英语人>词典>汉英 : 引起疲劳的 的英文翻译,例句
引起疲劳的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与引起疲劳的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Little is known about the causes of fatigue in cancer patients, and there is a "profound communication gap" between doctors and patients regarding cancer-related fatigue, Arndt and colleagues write.


Objective To observe the effects of prism combined with fusion training in the treatment of muscular asthenopia caused by exophoria.

目的 观察三棱镜矫正联合融合训练对外隐斜引起的肌性视力疲劳的治疗效果。

Therefore, to eugenics should try to avoid fatigue caused by modern lifestyle, especially with men, closely related to those aspects.


For adults, sitting in front of the TV will cause eyestrain but no real lasting problems.


The voltage fluctuation and flicker brought a lot of disadvantages to people's daily life and industry.


For this purpose, the time course of the electromyogram has to be analysed, in order to detect typical fatigue-induced changes such as an increase in EMG amplitude or a shift in the spectral distribution towards lower frequencies.


In this paper, thermograph method which has merits such as accuracy, short time, convenience and economy is applied to determine the fatigue limit of 45# steel from the temperature change, and the heat generation mechanism that resulted in temperature change during the fatigue was researched on.


The game was in his eyes a contest, struggle with a difficulty, yet a motionless, unwearying struggle, congenial to his tastes.


The main reason of wind vibration is a pulsant part of nature wind, unremitting vibration may bring large distortion and stress in the structure, and at the same time, it will bring fatigue damnification to the structure.


Objectives:To find out the features of the sEMG change by analyzing the sEMG signal of sacrospinal muscle fatigue induced by dynamic stress of voluntary contractions for gymnastic athletes.


更多网络解释与引起疲劳的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accommodative asthenopia:调节性视疲劳

眼结膜充血或流泪. 症状轻者在眼睛稍作休息时可缓解,严重者可出现头痛,甚至恶心呕吐等. 少数可出现严重的全身症状,如神经衰弱或植物神经功能紊乱. 远视眼引起的视疲劳主要与调节有关,故也称之为调节性视疲劳(accommodative asthenopia).

Daniell cell:丹聂尔电池( 一种初级电池)

fofarraw 割后再生的草 | Daniell cell 丹聂尔电池( 一种初级电池) | tiring 引起疲劳的, 累人的


tiring 引起疲劳的;累人的 | educational 教育的;有教育意义的 | peaceful 平静的;宁静的;和平的

fatigue fracture:疲劳断裂

本发明提供一种叠层陶瓷电容器,其中,在外部电极的烧付工序之后的冷却过程中,难以产生裂缝,同时热循环之类的低应力循环引起的疲劳断裂(fatigue fracture)即使导致了例如裂缝发生,但裂缝也不会到达内部电极.

fatigue fracture:疲劳骨折

按病因,可分为二型:疲劳骨折(fatigue fracture)和衰竭骨折(insufficiency fracture). 前者是由于肌肉的反复异常应力或扭曲力作用于弹性抵抗力正常的骨骼所致,单一外力不引起骨折. 后者为正常或生理性肌肉活动作用于矿物质减少或弹性抵抗力减弱的骨骼所致.


一 由于过度使用(overuse)引起的肌肉劳损、疲劳的疼痛. 常见于过量运动或者常年不运动的人爬山后引起的股四头肌或腘绳肌疼痛. 休息、外用药、理疗有效. 二 软骨下骨小梁的微骨折(microfracture)导致的骨挫伤(bone bruise).

tiresomely:累人地; 令人厌倦地 (副)

tiresome 无聊的, 烦人的 (形) | tiresomely 累人地; 令人厌倦地 (副) | tiring 引起疲劳的, 累人的 (形)

tiring:引起疲劳的, 累人的

tiring 引起疲劳的;累人的 | educational 教育的;有教育意义的 | peaceful 平静的;宁静的;和平的

Muscle tonus:肌紧张

腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,也叫位相性牵张反射如膝反射 肌紧张(muscle tonus) 是指缓慢持续牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,表现为受牵拉的肌肉发生轻度,持续,交替和不易疲劳的紧张性收缩,致使 肌肉经常处于收缩状态,

