英语人>词典>汉英 : 应遵守... 的英文翻译,例句
应遵守... 的英文翻译、例句


be liable to
更多网络例句与应遵守...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air-conditioning units must obey not only the first law but the second law as well.


We therefore regard it as suitable and salutary that, in the election of the said pontiff, in order that the faithful may look upon him as a mirror of purity and honesty, all stain and every trace of simony shall be absent, that men shall be raised up for this burdensome office who, having embarked in the appropriate manner and order in a due, right and canonical way, may undertake the steering of the barque of Peter and may be, once established in so lofty a dignity, a support for right and good people and a terror for evil people; that by their example, the rest of the faithful may receive instruction on good behaviour and be directed in the way of salvation, that the things which have been determined and established by us for this, in accordance with the magnitude and seriousness of the case, may be approved and renewed by the sacred general council; and that the things so approved and renewed may be communicated, so that the more frequently they are upheld by the said authority, the more strongly they shall endure and the more resolutely they shall be observed and defended against the manifold attacks of the devil.


If stering is provided by articulation: 1, it shall comply with item 1 in all operating situations, and shall not cause unstable displacement or trapping of the operator

操作应在以下的明确度下进行:1 应遵守所有的操作规程,并避免不稳定的换人或操作者被困,无法摆脱机器或机器失控

If you make a promise to keep it, you should not break a promise.


Article proposal, hit the norm that the mobile phone should observe to include: When calling, enquire whether the other side facilitates right now first receive listen; Do not use malapropos ring, incoming telegram ring should as far as possible not seductive, the mobile phone should be shut in hospital, cinema and dining-room or move Cheng Jingyin condition; Like when attend a meeting or attending social activity, must receive hear a telephone call, avoid to be received below the eyes of the public are fixed on sth listen, and the person that should leave room occasional temporarily is far from a crowd, reduce sound to move.


In our desire that these canons be faithfully observed, since it is right for us to be interested in what concerns the christian state, we place a strict obligation on the said patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops, in order that they may be able to render to God a worthy account of the office entrusted to them, that they order the canons, councils and synods to be observed inviolably, notwithstanding any privilege whatsoever.

在我们的愿望,这些准则得到切实遵守,因为它是正确的,我们有兴趣关心的基督教国家,我们严格的义务表示始祖,灵长类动物,大主教和主教,以便使他们能够使上帝值得帐户厅委托给他们,他们命令炮,理事会和主教会议应遵守inviolably ,尽管有任何特权的。

And when there shall be a controversy, they shall stand in my judgments, and shall judge: they shall keep my laws, and my ordinances in all my solemnities, and sanctify my sabbaths.


Specifically, the subcontractor shall comply with the provisions of the contract, all owner rules and regulations, DOSH, and the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994, as amended, and all related requirements.


B for their personal, property damage and liability will be borne by the economic self-B; 6.B in the service process, the government should abide by the state's environmental laws and regulations.prevent and reduce service to the process of environmental pollution; 7, B car buyer should ensure that the number Exceptionally,B should promptly notify the buyer, the two sides resolved, in accordance with the obligation of the two parties request the deployment of B vehicles.ensure the successful completion of tasks; 9.B subordinated obligation of the two parties will change in accordance with the needs of midnight make off line or location (under the premise of not violating the traffic law).obey buyer; 10, the leasing period, while B causes vehicles encountered administrative punishment.Punishment from B commitments; 11, the leasing period,B or B reasons for the failure of transport provided at B should be restored within half an hour, could not be saved.contractual ties with timely passenger vehicles grades, from B to bear the additional costs.

乙方自身的人身、财产损害及应承担的经济赔偿责任概由乙方自行负责; 6、乙方在服务过程中,应遵守国家环境方面的相关法律法规,避免和减少服务过程中对环境的污染; 7、乙方应保证甲方用车数量,如遇特殊情况,乙方应及时通知甲方,双方协商解决,乙方有义务根据甲方要求另行调派车辆,保证任务顺利完成; 9、乙方有义务服从甲方根据工作需要零时性改变行驶线路或上下客地点(在不违反交通法的前提下),服从甲方安排; 10、租用期间,因乙方原因导致车辆在途中遇行政处罚的,处罚费用由乙方承担; 11、租用期间,因乙方的原因或乙方提供的交通工具出现故障时乙方应在半小时内修复,不能修复的,及时联系合同约定同档次车辆转客,产生的额外费用由乙方承担。

Sliding mode, in addition to construction shall comply with this order, we must also comply with the "technical specifications slipform" GB50113 - 2005 and the professional security technology provides a point of order.

滑模工程施工中除应遵守本规程外,还应遵守《滑动模板施工技术规范》 GB50113 - 2005和有关专业安全技术规程的规定。

更多网络解释与应遵守...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everyone must abide by the law:所有的人都应遵守法律

Most people abhor cruelty to children.大多数人痛恨虐待儿童. > | Everyone must abide by the law.所有的人都应遵守法律. > | She can't abide that man.她不能忍受那个人.


这句话是说,凡事都应考虑"三个C":遵守(compliance)各种规则. 包括一切成文法律、道德原则、社会习俗、公司政策,以及一般公认的公平原则;对社会的贡献(contribution). 包括提供有价值的产品与服务、工作机会,以及可为社会带来繁荣与兴盛;

contiguous zone:毗连区

各国采用直线基线法应遵守如下规则:毗连区(contiguous zone)是毗连领海并在领海之外,由沿海国对海关、财政、移民和卫生等特定事项行使管制权的一带海域.


以"定制"(custom)或"专用"(customized)为名义的器械并不意味着可以被豁免GMP. 合同式制造商(contract manufacturer)和技术说明(Specification)制定者应遵守与他们履行职能相关的质量体系规章的部分.


改善生活方式应遵守的"种子"(S-E-E-D)法则[ 6 ], 即1)睡眠(Sleep)法则:合理睡眠、午间小憩; 2) 情绪(Emotion)法则:情绪稳定、心态平和; 3)运动( Exercise)法则:有氧运动、动静结合; 4)饮食( Diet)法则:科学饮食、营养均衡(包括


英语中"礼仪"(etiquette)是由法语演变而来的. 法语原意是指法庭上的"通行证",用来发给进入法庭的每一个人,上面写有进入法庭时应遵守的事项,作为人庭后的行为准则. 后来,各种其他场合也都制定了相应的行为规则,这些规则由繁而简,

Governing Body:理事会

这些标准包括:对于核心劳动标准,国际劳工组织(ILO)称之为"基本劳工公约"(Fundamental ILO Conventions),是指已经被国际劳工组织理事会(Governing Body)确认的,不论成员国经济发展水平状况如何,为保护工作中的人权而应遵守的八项最基本的国际劳工公约.

labour laws:劳动法规

在FIDIC99版新红皮书第6.4款--劳动法规(Labour Laws)明确指出"承包商应遵守与承包商的人员相关的一切劳动法规,包括对他们的雇用、健康、安全、福利、出入境,并让他们享有一切法定权利;承包商应要求其雇员遵守一切适用法规,包括安全法规.

reprehensible act:应受谴责的行为

rash act 贸然行动,轻率的行动 | reprehensible act 应受谴责的行为 | ritualistic act 遵守仪式的行为

ritualistic act:遵守仪式的行为

reprehensible act 应受谴责的行为 | ritualistic act 遵守仪式的行为 | ruthless act 冷酷的行为