英语人>词典>汉英 : 建制 的英文翻译,例句
建制 的英文翻译、例句


organizational system
更多网络例句与建制相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a social institution, academic science has existed for more than one century.


One is the superintendence in governance structure, the other is in the operating. We hope they can cooperate to realize the best affectivity. But this is not the case. Problems have been existi...


The earliest xianzhu system is the enterprise, and then again LinChuan jianchang armorica.


Monetary policy target through using its economic data of different periods in the history, the paper further proves that Feds monetary policy target is effective in curbing inflation, avoiding deflation arising from monetary policy, and facilitating the economic growth.


On the basis of the study of 3 typical patterns were carried on china government investment projects, this article concludes the desirable experiences and problems lie in the practice, and puts forward the practicable models and development direction of government investment project agent model at present.


The prequalification of bidders,evaluating methods and contract clause of the fiduciary duty institution bidding for highway project are discussed.


Agent construction system is at the threshold of research.


Under the statization of science, developing of polymer science in China was actually an incomplete institutionalizing process with evident defects.


The author of this article has the experience in development projects management and leams from domestic existing research results of construction-agent system.In this particular environment of constructions in new district,author research on the sign of construction contract,the choice of construction-agent,the scope of construction-agent,the organization of construction-agent,as well as the costs of construction-agent and management risks of construction-agent system that from the perspective of construction-agent.


In the meantime, we can see, from the heroes in the anti-Utopia novels, that the ideas and spirits of Utopia can never be turned into actual social systems. Once spirits of Utopia became actual Utopia social systems, they would be completely driven to the opposite side.


更多网络解释与建制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a grain of sand:一粒沙

他的作品编成了一部书,书名是>(A Grain of Sand),已经由旅行者出版社(Voyageur Press)出版. 赫布里底群岛位于苏格兰沿海,呈弧形,分内、外赫布里底两个群岛,中间相隔北明奇和小明奇海峡,外赫布里底群岛设建制为西部群岛议会区,

barbed wire:铁丝网

碉堡(Bunker)、铁丝网(Barbed Wire)、壕沟(Trench)以及后面炮击篇提到的TRP也可以在布置阶段任你放置. 有人抱怨CMBB/CMAK部队数目太多,这里我建议按部队建制配置,先将一个排指分配到一个目标地点,然后将其下属部队配置到排指的附近.

feudal system:封建制

feudal institution 封建设施 | feudal system 封建制 | feudalism 封建主义

feudality:封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名)

feudalistic 封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形) | feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名) | feudally 如封建地 (副)

forces in being:现有部队;建制部队

forced; forcible;强迫;被迫; ; | forces in being;现有部队;建制部队; ; | forcible entry; forced entry; forceful entry;强行进入; ;

Institutionalization of Science:科学建制化

Institutionalization 制度化1194 | Institutionalization of Science 科学建制化505 | Instruction Information Theory 教学信息论408



socialist system:政法学说政策

政法改造social transformation | 政法学说政策socialist system | 经济建制变革和政体建制变革reforms in the economic and political structure


"封建制"是一种从"部落主义"(tribalism)演化出来的职责不分、组织松散、以封君个人为中心的一种原始性的部落制度. 而"中央集权文官制"则是具有严密组织、职责分明、效率卓越、法则灿然的高级文明中的政治制度. 它和落伍、原始的封建制是不可同日而语的.


这还不打紧,耶稣本来"最关心的是妓女、罪犯、穷民和病者这些罪人(sinners)和社会异类(social deviants),但葛幅临布道会的主办单位却无时无刻不在提醒你,这是建制的一部分、它与建制的友好关系,以及它对主流社会价值的拥抱.