英语人>词典>汉英 : 底特律 的英文翻译,例句
底特律 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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We all need to help Detroit," he told The Detroit News."


His biggest coup was George Kell, who had made the Hall of Fame playing baseball for the Detroit Tigers and was still the radio announcer for the Tiger games.


A snowscape in Detroit.

美国, 底特律底特律的雪景。

Detroit lies beside us now, an immense suffusion of light, sound of machine and people.


I chose to go to Duke University in North Carolina and she went to Villanova University in Philadelphia, which were about 6 hours from each other by car.


Borat-inspired: Changfeng in Detroit - Chinese vehicle manufacturers have been thin on the ground in Detroit this week.


From the Motown sound that dominated the popular music of the 60's to the gospel artistry of Aretha Franklin and on through the "Detroit sound" of such rockers as Mitch Ryder, Bob Sager and MC5, the music of the city has always come from its blue-collar guts' an unfiltered authentic expression of life's realities.


When I was 13 years old and in seventh grade, I went to a new school, Detroit Country Day School, in Birmingham, MI, just outside of Detroit.


When I was 13 years old and in seventh grade, I went to a new school, Detroit Country Day School, in Birmingham, MI, just outside of Detroit.


Bohnert, BA, and Naomi Breslau, Ph.D., of Michigan State University, examined the long-term association between low-birth-weight and psychiatric problems among 413 children from a socially disadvantaged community in Detroit and 410 children from a middle-class Detroit suburb.


更多网络解释与底特律相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amir Johnson:底特律活塞

55 西雅图超音速 Lawrence Roberts | 56 底特律活塞 Amir Johnson | 57 菲尼克斯太阳 Marcin Gortat

Butler,Rasual:休斯顿火箭(通过多伦多从底特律交换) 拉萨尔.巴特勒

52 明尼苏达森林狼 马库斯.泰勒 Taylor, Marcus | 53 休斯顿火箭(通过多伦多从底特律交换) 拉萨尔.巴特勒 Butler, Rasual | 54 新泽西网 特玛拉.斯利 Slay, Tamar

De Soto Division Press Shop of Chrysler Corporation:(底特律

Tractor Plant(史達林格勒/1930) | De Soto Division Press Shop of Chrysler Corporation(底特律/1936) | Glenn L. Martin Company(巴爾得摩港市/1937)

Deanna Nolan Detroit Shock:荻安娜.诺兰(底特律震动)

Best WNBA Player(最佳WNBA球员) | Deanna Nolan Detroit Shock 荻安娜.诺兰(底特律震动) | Candace Parker Los Angeles Sparks 肯黛丝.帕克(洛杉矶火花)


实际上,"底特律"(Detroit)源于法语,是"溪流之地"的意思. 它并不是一个城市的名字,而代表了一个城市群. 这个城市群包括Wayne County(Wayne State University的名字就源于此),Oakland County,Troy County等等.


她在八岁时也加入了当地教会中的唱诗班,"我到那时才知道,上帝给了我一个极为特殊的天赋. "Donna回忆道. "问题只在于要如何以最好的方式运用它. "1944年3 月26日出生于美 国底特律(Detroit)的一个黑人家庭.

Detroit Rock:底特律摇滚 )

底特律摇滚(Detroit Rock) 在60年代后期到70年代早期这段时间,底特律摇滚并不仅是在底特律内流行,它是在70年代仅崛起的对主流重金属其主要冲击力量的风格,......定义疯克金属(Funk Metal) 疯克金属从重金属中赚取了重型的吉他音色和riff,


Detroit 底特律 | Detroiter 底特律人 | detrude 推倒


(法新社底特律4日电) 底特律老虎(Tigers)与明尼苏达双城(Twins)今天分别在美国职棒大联盟MLB最后一场例行赛获胜,战绩打平,因此必须加赛,决定季后赛最后一张门票谁属.

Ford River Rouge Plant:(底特律

Ford Motor Co.,Highland Park(密西根/1909) | Ford River Rouge Plant(底特律/1917) | Burroughs Adding Machine Co.(底特律/ 1919)