英语人>词典>汉英 : 引体向上 的英文翻译,例句
引体向上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chint  ·  chinning

更多网络例句与引体向上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In China,other Chinese people always call them neuropath ,when other Chinese people see them ,other Chinese people just break out:Be gone!.


Short pull-up can not very laborious to do under 15, experienced that ...


Push-ups, pull-up can be, but not an ordinary child can do, it is necessary to go slowly.


I like both pull-up and chin-up.


There are two forms of techniques in the techniques of pull-up/ chinning.

前言 引体向上有两种技术形式:一种为静止发力向上拉起,另一种为摆动发力向上拉起。

Do challenges, like races or pushup or pullup challenges.


Events examined are mostly selected from such events as standing long jump, 1,000-meter run, 800-meter run, 50-meter run, shot-put, sit-up, rope skipping (1 minute), pull-up and basketball.

考试项目大多从立定跳远、1000 m跑、800 m跑、50 m跑、掷实心球、仰卧起坐、跳绳(1 min)、引体向上、篮球等项中选择。

Events exam-ined are mostly selected from such events as standing long jump, 1,000-meter run, 800-meter run, 50-meter run, shot-put, sit-up, rope skipping (1 minute), pull-up and basketball.

考试项目大多从立定跳远、1 000 m跑、800 m跑、50 m跑、掷实心球、仰卧起坐、跳绳(1 min)、引体向上、篮球等项中选择。

The test items included body weight, cirumference, standing long jump, chin up, 100 m dash and 3 000 m jogging, all were evaluated acc...

新兵组引体向上、10 0 m跑和 30 0 0 m跑诸项目显著低于国家军用标准(P 。0 1),且在引体向上和 30 0 0 m跑 2项目上显著低于老兵组(P 。0 5或 P 。0 1)。。。。

The act or an instance of chinning oneself, practiced especially as a fitness exercise.


更多网络解释与引体向上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


再做五个引体向上,就可以得到一个精美的钥匙挂, 在超市里一个大约要卖4美元,但这里发 ......北美洲(North America): 美国阿拉巴马州:大中 小小 美国阿拉巴马州(AL Alabama) 城市 经度 纬度

be wary of oneselves:提防

sit-up仰卧起坐 | pull-up引体向上 | be wary of oneselves,提防


例如,进行引体向上(chin-up)动作时,当二头肌(biceps)产生张力(收缩)并缩短,把身体向上提升时,就是正在进行向心收缩. 反过来说,在引体向上的下降阶段,肌动蛋白微丝向外滑行,使到肌节在受控制的情况下延长并回复至原来的长度时,

Chin up:引体向上

chin-deep 深及颚的 | chin-up 引体向上 | chin-wag 闲谈

chinny:下颚突出的, 爱说话的

chinning | 引体向上 | chinny | 下颚突出的, 爱说话的 | Chino- | 表示"中国"之义

Bend-knee dead lift:屈膝硬拉

窄握引体向上:Narrow grip chin-ups | 屈膝硬拉:Bend-knee dead lift | 俯身弯起:Good morning


引体向上 chinning | 换足花式 choatew figure | 锁喉 choke hold

Chins Up:窄卧引体向上

宽卧引体向上 Pulls Up | 窄卧引体向上 Chins Up | 屈腿硬拉 Dead lifts

pull-ups ; chins:引体向上

俯卧撑 push-ups | 引体向上 pull-ups ; chins | 双杠推起 parallel bar dips

Pulls Up:宽卧引体向上

单臂哑铃划船 Single D.B. Row | 宽卧引体向上 Pulls Up | 窄卧引体向上 Chins Up