smooth muscle of anal sphincter which mantain anal sphincter closed .One of the pathomechanism of fecal incontinence is decrease of anal resting pressure .


In consideration of the indeterminateness in spacetime distribution and pollution sources of sudden water pollution and on the basis of the time effectiveness of pollution control and remediation and the principle of decrease of pollution losses to a minimum, an analysis was made of the present situation of pollution accidents by flexible description of the pollution information, realizing a highly efficient simulation of the impacts of sudden pollution in rivers.


Scars have a blood supply but no oil gland s or elastic tissue, so they can be slightly painful or itchy.


Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, this dissertation mainly deals with bionics study on Thunniform swimmer, theoretical kinematics modeling and computer simulations, analyzes effects of elastic elements on propulsion efficiency, and experimentally studies a new type of underwater propulsor.


In case 9, the heart is globally enlarged (Figure 11). This can result from, or be present in, many different conditions,43 such as endocardial fibroelastosis, fetal anemia,44 storage disorders, ischemia,45 infections,46,47 atrioventricular and semilunar valve regurgitation after tachycardia, and an atrioventricular block.


As mentioned earlier, elastinolysiss thought to be an essential component of emphysema.3 This is supported by both pathophysiologic and biochemical investigations, which show reduced lung elastic recoil, disrupted elastic tissue structure, higher circulating levels of elastin peptide breakdown products, and higher levels of desmosine in urine and lung secretions.3 Of the macrophage-derived MMPs identified in emphysematous and COPD tissue, the gelatinases MMP2 and MMP9 are elastinolytic.

正如早些时候提及的,elastinolysiss被认为是肺气肿的主要成份之一。这可以由病理生理研究与生化研究所证实,这两项研究同时提示肺弹性活力的降低,弹性组织结构的断裂,弹力蛋白肽分解产物循环水平的增高,以及尿与肺脏分泌物中锁链素水平的增高。在气肿型或COPD组织中,经确定的巨噬细胞源性的金属蛋白酶中,elastinoly的MMP2与 MMP9是elastinolytic。

Compliance is the dilating extent of elastic tissue below pressure.


Result 3.1 Ultrasound result We amended the criterrion little which Hitachicommpany offered. According as the criterion, it is 1 score if liver tissues have notdifference of elasticity and there are green in the region of interest. It is 2 score ifliver tissues have not significance difference of elasticity and there are blue in greenin the region of interest. It is 3 score if liver tissues have difference of elasticity andthere are green in the region of interest of normal liver tissues and blue in the region of interest of abnormal liver tissues. After examination, we anatomised rats and gotliver tissues for pathologic checkout.

结果 3.1超声检查情况根据日立公司提供的评分标准,稍做修改,将肝组织弹性无差异,取样框内颜色均为绿色,评为1分;肝组织弹性无明显差异,取样框中颜色为绿色中微微带点蓝色,评为2分;肝组织弹性有差异,取样框内正常肝组织弹性变化为绿色,病变肝组织弹性变化为蓝色,评为3分。

Objective To research the influence of sun-exposure and ages to elastics and collagens of aging skins.


更多网络解释与弹性组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elastotic nodules of antihelix:对耳轮弹性组织结节

对称性进行性红斑角化病symmetrical progressive erythrokeratoderma | 对耳轮弹性组织结节elastotic nodules of antihelix | 对耳轮上脚superior crura of antihelix


纤维细胞 fibrocystic | 组织纤维弹性化 fibrocyte | 心内膜纤维弹性化 fibro-elastosis


elastic tissue 弹性组织 | elastica 弹性膜 | elasticity 弹性

Elastica hypertrophy:弹性组织肥大

Elastic skin; India-rubber skin; Hyperplasia of elastica 弹力层增殖; 橡皮皮病 | Elastica hypertrophy 弹性组织肥大 | Elbow-joint tuberculosis 肘关节结核


elastomeric impression powder 弹性印模粉 | elastometer 组织弹性测定器,弹性计 | elastoplast 弹性绷带(商品名)

elastometer:弹力计 弹性组织测定器 组织弹力计

elastomerseal 弹性密封 | elastometer 弹力计 弹性组织测定器 组织弹力计 | elastometry 弹力测定法 弹性测定法


弹性计 elastometer | 弹性测定法 elastometry | 弹性组织糖 elastomucin

elastometry:弹力测定法 弹性测定法

elastometer 弹力计 弹性组织测定器 组织弹力计 | elastometry 弹力测定法 弹性测定法 | elastomter 弹性计

endocardial fibroelastosis:心内膜纤维弹性组织增生

endobronchitis 支气管粘膜炎 | endocardial fibroelastosis 心内膜纤维弹性组织增生 | endocarditis 心内膜炎

subendocardial sclerosis:心内膜下硬化心内膜弹性组织增生症

subendocardial myocardial infarction 心内膜下心肌梗塞 | subendocardial sclerosis 心内膜下硬化心内膜弹性组织增生症 | subject patient 受试者,受治疗者