英语人>词典>汉英 : 废品处理 的英文翻译,例句
废品处理 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与废品处理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A child slave on Tatooine, Anakin and his mother Shmi were sold by their owner, Gardulla the Hutt, to the unscrupulous Toydarian junk dealer Watto.


Working along these lines of appropriation and reapplication, Chen Hangfeng has over some months collected various objects out of garbage collection and redistribution centers around Shanghai.


Reverse logistics system is used to reacquire the scrap value of the thing or a valid handle a variety of recovery and disposal of waste products, helps to reduce household electric appliances product environmental pollution, improve household production enterprise social image.


The traditional LAMP type illumination machine selects the high-pressured mercury vapor lamp illumination method, in the light bulb includes the massive mercury, waste product processing troublesome, moreover can pollute the environment seriously.


It can include procurement , manufacture , distribution and waste disposal , together with associated transport , storage and information technology .


Coordinate and deal with all related issues between Timken and Supplier, include sending reject parts back to suppliers, scrap and overdue orders.


So does radioactive effluent, whether from Sellafield, a nuclear reprocessing plant on the west coast of England, or the scrapyards of Russia: between 1958 and 1992, the Arctic Ocean was used by the Soviet Union, or its Russian successor, as the resting-place for 18 unwanted nuclear reactors, several still containing their nuclear fuel.


更多网络解释与废品处理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pogo Producing:伯购制造

Compal Electronics /仁宝电脑 | Pogo Producing /伯购制造 | Republic Services /共和废品处理

spoil disposal:废渣处理

spoil area 废料场,废渣场 | spoil disposal 废渣处理 | spoilage and defective work losses 废品损失

waste away:慢慢融化掉;逐渐减少

wary of 谨防的;小心翼翼的 | waste away 慢慢融化掉;逐渐减少 | waste disposal 处理废品

rag-and-bone man:废品收购者

废料留量 scrap allowance | 废品收购者 rag-and-bone man | 废物处理装置 waste disposal unit,wastedisposer