英语人>词典>汉英 : 度量形式 的英文翻译,例句
度量形式 的英文翻译、例句


metric form
更多网络例句与度量形式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The surface representation in discrete form and its differential computation are important issues in computer graphics and geometric design.


It solves the problem that the unitary contour presentation can not correctly extract face contour in a face image which suffers from scale, rotation etc. The definition of the internal and external energy function is provided. At the same time, the global matching algorithm and local matching algorithm is given. The experiment shows that this presentation and the accompanying matching algorithm can be used to extract the face contour very well. So the image segmentation can be implemented by using it.②By analyzing the recognition principle of PCA method, we can conclude that the face images coming from different surrounding consist of different face image space. This is the essential reason that makes the generality of PCA method worse. Also, we give a measurement means to measure the distance from different face image space, so we can analyze face image space more conveniently.③We also construct various scale models and rotation pose models to detect the scale and rotating angle of face image to be recognized. The experiment results show that the detecting precision is very high. So it is good for face image feature extraction and face image representation.④Similarly, we construct local feature models of face image and utilize them to detect the local feature of face image. At the same time, we put forward a novel face image local feature detection algorithm, locating step by step. The experiment results show that this method can accurately detect the location of local face feature in a image.⑤A novel face image presentation model, dual attribute graph , is put forward. Firstly, it utilizes attribute graph to present the face image, then exact the local principal component coefficient and Gabor transform coefficient of thc pixels which corresponds to the nodes of the graph as the attribute of the nodes. This representation fully makes use of the statistical characteristic of the local face feature and utilizes Gabor transform to present the topographical structure of face image. So DAG has more general property.⑥Based on the DAG presentation, we give a DAG matching function and matching algorithm. During the design of the function and algorithm, the noise factor, e. g., lighting, scale and rotation pose are considered and tried to be eliminated. So the algorithm can give more general property.⑦A general face image recognition system is implemented. The experiment show the system can get better recognition performance under the noise surrounding of lighting, scale and rotation pose.


Then, the first and second fundamental forms, Gaussian curvature and mean curvature of the surfaces are directly calculated according to the principles of differential geometry.


A new metric form is chosen to study the Weingarten translation surfaces which are translating in the two null directions in a pseudo orthogonal frame.


Metric form.


Let x: M→S(superscript n+1)(n≥3) be a hypersurface in the (n+1)-dimensional unit sphere without umbilic points. Denote the Mbius metric, the Mbius form, the Blaschke form and the Mbius second fundamental form of x by G,Ф, A and B, repcectively, which are Mbius invariants in Mbius differential geometry.

设x: M→S(上标 n+1)(n≥3)是n+1-维单位球中的无脐点超曲面,Mbius不变量G,Ф,A和B分别表示x的Mbius度量,Mbius形式,Blaschke形式和Mbius第二基本形式。

By applying these two tools,we mainly discuss the problems as follows:1 Perturbation identities for the generalized polar decomposition:By applying singular value decomposition, we study the perturbation bounds of the generalized polar decomposition under unitary invariant norms when A is perturbed by addition or multiplication,respectively and give our bounds in identities.2 A class of new unitary invariant metrics: This paper generalized a class of new unitarily invariant metrics and give the upper-bounds and lower-bounds by C-S decomposition.

利用这两个强有力的工具,本文主要讨论了如下问题:1 矩阵广义极分解的扰动等式:利用奇异值分解,本文分别讨论了加法扰动和乘法扰动下矩阵广义极分解在任意酉不变范数下的扰动界,并首次以恒等式的形式给出了酉极因子和半正定因子的扰动界。2 一类新的酉不变度量:本文推广了文[22] 中的结论,定义了一类新的酉不变度量。

The projective geometry is geometry of non-measured form.


The research showed that the non- quadratic form distance metrics perform as well as the quadratic form metrics.


The fifth chapter argues that differences exist among the gradability of different types of reduplicatively descriptive adjectives, even among the same reduplicative forms.


更多网络解释与度量形式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consumer Price Index:消费者价格指数

消费者价格指数(CPI) 消费者价格指数(Consumer Price Index),是对一个固定的消费品篮子价格的衡量,主要反映消费者支付商品和劳务的价格变化情况,也是一种度量通货膨胀水平的工具,以百分比变化为表达形式.

metric connection:度量联络

metric coefficient 度量系数 | metric connection 度量联络 | metric form 度量形式

metric form:度量形式

metric connection 度量联络 | metric form 度量形式 | metric normal form of quadratic form 二次形式的度量标准形式

metric normal form of quadratic form:二次形式的度量标准形式

metric form 度量形式 | metric normal form of quadratic form 二次形式的度量标准形式 | metric space 度量空间




另有大量选自国外著名刊物注解(Comment)和引文(Quote),对理解词条有很大的帮助. 语法注解(Note)则告诉读者该词有无复数、特殊的复数拼法或动词的不同变化形式等. 本书的附录则给出了数字的用法、ASCII和EBCDIC代码、国际标准度量单位和其他一些有用的信息.

Powers,Root,Reciprocals and Surds:幂,根,倒数和不尽根数

Units of Measurement 度量单位 | Powers,Root,Reciprocals and Surds 幂,根,倒数和不尽根数 | Standard Form 标准形式