英语人>词典>汉英 : 弯曲牙 的英文翻译,例句
弯曲牙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

dilaceration of tooth
更多网络例句与弯曲牙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

World Health Organization clinical trials to prove substantial, resulting in tooth decay due to the large population of harmful bacteria, the functional characteristics of type toothbrush display type in its unique design and high-quality brush sanding dual filament tip to the forward bending of the back of hard-depth Brush laniary site, around the teeth close to teeth, dental plaque thoroughly cleaned; arc mitigation brush too much force caused by gingival bleeding and abnormal wear and tear; follow internal alveolar brush with regulation, in-depth teeth cleaning teeth bacteria grouper; display type brush to help clean and dry quickly to curb the breeding of germs.


Majority of the four root canals of first maxillary molars showed curvatures at varing degrees in mesiodistal and buccolingual directions, and the second curvatures of them were different too.


Radiograph of teeth in buccolingual and mesiodistal directions with 15#~20# reamers in root canals calculated and recorded for both views using Photoshop6.0 by computer.

收集南京地区80例上颌第一恒磨牙,在根管中分别插入15#~20#扩大针,拍摄近远中向和颊舌向X线片,用Photoshop 6.0软件测量分析根管弯曲位置、弯曲方向和弯曲角度。

MB1 root canals of the mesiobuccal root canals in maxillary molars were found obvious curve out by the rate of 82.5% in mesiodistal direction, 77.5% in buccolingual direction and there is no difference of curvature degree in the two directions.


However, it is not known how orthodontic force influences the function of cementoblast and what is the relationship between the function change of cementoblast with root resorption. So we studied the effect of mechanical stimuli on root resoption by examining the expression OPG and RANKL and exploring the related signal transduction pathway in cementoblast. Methods: Cementoblasts OCCM30 were cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS for 48 hours and starved in DMEM with no FBS for 24 hours, then subjected to mechanical strain by four-point bending system with tension and compression stress at 2000μstrain at 0.5Hz frequency. The flow cytometry was used to examine the cell cycle and proliferation activity after 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h loading respectively. OPG and RANKL mRNA were analysed with real time quantitive RT-PCR after the same loading period as FCM.


The proportion of maxillary center incisors, maxillary lateral incisors, maxillary canines curved in mesiodistal were 11.17%, 16.19% and 21.43%, in labio-lingual were 39.59%, 40.00% and 29.59%, both in labiolingual and mesiedistal directions were 4.60%, 35.24% and 24.49%.


MB1 root canals of the mesiobuccal root canals in maxillary molars were found obvious curve out by the rate of 82.5% in mesiodistal direction,77.5% in buccoling


Oral Surg,1971,32∶271-275[2] Weine FS,Healy HJ,Gerstein H,et al.Canal configuration in the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary frist molar and its endodontic significance [J]. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol,1969,28∶419-425[3] Weller RN,Hartwell GR.

本研究通过对80例离体上颌第一磨牙行近远中方向,颊舌方向x 线投照,旨在近一步了结其根管的弯曲走向,弯曲程度,弯曲位置。X线片只能反应根管在一个平面上的走向、形态。

Radiograph of teeth in mesiodistal direction were taken.

结果 :单根单根管上颌第二前磨牙的根管弯曲仅有 2个,单根双根管牙齿的根管明显弯曲有 6个,在 2 8个双根牙中有明显根管弯曲的 6个,根管弯曲的牙齿总发生率为 6 。6 %(14 /2 13)。

Methods: One hundred and twenty teeth with curved root canals were randomly divided into 2 groups: 74 curved root canals in group PT were prepared by ProTaper rotary Nickel-Titanium file with crown-down technique, and 75 curved root canals in group SS were prepared by K-files with step-back technique.


更多网络解释与弯曲牙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bicuspid tooth:二尖牙, 二尖齿

bicurved | 双弯曲的 二曲线式的 | bicuspid tooth | 二尖牙, 二尖齿 | bicuspid valve | 二尖瓣

dilaceration:弯曲牙; 撕毁 (名)

dike 堤; 坝#沟; 壕沟 (名) | dilaceration 弯曲牙; 撕毁 (名) | Dilantin 狄兰汀 (名)

dilaceration of tooth:弯曲牙

弯曲牙(dilaceration of tooth)是牙冠和牙根形成一定弯曲角度的牙齿. ,多指的是前牙弯曲.


第一序列弯曲主要有以下两种基本类型:内收弯(inset),所成弯曲的弧度向内凹;外展弯(offset),所成弯曲的弧度向外凸. 上颌矫治弓丝的第一序列弯曲包括中切牙与侧切牙之间的内收弯、侧切牙与尖牙之间的外展弯和第二双尖牙与第一磨牙间的外展弯,


蔷薇科(Rosaceae)龙牙草属(Agrimonia)植物的通称,尤指欧洲龙牙草(A. eupatoria). 该种为耐寒多年生草本,原产於欧洲,其他温暖地区也有栽培. 高30-100cm,全株具白色长毛,根茎横走,圆柱形,秋末自先端生一圆锥形向上弯曲的白色科芽.


鹦鹉嘴龙化石(Psittacosaurus)是鸟臀目(Ornithischia)中角龙亚目(Ceratopsia)的小型恐龙,两足行走,头短宽而高,吻弯曲似鹦鹉的喙,故而得名. 颧骨高向外伸,牙三叶状,牙冠低,颈短. 这种小恐龙在我国分布较广,时代为晚侏罗世-早白垩世.


白头蝰(Azemiops feae)蝮蛇科(Crotalidae):头大,三角形,颈明显,鼻眼间有颊窝,上颌前段有1对弯曲的管状毒牙,张口时毒牙能竖立,闭口时倒卧于口腔背部,尾短.

Dentinal tubule:牙本质小管

(一)牙本质小管(dentinal tubule)为贯穿于牙本质全层的管状空间,充满了组织液和一定量的成牙本质细胞突起. 呈放射状排列,在牙尖和根尖部小管较直,颈部弯曲呈"~"形,近牙髓端的凸弯向着根尖方向限制板(lamina limitans)牙本质小管的内壁衬有一层薄的有机膜,

geminated tooth:双生牙

结合牙:concresence of tooth | 双生牙:geminated tooth | 弯曲牙:dilaceration of tooth


六鳃鲨科(Hexanchidae)眼小,椭圆形,鼻孔近吻端. 口在头的腹面,上、下颌齿异形: 上颌牙尖而细长,主齿头向后弯曲,中部的齿有大的突起,两旁有一--二小突起,下颌牙宽扁,长方形,具几个小齿头,呈梳状. 尾鳍延长,尾椎轴稍上翘,卵胎生.